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Chapter Nine: Dwindling Resistance

Jackson is confused and speechless as he sits half-naked on his bed with only his shirt on. He has his back to the headboard and watches wide-eyed as Paige sits on her knees between his parted legs. She holds him by the cock and strokes him as she slurps his wet, saliva-sloppy crown. Kendall is there watching at his side, and Paige stares him in the eyes and looks like Kendall as she slobbers on him.

Both are excited and affectionate with him. Paige’s plump lips are stretched thin around him, and he feels and sees her pink tongue peeking out and dancing along his glans. Moving her mouth, she moves sideways down his shaft while staring at him, and Kendall moves to gather her mother’s thick, auburn hair and hold it out of her face as the older woman lowers herself to suckle Jackson’s heavy, churning ball sack.

Kendall looks proud. She has her pants off, too, and was rubbing herself beside Jackson before she joined her mother to help her. Jackson cannot tell if she is proud to share him because of his size or if she is proud of how well her mother sucks him. Either way, she seems to enjoy having them together, and Jackson has come to realize that there is no way that he can enjoy Paige that Kendall will not approve of.

He and Kendall make eye contact, and she grins at him. “How is it, baby? It her mouth as good as it was last time?”

Jackson twitches but does not speak. Paige is as good as she was last time if not better, and he is too dizzy for words. On the bed, he gets a good angle of her big, round bottom sticking up into the air like a sweet fruit, but he can hardly look at it because he is enthralled by her unyielding, hungry eyes. She slurps the area between his thigh and his crotch and mewls at the concentrated flavor there, and Jackson’s head at the candid, teasing pleasure.

Kendall laughs. “You hear that, mom? Your mouth has left this sweet man speechless!”

Paige purrs with one of Jackson’s testicles in her mouth and scrubs the hair on them vigorously with her tongue. “Mm! Mmhmm,” she purrs, and she reluctantly pries her lips from his balls and licks her way back up his shaft. At his crown, she dances her tongue along his shaft as she strokes him and says, “Good because he deserves it.”

Jackson moves and forces her back onto his dick. He chokes Paige with his dick as he forces her down, and Kendall realizes her mother’s hair and moves back up the bed to shower Jackson with light, delicate kisses while he suffocates her mother with his cock. Paige, meanwhile, gurgles around him with foamy saliva forming around her lips and her heavy breasts at rest against his thighs as she delights in his forceful use of her throat.

“There’s a good man,” whispers Kendall between kisses. “Use her. Use my mother’s throat like you use mine. We’re both your sluts now, Jackson. We’re just hot, horny sluts. Thoughtless cum buckets for you to come into.” Kendall punctuates the statement by licking her earlobe and adding her hand to his shaft. She strokes him up into her mother’s horny mouth and whispers, “Sweet man, stretching my mother’s throat. You’re teaching her and pleasing her. You’re using her. She’s yours now. Break her, Jackson. Make her forget everyone before you with your big, thick cock.”

Jackson seizes to keep from fucking up into Paige’s hungry mouth and gasps. “Oh, God!”

Paige feels him thickening and purrs around him while Kendall laughs and strokes him faster. “Oh! Do you feel that, mom? He’s getting close!” Paige hums her understanding, and Kendall leans closer and presses her breasts against Jackson’s shoulder as she whispers to him. “Go ahead and do it, baby. Come in her. Seed her belly. Use her like a toilet for your sperm. That’s all she is to you now. That’s all either of us are for you, Jackson. Women like use are shameless, thoughtless sluts desperate for your jizz.”

Kendall spares Jackson’s dick a glance and chuckles. “It’s going to be a big one, mom,” she says, and Paige purrs just before Jackson fires. He hoses her throat with hot seed and keeps spraying as she chokes on him. Kendall keeps stroking, too, drowning her mother with semen while Jackson struggles to free himself from Paige’s grasping, hungry throat. Once he removes her, he leaves the rest of his cum across her face while she pants, gasps and kisses him. Kendall kisses him, too, and whispers his praises.

“Good boy, Jackson! You gave it to her! You gave her all of your cum! You’re being so good to you, so sweet to her! You’re being so good and kind to both of us!” She strokes him through his orgasm and squeals, “Wow! So much!!” As Jackson finishes, Paige takes to tickling his urethra with her tongue, and Kendall uses Jackson’s half-limp dick to smack her mother across the face. Paige responds with a smile, and Jackson lays gasping in their grasp.

