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Chapter Eight: Cleansing Flood

Everything after the blowjob was a blur for Jackson. He moved through the motions as he and Kendall attended to the girls and put them to bed, but by nighttime, he still had not processed what had happened. Everything with James replayed in his head from the gunshots to the hammering of his heart, and Kendall slept beside him with a smile on her face and her nose practically buried into his armpit.

Her affinity and gratitude flattered and concerned him. She enjoyed his smell in a primal, almost animal way, and that level of mindless, thoughtless dedication frightened and aroused him. He was hard beside her, and the throbbing of his enormous dick was not a distraction from his worries so much as a focal point for them.

Paige’s wet blowjob had been almost has harrowing as his confrontation with James had been, though the fear it conjured in him was very different. James had made him fear for his life, but Paige had made him fear for the life he was trying to build. Kendall had seemed supportive, though, as he drowned her mother in semen. And why not? She was already his slut, so Jackson could not fathom why she would be against him building a whole harem for himself.

It is Jackson that is against it. Paige is beautiful. She is Kendall only more womanly and well-aged. Their hair color and style is different, but the rest of them is the same, only more. He wonders briefly if Paige dyes her hair and then realized that he could find out firsthand if he is only brave enough to ask, and then his dick throbs harder before he pushes the thought away.

He lowers his gaze from the ceiling to the tent he has made in the sheets. He is impossibly hard now, and in the darkness he can almost remember the dream that gave him this gift. Kendall is at rest beside him and breathing him in, and he can feel her hunger and her love. She is a beautiful jewel, and he can have her if he wants. She will do anything for him and give him anything, and he can fuck her while thinking about Paige, but if he does, how would he be any different from James?

Jackson stares at Kendall’s pretty face in the darkness. He stares at her full lips and at her small nose, and he stares at her eyelashes and her freckles. When they first met, she was still with James, and Jackson had decided to be her friend and be more if she wanted it. He had decided to spend his life caring for her and making her happy. She thinks that he saved her, but the truth is that she saved him, and now he degrades her as a slut, and he uses her as a tool for his own pleasure.

He can smell sex on her and in the house. He could smell it on Paige, too, and he could smell it on James when he went to confront him. He knows that James had used Paige like he did later, and he knows that James had meant to use Kendall, too. Now, Jackson has them both. He took them by divine right and by force, which to him are distinct but similar, and though he feels guilty for how he abuses his power, he cannot ignore the intoxicating pulsing of his cock as pleasure calls for him.

Jackson touches Kendall lightly in her sleep. He finds her one of her hands below the blanket and moves it to his dick, and she seizes him on instinct. Breathing him in, she smiles and takes to stroking him, and Jackson gasps as lustful hunger washes over them both.

If Kendall were awake, then she would be licking Jackson’s armpit. She would suck up his sweat and stare him in the eyes as she stroked him. If she were awake, she would provide him any part of her that he wished to have, and she would submit to him completely as his slut and let him unload into her however he wanted and whenever he pleased. It disgusts him to know, but it does not stop him from enjoying her grasping hand. In her sleep, she finds his balls, cups them and mewls.

Even in her sleep, she belongs to him, and Jackson knows it. It is a thought that haunts him in the night. For a week, he has had her without context, but now that he has seen Oliver’s pain and Paige’s pleasure, he better understands the lust that he has forced into her. He imagines Paige and Oliver had lusted for James in the very same way before Jackson had undone him, and he imagines that they will lust for him, too, if he gives them the chance.

His heart beats hard and his dick throbs as he imagines James chasing him with the gun, and then he thickens and throbs with power as he remembers his repeated victories over the bigger man. He thinks smugly of James’ big, fat body and James’ tiny little dick, and he smiles at Kendall’s pretty face as he remembers her as his first victory. She is snuggled to him now, and she is stroking him in her sleep while James sleeps alone in a jail cell.

Jackson reaches into her pants and cups her ass, and he whispers her name to her. “Kendall? Kendall. Wake up.” She murmurs, and Jackson lowers his pants and slides his legs out of them. She holds him by the root again, and he turns and slaps his hard dick against her womanly thigh. Holding ass, he gives it a soft smack before moving his hand up to yank her head back by the hair, and as Kendall rouses, he growls, “I told you to wake up, slut!”