“Good, good boy,” whispers Kendall, and she kisses him before sliding from the bed. “Come on, mom. You’re a real mess. Let me help you clean up.”

Paige nods and kisses Jackson’s balls one more time before she takes her daughter’s hand and allows herself to be guided from the bed. They walk together to the bathroom, where Kendall starts the water for her. “Thank you, sweetie,” says Paige, and she rinses her face while Kendall watches. Once rinsed, Paige strips her panties and steps into a warm shower. Kendall stays and watches Jackson’s fresh semen slide from her mother in sticky ribbons.

Watching her mother bathe and smelling Jackson on the steam that swallows them both pulls it all into focus for Kendall. So far, she has seen her mother only in moments of passion. She has seen her mother worshipping Jackson with her mouth twice now, but it is seeing her shower that makes her truly understand the reality of what is happening to them both. Within the space of a week, Jackson has freed them both from James and made her mother into his slut, and she has supported him the entire time.

A part of Kendall that is sober recognized the insanity of this moment and the impossibility of it, too, but the reality of it leaves her moist. She smiles to herself at the absurdity of it, and she is still smiling as her mother leaves the shower with a gleaming, dripping pale body. Kendall provides her a towel and watches as Paige dries herself and dresses again. The two of them have never been close like this, and Kendall takes a strange sort of comfort in seeing the way her mother’s supple body jiggles and sways.


Paige is still topless but is wearing her panties as she dries her hair. She knots her towel around her head and reaches back to tug her panties out of her wet crack as she looks at Kendall. “What’s up?”

“When James was with you…” Kendall chews her bottom lip. “Was he…like Jackson?”

“No,” says Paige quickly, and then she laughs. She stands with her hands on her wide, womanly hips and is brazen and unashamed of her beauty. Kendall envies her for her confidence and her body. “Well, yes and no,” she amends, and she stares wistfully into the distance. “James was big at first, and he felt great, but I think Jackson is better. The only thing James ever had going for him was how bold he was.” Paige looks at Kendall and laughs, and she says, “He took me and made me into his bitch. With Jackson, it’s like I’m having to make him into my master.”

Kendall giggles and nods. “I know the feeling,” she says, and Paige fusses with her hair again and shrugs.

“Honestly, I kind of like it better, but why did you ask?”

Kendall blushes and looks away. Her mother is watching her, and it reminds her of the scrutiny she faced when she was pregnant for the first time. The two of them have never been close and this is the nearest thing to intimacy that they have ever had. Somehow, watching Paige blow Jackson feels less vulnerable to her than this conversation does.

“Well, when James first showed up, I was scared of him but I was also horny. The way he looked at me like he owned me made me want him, and I hated how much it turned me on. Then, Jackson ran him off, and I started feeling the same way about him. Now, I feel like Jackson owns me.”

Kendall sighs wistfully as she thinks of Jackson and says, “Sometimes, I can get him to call me his slut, but after he comes, he goes back to normal. He’s…not like James. He has a big dick now, and he fucks me so hard, but he doesn’t want to own me. James did, though. I could see it in his eyes.” Paige nods as Kendall speaks, confirming what she hoped and feared, and Kendall looks at her again. “So, James never hesitated?”

“No, never,” says Paige, and she gives a quiet laugh afterward as she wrestles her heavy breasts back into her bra. She fastens the bra and then adjusts her flesh inside of the cups. “But that was his one and only redeeming trait. Jackson is better. He’s a better fuck, and he’s a better man. Just think, after everything he did to protect us, and he proved that James was never worth the time either of us wasted on him.”

Kendall smiles proudly and says, “I guess that’s true.”

“As for the ownership, I think we just need to teach him what that means.” Paige smiles and says, “And I have an idea of how. You come see me tomorrow morning, and I’ll show you exactly what you need to do.”

Kendall can see the scheme in her mother’s eyes and blushes at the very thought of what it might be. “Alright,” she says. “I’ll be there.”

The Next Morning…

True to her word, Kendall foregoes her own selfish pleasure in the morning and leaves Jackson hard to go visit her mother early. Paige takes Kendall out for breakfast, and they eat and talk together for the first time in years. After eating, they return to Paige’s home, and Paige takes Kendall to her bedroom in the basement. The room is a mess and still smells strongly of James’ stale stench, but she can smell Jackson there, too, and it makes her smile.

Kendall waits while Paige goes to her nightstand, and she looks at the clothes on the ground as Paige searches. When Paige stands and turns, she has a large dildo in her hand. She shows it to Kendall, who blushes when she sees it, and says, “This is what we will use to show Jackson how dedicated you are to being his slut.”

“That,” asks Kendall, and she compares it to Jackson. It is much smaller than her fiancé, but her mother produces two more dildos from inside of her drawer. Those are larger, but they are still smaller than Jackson. Arranged in a row, they go from gradually shorter and thicker to quite thick and large. Kendall’s head spins as she stares at the dildos laid out on her mother’s messy bed. Paige smiles at her, and Kendall asks, “And what do we do with them?”

Paige picks up each dildo and looks at them, and then she hands the smallest dildo to Kendall. “Let me show you,” she says, and she goes back to the nightstand and pulls a large, partially empty bottle of lubricant from inside. She smiles at the bottle as memories of Jackson’s last visit replay in her head, and then she returns to Kendall, who is standing with a dildo in her open palm and looking confused. Paige laughs. “You’ll need to have your pants off for this.”

Kendall looks down at the dildo in her hands in open confusion and whispers, “…My pants?”

Paige nods. Yes, dear. We won’t be able to put this in your ass if you’re still wearing your pants.

Kendall’s hand tightens into a fist around the dildo as she exclaims, “My ass?!”

Paige laughs. “Don’t look so worried,” she says lightly, and she undoes the lid on the bottle. “It will pinch at first, but then it will be fine. A few days of discomfort, but it will be worth it once your take Jackson’s big dick up there.”

Kendall stares at the dildo in her hands and imagines it in her rear. She has never done anal, and even the smallest dildo seems too large to go in her bottom. Despite that, the thought of having Jackson back there thrills her in a way that she doesn’t fully understand. A small tickle of excitement starts in her loins and grows quickly until it forces the fear out of her. She knows Jackson is large. He might even be too large, but that is what the dildo is for. She needs to be ready for him, and if she is going to be his slut, then she will get ready for him.

She looks at her mother, and she asks, “Will this make Jackson more aggressive with me?”

Paige shrugs. “It’ll let him know how far you’ll go,” she says, and she smiles afterward. “Trust me, Kendall, no man can respect a woman after she takes it up the ass. He’ll have you cooking him supper in the nude within a week.”

Kendall blushes and smiles at the thought. Setting the dildo, she undoes her pants and asks, “Okay, exactly how long do I have to keep that thing up there?”

Later That Day…

Kendall tugged at her pants and panties all day. She was surprised at how easy the dildo went into her, and she was grateful to her mother for the guidance she was given. It wasn’t that the dildo hurt inside of her, but it did feel out of place. Every time she thought about removing it, though, she thought of Jackson taking its place and opening her up, and that gave her the courage and stamina to keep it there.

It made her giddy to think of Jackson claiming that part of her. The more she thought about it, the more necessary it was. Kendall had always liked sex. That was how she got pregnant twice before even entering adulthood, but two years stuck with James’ tiny dick had left her more than disillusioned. It had left her heartbroken. Jackson had been good at sex the first time they had it, but this new dick had elevated him to something more than human.

Kendall worshipped Jackson now, and she trusted him completely with both her future and her pleasure. She just had to get him to understand her devotion to him, and she saw no better way to do that than to give him the most private part of herself. In a way, it felt to her like she had been saving her ass all her life for the right man, and now that she had Jackson, she knew no one else better or more deserving.

That Jackson had also taken claim of her mother only served to reaffirm Kendall’s commitment to him. As her mother said, his reluctance is kindness, while the reluctance should be worked out of him, the kindness should stay. They are loyal to him because he is better than James, and they want him because he deserves their loyalty.

She tugs her shorts again and feels the plug between her meaty cheeks. It isn’t completely clear to her how or why anal will change his mind, but she does know that it is important. Even if he doesn’t end up giving into his urges and using her the way she wants, she can at least satisfy herself in giving him every part of her. Submission is its own reward, and she is glad to submit to him the last virgin part of her body for him to use as he pleases.