Kendall moans and smiles as her bleary eyes focus on him. “Jackson?” He tugs her hair again, and she squeezes his hard dick. “Mm. W-What do you need?”

Jackson grins at her. It is not the cold smile that James always wore, but it is not his smile, either. In his arousal, he loses himself and regards her as his property and not his partner. “I’m horny,” he tells her, and he lifts the blanket to show her his hard dick. Kendall holds him to her hip and coos as she strokes him.

“I’ll say you are.”

Jack moves his hand and smacks her ass again, and he says, “So, what are you going to do about it?”

Kendall licks her lips and purrs. “Let me show you.”

She lowers herself down his body and buries her face into his pubic hair.  On the way, she plants kisses across his chubby belly and sniffs him. Jackson is fat, but he is cute, too. His weight is soft and safe, and right now the smell of him fills her nostrils with fumes that set her brain and her loins aflame. She kisses his pubic hair and, like her mother the day before, licks it, too.

Jackson holds the blanket above Kendall’s head and watches her. He did not use her the night before and went to bed without blowing a load, so it is no surprise to her that he is waking her now to rectify that mistake. She holds him reverently and nuzzles the underside of his dick before licking him and sucking his balls. They make eye contact, and she smiles with one of his testicles in her mouth.

Kendall purrs around Jackson and then giggles before releasing him with a wet pop. “Do you like this, handsome? Do you like having me down here sucking and slobbering on your huge cock?” She laughs into his rigid shaft while stroking him and licks him with a big, horny smile on her face.

Jackson bites back his words as he thinks to degrade her. He enjoys her worship, and he finds her mouth intoxicating, but he still wants to control himself. He remembers Audrey begging for his cock and considers using her to let off his steam when he isn’t with Kendall or Paige. If he has to make a woman a slut, he would prefer it to be her than his future wife or his future mother-in-law.

Meanwhile, while Jackson is lost in thought, Kendall occupies herself by slurping his crown wetly while stroking his slick shaft. She cups his balls and stares down him with a smile before lowering herself to kiss his chunky thigh and breathe him in again. “Mm. First, you got my mom to blow you, and now you’re having me do it. Oh, Jackson…” She licks her way up his leaking cock and mewls at the flavor of him on her tongue. Suckling him again, she moans, “You’re making us both your sluts, aren’t you?  You’re going to make her your slut, just like you did me, and you’re going to make us forget about anything and everything other than you, aren’t you? Mm!”

Jackson gasps as she sucks him back into her mouth, and he revels in the joy of her mouth and her throat. It is clear to him by Kendall has learned from her mother, and he gathers her hair and holds her in place. He guides her, and he moves her. Watching her, he sees her pretty pink lips stretched around him, and he grins breathlessly as he stares into her probing blue eyes. “Yes. That’s right, Kendall. You’re both my sluts now. You’re both my cock sucking, cum hungry little sluts.”

Kendall tightens her lips and purrs around him, and he can feel her tongue wriggling. He pulls her up, and she teases his crown and glans like her mother had earlier that day. She strokes him into her mouth and closes her eyes to enjoy him, and he moves her back down on him with careless abandon as she gurgles and chokes on him. It is a sloppy blowjob, perhaps her sloppiest yet, and somehow she looks more beautiful to him than she ever has before.

Jackson lifts her hips and forces himself into her throat, and Kendall holds him steady by his cock and savors him. She seems to come from the force of his movements, and Jackson sees her mother in her face as she winces and foams. He sees her feminine brother, too, and remembers how stale he had smelled. James had taken Oliver, too, and Jackson’s balls churn at the thought of taking Oliver as well.

The final thought Jackson has before finishing is the whole family, mother, daughter and son, on their knees and drooling for him as he soaks them with semen. He imagines their tongues out and smiles on their faces as they wear his semen, and he imagines them begging him for more and worshipping him with their bodies like wild animals as he grunts and fires.