Even with her tugging compulsively at her pants, Jackson doesn’t seem to notice anything different about her. Kendall notices Jackson staring at her, though, and becomes keenly aware of how he watches her swinging hips and jiggly bottom. She can see his arousal, too, and notices how he eyes her breasts and her pretty face, and she smiles every time she notices his interest.

At bedtime, Kendall puts the girls down by herself at her own insistence while Jackson rests. Then, she stops by the bathroom to adjust the dildo again. This time, she pulls it out to look at it before she works it back into her, and she bites back a moan as pleasure rides up her spine. She sighs and holds it in there for a moment as she adjusts around it, and then she flexes as she thinks of Jackson in its place.

Once she is as comfortable as she is going to be, Kendall goes back out into the living room and finds Jackson playing a video game. She joins him on the couch and leans into him so she can feel his soft body and smell his natural, pungent aroma as it washes over her. There is nothing about this man she doesn’t love, and she smiles as she watches him with his game before she rests her head on his shoulder and just enjoys him until she notices him frowning.

“Jackson, is something wrong?”

“No.” Jackson pauses his game and looks at her. “Actually, yes. We need to talk.”

He sits back and puts distance between them. Kendall can tell by the look on his face that he is worried about something, and it would make her smile if she didn’t think it would hurt his feelings. Jackson is not someone to simply enjoy good things. He is always worried about something, even when there is nothing for him to worry about. She takes his hand in a show of support and says, “Of course. What is it?”

Jackson looks at her hands and squeezes them back. “It’s…your mom.” He meets her gaze again, and she nearly kisses him. Just looking him in the eyes makes her thoughtlessly horny, but she swallows her arousal so that she can give him the proper attention that he deserves as her partner and as her master. “Listen, I know you’re okay with it, but she keeps trying to have sex with me.”

Jackson’s look of worry turns to guilt when he mentions her mother, and Kendall can see the shame in his eyes. She has to bite her cheek to keep from laughing. It amuses her how much he worries about her happiness when she openly states how happy she is to have him fucking her mother. She lets him have his worries, though, because she appreciates how considerate her is. As her mother mentioned before, he could be abusing her.

“I don’t like it, Kendall. I’m monogamous. I only want you.”

Kendall smiles, but his declaration worries her. He deserves more than one woman. He deserves a whole harem with a dick like his, and she wants to tell him that. The only thing that stays her tongue is a subtle hint of hesitation she notices as he speaks. In her mind, Jackson is a reluctant king refusing his throne, and she sincerely hopes the anal she is preparing herself for will be the awakening he needs to change his mind.

“Jackson,” she whispers, and she slides from the couch. Staring him in the eyes, she kisses his crotch while he speaks. Jackson notices, and his frown deepens. Then, she kisses his crotch again, and he glares.


She licks his crotch and hums. “Hmm?”

“I feel like you’re not listening to me right now.”

“Mm.” Kendall kisses his crotch again and rubs him through his pants. “Well, I feel like you’re very tense right now.” She smiles up at him. “And I feel like I am listening to you, but I also feel like you’re wrong. I want you to fuck mom, and I want you to fuck anyone else you please. In fact, I think you deserve it to have a harem you can fuck and to have me, too.” She kisses his crotch again, and she licks him again, too, as she rubs his thighs with both hands.

“Kendall,” he gasps, and she giggles as she undoes his belt.

“You can have me as your wife, Jackson, and you can have her, too.” Once his pants are open, Kendall lowers his briefs to see his half-erect dick pop out. She takes him in both hands and purrs as she strokes and stares down his length. “Oh, Jackson, baby! A man like you deserves all the happiness in the world. You deserve a whole fucking harem, but for now, you’ll have us.”

Holding him with by the root with both hands, Kendall kisses his crown and then throats him with a smooth, familiar movements. She chokes and gurgles, and frothy saliva gathers and runs down his shaft. When she surfaces again, she strokes him with both hands and smiles as she stares him in the eyes. Her breasts bounce and shake from the force of her movements, and she laughs to see Jackson staring at them.