Kendall smiles as he comes and latches onto his hips with her hands. She moves on him with rapid, deep strokes and chokes herself on him while he swells. When he comes, he floods her, and she swallows what she can before parting her lips and panting as he finishes across her face. She is unaccustomed to his massive orgasms and is still learning, but she gathers her breath and returns to sucking him and stroking him onto her extending tongue when she can.

Jackson chokes her and paints her in semen, and he throws back the covers afterward to minimize the mess. A fair amount of semen ends up in his own dark pubic hair and across his soft belly. Kendall purrs as she milks him into her mouth, and then she leans forward to carefully lick him clean. “Mm! You come so much,” she purrs. “And you taste so fucking good, Jackson!”

Watching and gasping in breathless pleasure, Jackson sits quiet and basks in his post-orgasm haze. He is not himself. Normally, his climax clears his head, but this time it doesn’t. Lately, he can feel himself slipping further and further from himself every time he gets hard, and it is taking more and more from him to return to afterward. Right now, watching his girlfriend…his fiancé…his slut…slurping hot, fresh cum from his pubic hair leaves him feeling more different than usual.

He thinks about her mother blowing him and remembers the look of animal satisfaction on the older woman’s pretty face, and he thinks of her brother bent over in lingerie and begging to be taken. He thinks of Audrey still waiting to be claimed, and he twitches in Kendall's grasp. Kendall feels it and smiles as she licks her way down to him to his balls and kisses each while she holds him by the root.

Jackson takes her by the hair and yanks her head to one side so that he can stare her in the eyes while she tongues his balls. “I’m going to do it, Kendall. I’m going to fuck your mother.”

Kendall moans and slobbers on him. “Mm. You are? Are you going to seed her, too, Jackson? Are you going to make her your thoughtless, shameless little slut?”

“Yes.” He nods and knots his fist in her hair. It hurts, but Kendall moans around him as she breathes him in. “And your brother, too. I’m going to fuck him into submission, and I’m going to replace James and keep them both happy and well-fucked. I’m going to fuck them both and make them my bitches.”

“Yes,” Kendall hisses, and she imagines Jackson with Oliver and moans. She has his balls in her mouth, and his pubic hair tickling her tongue and all she can think of is him. She slurps off of him and whines, “Do it, Jackson! Takes us! Take all three of us and make us your sluts! Ruin each and every one of us!”

Jackson stares wide-eyed as Kendall sucks his balls, and he can feel her working her way elsewhere. Her desire and her passion sober him, but they also fuel his arousal. He pulls her from his crotch and stares her in the eyes, and though he loves her, he also slaps his fat cock down across her forehead simply because he can. “Are you sure, Kendall? This is your mother and brother we’re talking about here.”

“I know,” Kendall moans, and she kisses his thighs and balls while his fingers loosen in her hair. “And you deserve them, Jackson! Just like you deserve me! You saved all three of us, and you deserve to keep us and use us and make us yours!” Without waiting for response, Kendall slips from Jackson’s grasp and lowers herself to tongue his asshole.

Jackson doesn’t expect it, and he doesn’t react in time to stop her until he feels her tongue tease him. He jumps and twitches as his fat cock swings up and slaps his belly, and then he climbs from the bed with his dick swinging like a pendulum. Kendall rubs herself while watching him, and she smiles as he slowly returns to let her kiss his cock.

“I love you, Jackson!”

Staring at her in frightened arousal, Jackson whispers, “I love you, too.” Then, he leaves her there to rub herself and sobers up while he goes to take a shower.

Later That Day…

Jackson stays home after his orgasm and sets aside time to consider and reconsider his words that morning. He feels guilty for degrading Kendall, and he wishes that he hadn’t promised to do the same to her mother and brother. Kendall, meanwhile, is ecstatic. She waits on Jackson and pampers him, and he swears that she loved him more because of the promises he had made but is unwilling to keep.

What bothers Jackson about Kendall’s submission os that he hasn’t even asked her to serve him. She does it of her own desire. Like submission, Kendall seems to crave servitude and is desperate to ‘reward him for his bravery.’ But he doesn’t feel brave. His confrontation with James was not brave. It was desperate and thoughtless and lucky.

Kendall doesn’t feel that way, though, and she grows more determined to serve with each passing day. It is becoming intuitive for her, and she is at the point where she can almost predict his needs. It is upsetting to him to have someone so attuned to his pleasure that they know his desires before he knows them, but the intoxicating power he holds over her was there, too.

-EL- He was home alone while Kendall had the kids out when her phone began to ring. She had left it at home, and he had found it in the bed. It was her mother calling, and he answered out of a mixed desire to keep her safe and a feeling of ownership over both her and Kendall that permitted him to answer the phone for his fiancé.

“Hello,” he says, but he does not elaborate on who he is. Paige knows immediately, and he can hear a smile in her voice as she answers.

“Jackson? Oh, it’s good to hear your voice!”

“Uh…Yeah…” Jackson feels a stirring inside of him despite himself. Paige can seem to feel it, too, even with the town between them. “Kendall is out with the girls right now. Is there…anything I can do for you?” He had not meant for it to sound like a come on, but he is also convinced that nothing he says can sound like anything other than a come on to her and Kendall.

“Well, yes, actually…” She sounds sad and probing as she speaks, but Jackson can tell that there is something of a performance to it. Even still, he listens politely as she tells him, “I’ve been hearing some strange noises around the house, and if I’m being honest, I’m afraid James has somehow gotten out and is back again. I was hoping you could come by and check the house for me.”

Jackson frowns to himself but feels his loins tightening regardless. He takes a deep breath and holds it with the intent of telling her no, but when he speaks, he says, “Yes, of course, Paige, I’ll be right over.”

“Oh…? Th-Thank you! I’ll see you soon, then.”

“Yes, you will,” he says, and he hangs up before he can change his mind.

Jackson sits still and stares at Kendall’s phone in his hand. He knows that he shouldn’t have agreed to that, especially if he wants to put distance between himself and the idea of growing a harem for himself. Still, he could hear urgency in her voice, and he felt bad refusing her the visit that she so clearly needs. After all, she had sucked his dick with a hunger, and he knows from Kendall that he is the only one who can provide for her in these desperate times.

He leaves a note for Kendall telling her where he will be and then makes the short walk across town to Paige’s home. When he arrives, his pants are subtly tented as he is half-erect. It is summer and hot out, and he is drench with sweat. He had hoped that the hot walk would tired him out, but his arousal has instead made him more vigorous and expectant.

Sweaty and breathless, Jackson stops at the front door and feels excitement in his loins. He tells himself that it is fear manifesting in strange ways, but he knows the truth. Each step to the front door had felt like a betrayal, but the knock at the door and the time after was acceptance. Paige answers in red and black lingerie, and he realizes what it was that he was fearing all long.

Paige sees him, and she smiles as he stares at her bountiful cleavage. “Jackson! Did you walk here?” She looks out around him and searches the street for his car, and he stares at her swinging bosom as she does. Then, she pulls him in by the shoulder and closes the door after him. “It’s so hot out there, and you came all the way here to take care of me.” She purrs as she feels his sweat-damp shoulders and whispers, “Thank you.”

Jackson stands silent and still in her foyer. The cool air inside is a balm against his sweaty skin, but he cannot feel it over the heat of his own arousal boiling in his blood. Her lingerie is intricate with embroidered fabric and small, looping boys. She has red nylons up to her thighs with black straps attaching them to her pale, bouncing bottom. She swings her hips with every step, and he can see a small damp spot at her crotch that announces her arousal.

Paige is a beautiful woman with a figure very much like her daughters. The primary difference between them is that Paige is more matured. She is shorter but more voluptuous, and Jackson finds it difficult to keep his head clear around her. Stopped between two floors with the front door shut behind him, he stares into Paige’s pretty, smiling face as she stares at him with expectant want.

Kendall often stares at him like this when she is horny, and Jackson recognizes the Paige’s arousal because of it. Horny himself, he begins to feel the tickling of the little imp at the back of his head in the form of whispers of rights and power. His dick feels thick and heavy in his pants, and he knows that he can take Paige however he likes. The blowjob she gave him had proved that to him, but the long walk had him sober enough to question her.