“Fuck! You deserve it all,” she says. “Besides…” She licks his crown and mewls. “Mm. It makes me happy to know that mom is being taken care of by a man like you, Jackson. She’s had a rough life, and she deserves someone good to take care of her.”

“Kendall,” he gasps, but she shushes him with a finger and a smile.

“Please, Jackson. Master. Let me finish.” Kendall slips her blouse off and lets her heavy breasts free. Lowering herself, she guides his wet cock between her pale, supple cleavage and spits down his shaft as she takes to stroking him. Using precum and saliva as lubricant, she soon has glistening breasts as her flesh glides along his. Jackson groans, and she laughs into his dick between kisses. “The truth is, Jackson, I don’t think either of us will be happy again with you being monogamous. We need you, and at this point you’re doing more good for my family as a master than you might have otherwise. I visited my mother earlier today, and we had the best conversation. Without you, we wouldn’t even be talking.”

Kendall sees Jackson opening his mouth to speak and silences him by sucking and slurping his crown on the upward stroke. She stares him in the eyes and purrs as his flavor fills her mouth. Once he settles, she pops off of him and says, “I know it’s confusing to you, but I’m begging you, Jackson. Keep her, and keep me, too. We don’t want anyone else, and you can have anyone else you want. It won’t hurt either of us to share. I promise you.”

Jackson sits and stares thoughtlessly as she strokes him. Every part of him is numb except for his dick, and the voices that he tries to hard to bury are rising to the surface and helping him to see the reasoning in her words. Kendall is happy like this, and so is her mother. The only person who is unhappy is him, and at this point it is becoming selfish.

He cups her head and, feeling like a king, lifts his hips to slap his balls up against the underside of her breasts as she strokes him. “Fuck,” he sighs, and he gives her a languid, dimpled smile. “You know, your mother did this for me the other day.”

“Did she,” asks Kendall with a smile, and she tightens her grip on him. “And how did you like it?”

Jackson pauses and watches her. Normally, he would pick his words with care, but right now he can hardly think. He is still confused, and he loves and sees Kendall as his equal, but he can also see the delight in her eyes. She wants this as much as her mother does, and he is slowly coming to want it, too. Looking at Kendall, he can see Paige in her, and he can see no reason to treat his future wife any differently than how he has been treating his future mother-in-law.

After some trouble thinking, Jackson finally scoffed. He had precum oozing out of his cock, and Kendall was licking at it desperately just like her mother would. He realized that there was fundamentally no difference between them and almost began resenting Kendall for who and what she was. “I used her tits to get around fucking her. I needed to come, but I wasn’t ready for that yet.”

Kendall drags her pink tongue around his crown and mewls at his flavor. “Mm. Next time, you should fuck her raw and leave her full.”

Jackson laughs. Then, cupping her head, he winds his fingers in her thick brown hair and moves her on his cock. He stops with her mouth hovering over his cockhead and begins fucking her cleavage hard. Her breasts bounce rom the force as his balls slap against her, and she takes him to the edge of her throat with a smile as he finally takes charge of her the way she wants him to.

Jackson sees her delight and grows disappointed and angry with her. In his anger and his disappointment, he begins fucking her even harder as he growls, “You just want me to fuck the whole world, don’t you?!”

“Mmhmm,” Kendall mewls, but she cannot think clearly. She is lightheaded as he chokes her with his dick, and her breasts hurt from the force of his movements. She holds herself tight around him and hums, and Jackson thickens and fires directly into her mouth and across her pretty face.

Both are breathless as he finishes, but Jackson can barely look her in the eyes as she cleans him. Kendall makes a show of it and dances her tongue along his glans, his shaft, and even tickles his urethra. Jackson, meanwhile, sobers after coming. When he finally looks at her, though, he feels somewhat vindicated. This is clearly what she wants, and he is growing tired of trying to convince her otherwise.

He plugs her mouth with his dick and watches her suck him idly. She never stops smiling, and he can see her joy in her eyes. This is what she wants, and if he truly wants to make her happy and keep her happy, then this is what he can give her.

That night, before bed, Kendall shows Jackson her plug. Jackson is confused by it but grows stiff as he examines it. This moment, combined with the hard fucking he gave her throat and tits earlier, convinced him of his own power. Emboldened, he stands and fucks her against the wall while she begs him for it, and he comes inside of her while clutching her breasts and calling her a slut.


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