“What is going on here,” he asks with no small amount of frustration. Her beauty is not unwelcome, but her lies were. Even knowing them for what they were at the start, the regality he feels in presence of her want demands penance. If she is to be his slut like Kendall is, then she is to serve him toward his pleasure and not his own.

Paige looks briefly surprised at his anger and wrings her hands in front of her as she stares him in the eyes. “W-What do you mean?”

“I mean, you told me James was here. You told me that you were scared, but now you’re running around in lingerie? What, were you waiting for him like that?” The thought that she might still be his slut pierces him deep and stirs angered and jealous arousal.

“No, no, no,” she says, and then she purrs. “Let me show you,” she says, and she puts on a smile and takes him by the hand. She leads him down the stairs, and Jackson can feel her desperation through her touch. She wants him, and she wants to please him. Like Kendall, she is devoted to him, and were he of a clearer head, that would worry him. Right now, the sight of her big, bubbly bottom swinging has him lust drunken.

They stop at the bottom of the stairs, and Jackson yanks his hand away. The house still smells strongly of James’ old, stale scent, but that is why he is there. He is there to clear it out. He knows this, but he does not welcome the idea. Her bedroom is the worst, and he grimaces at the stink of it. “Tell me the truth, Paige. Why did you call me here?”

Paige turns to him and smiles. She tugs at her bra strap and makes her breasts dance for him as she stares him in the eyes. She has the same blue eyes, and she has the same plush lips. She smiles. “I think you can figure out why…”

“I think I can, too,” Jackson says, and he moves a few inches closer. Her bosom brushes his chest. Jackson is barely taller than Kendall, but Paige is an inch or two shorter. She smiles up at him, and he glowers back down at her. He is still afraid, but staring her in the eyes, he feels his arousal winning out. He whispers, “James made you his bitch here, didn’t he?”

Paige takes a slow, shaky breath and stares off like she is reliving it, and Jackson cannot tell if she hates it or not. When she sees him again, her expression softens. “He did,” she confesses.

“And you want to be my bitch now,” he says, and he takes her pretty auburn hair in his hand and tugs her head like he does to Kendall. Paige winces, but she does not fight it. In fact, the softness of her expression warms as she smiles, and Jackson growls. “You want me to replace him.”

Paige moans. “N-No,” she says. “I want to thank you for saving me from him,” she says, and she caresses his chest. “More than that, Jackson, I want you to help me forget him. You’re so good, Jackson. You’re so kind. To me. To Kendall. You’ll make an excellent master for us.”

Jackson is quiet as he stares her in the eyes. She really does look so much like Kendall, and as she speaks so sweetly of him, she sounds like Kendall, too. The control is there for him to take, and right now it is too intoxicating for him to refuse. He wraps his fist in her thick hair and tugs her head again. She winces, but she does not stop smiling as she touches his chest. “If you want me to own you, then you’ll have to earn it,” he says.

Paige gives a shaky, breathless nod and asks, “How, Jackson? What do you want me to do for you?”

Though he has his fist wrapped in her hair, Jackson hesitates again. He is not domineering by nature, and he finds these new and growing desire to dominate those around him to be both uncomfortable and unnatural for him. He sometimes degrades Kendall, but he does it as much for her as for himself. He sees the same need in Paige, but he doesn’t have the time, trust or experience with her, so acting on his unbecoming lusts feels even more vulnerable and raw for him.

He can see Paige’s animal need, though. Among it, within the bushes of her arousal, he can see a growing curiosity as she watches him. She is bemused by his lack of action but she is not upset by it. She smolders for him but remains patient and is clearly willing to defer to him.

Even with his grip on her hair tight, he is unsure of what to do with her. “I’m going to fuck you,” he whispers, but he speaks with uncertainty. He wants her, and he could have her, but he is not ready to take her. He cups one of her breasts gently and gives it an experimental squeeze, and Paige’s smile broadens as she leans into his grasp. Her eyes never leave his, so he looks away first. He eyes her cleavage and shakes her breast before releasing it and saying, “But first, I’m going to come between your big, beautiful breasts. I’m going to use you like my cum rag and mark you as my bitch.” He flashes her an uncertain grin and says, “How does that sound to you?”

Paige is all smiles as Jackson touches her. James was rougher with her, but Jackson is gentle and sweet. She prefers Jackson, though she does miss James’ simple-minded forwardness. Leaning forward, she folds her arms and forces her breasts together, and she sees Jackson’s caveman brain churning as he eyes her alabaster cleavage. “It sounds like I’m the luckiest MILF in the world,” she purrs.

Eyes fixed on her cleavage, Jackson gulps and shoves Paige toward her room. “L-Lead the way, then.”

Paige smiles at him over her shoulder and swing her hips as she walks him into her bedroom. Even without James there, her bedroom is a mess, though Jackson notes that she has made a vague, albeit lazy, effort to clean. At the very least, she has removed everything that belonged to James and removed every reminder of him with it. His underwear and clothes are gone, but the smell of James still lingers. It triggers a painful erection for Jackson, who regards it with a sense of foreboding and challenge. This stink alone is reason enough for him to plaster her with cum.

Once inside of the room, Paige stops beside the bed. She is still smiling, and she is just as eager as Jackson is to replace James’ stench in the room. Once, she had loved James. Now, she hates him. The lingering stink of his musky semen seems burned into every inch of the room and no amount of washing or scrubbing has removed even a hint of it.

Paige removes her bra and lets her heavy breasts fall and swing. Her nipples are stiff and pink, and her breasts have the same shape as Kendall’s except they are large. Her areola are puffy and large, and she regards Jackson with a hungry, excited smile. “I’m ready for you,” she says, and then she gives a girlish squeal and says, “Master!!”

Jackson twitches and something inside of him clicks into place. This is not what he wanted it to be as the whispers hijack him. This is ritual. He is not taking what belonged to James, but he is conquering Paige and removing every last trace of what was there before him. He would conquer not just her bedroom but her entire house, and he conquer every woman inside of it, too. “You’re not ready,” he says, and he undoes his belt.

Paige’s eyes sparkle with delight as she watches his crotch. He is tented and ready for her. She doesn’t want him to be like James, but she wants him to be like himself. She sticks her tits out at him and purrs, and she hopes that he can take away the torment of James’ ghost lingering in the halls and in her hair and on her skin. “What do you mean? What have I done wrong?”

“What have you done wrong?” Jackson growls and cups her breasts with one in each hand. He squeezes them hard and shows her how strong his soft hands are. He finds her nipples and teases them, and she leans into his hand and gives a girlish squeal. “You’re not on your knees for me,” he says, and he shoves her back onto the bed.

Paige bounces on the mattress, and her body quivers. Then, supported by her arms, she watches Jackson step out of his pants and straddle her on the bed. His huge, stiff cock swings into view and lands in the valley between her breasts. His hands are smaller than James’, but they are stronger, too, as he cups her breasts again. His dick is longer and fragrant as he slides himself into her dry cleavage, and Paige smiles.

“Let me help you,” she says, and with his permission, she reaches into the nightstand and pulls a large bottle of clear lubricant out. Sitting back, she pops it open and pours it across her breasts. Then, she tosses the bottle aside and greases herself for him as she replaces his hands with hers. Jackson is still moving, and she smiles at him as his fat balls roll gently across her belly and his fat, slick crown slips up against her chin.

Watching Jackson and experiencing him now, she wonders how she ever could have been so taken with James. Every aspect of Jackson is better, from his handsome face to his dark eyes to his rigid cock. James talked a big game, but he never had the power to follow through. Everything was a test with him as he struggled to prove himself worthy of the power he was given. Jackson, meanwhile, is worthy but struggles to do right with it.

Jackson jams his left thumb into her mouth while he fucks her cleavage, and Paige sucks his finger while he regards her with a critical, thoughtful stare. “Earn it, Paige. Earn my cum!”

Paige moans around his finger as she strokes him with her cleavage. His fat crown slips and slides up against her chin and leaves sticky precum after each cup. The feel of him hot and hard in her cleavage is a welcome reminder of the pleasure James once visited on her body and an acknowledgement of Jackson’s perfection. He is hot against her body, and she is smiling around his finger as he uses her for his pleasure.

Jackson mirrors her smile as thoughtless pleasure seizes him again. “Is this what you wanted, Paige?” He pants as he rolls his hips into her stroking bosom. Her breasts are pale and gleaming, and her chin is sticky with his essence. Looking at her is like looking at another version of Kendall, and the power he has over both intoxicates him again. He growls again as he fingers her mouth with his thumb. “is this why you called me over? You didn’t see James, but you could still smell him, and you wanted me to come over and leave a hot load on your face so you wouldn’t have to smell him again, didn’t you?”

Paige moans around Jackson and tightens her wet grip on his shaft. She does want that, though she had never thought that exact thought before. For her, it is instinct. Jackson has replaced James already in her head and in her heart, and now she needs him to mark her like James had before. She needs him to burn those memories out of her with his own scalding, cleansing seed.

Still sucking his thumb, Paige moans around him and moves so that his fat crown brushes her lips. Slowly, she replaces his thumb with his cock as he moves his hand to cup her head and hold her in place. This way, he fucks her mouth as he fucks her cleavage and lets her stick her tongue out to taste him and clean him of his precum and the lube as he uses her.

This is not Jackson’s first time using a woman’s breasts for pleasure, but he can tell that Paige is more experienced than Kendall. It upsets him to know that James was the one who taught her this, but it pleases him to have her doing it for him now. It is different from Kendall, too, because Kendall had stroked him. Paige, however, is letting him set the pace. She is like a toy for him, and there is power in using her and even more power in knowing that she would do the work for him if he asked.

Even with Jackson setting the pace, Paige moves with him. She follows his lead and moves at his mercy. The power he has over her is dizzying and exalting, and it proves to him that his dick is not the only pleasure she takes in him. She wants to serve him, and she slurps him loudly to show him her commitment. She chokes on him on each forward stroke, and Jackson grunts and tightens his grip in her hair as his orgasm approaches.

“You such a slut,” Jackson gasps. “You’re a slut just like you’re daughter, and I’m going to drown you in cum like I do to her. Just watch!”

He is breathless and stiff as he fucks her, and she is a smiling idiot as she gurgles around him. Unable to speak, she communicates her excitement with subtle movements of her hands and body. The entire time, she stares him in his dark eyes, and he can see the same hunger that Kendall has in eyes that are the same color and shape. Paige really, truly is his slut, and he knows it from how she watches him.

Jackson thickens from the realization, and his pubic hair grow wet and clingy as he slaps the underside of her breasts. Jackson rests his hand on hers to hold her in place as he fucks up through her cleavage and into her open mouth. He stares her in the eyes her fucks her, and his body tightens and flexes as his orgasm approaches. “Here it comes,” he whines. “Get ready!”

Paige mewls around him and holds herself in place as Jackson finishes. He removes himself from her cleavage as he fires and takes to stroking himself into her mouth. Jackson milks himself onto her face and across her tongue, and Paige chokes on his cum but does not fight him. His orgasm triggers an orgasm for her, and she lies there moaning with her gleaming breasts in her hands as she tongues and slurps his spewing crown.

When finished, Jackson slaps his spent cock gently across her sticky, pursed lips as she gasps, pants and kisses him. He is still stroking himself, but he slides forward to feed her his balls, and Paige opens her lips on instinct. His orgasm has him addled and drunk, and he stays that way until he dresses. Paige, meanwhile, remains on her back watching him. Her face is sticky, and her throat and belly are full, but all she is happy because all she can smell or taste right now is him.

Once his dick is put away, Jackson returns to the bed to watch her. Paige notices him and smiles. The sight of her smile sobers him, and he smiles back at her in a bashful way as he does up his belt. “A-Are you okay,” he asks. “I…didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Paige makes a show of licking her pink lips. “No, Jackson. You didn’t hurt me at all. In fact, quite the opposite. I loved it.”

“Oh.” Jackson blushes and nods, and he adjusts his belt. He finds it hard to focus on what he is doing with her pretty eyes fixed on him and his hot cum cooling on her face. “Well, good.” He looks at her again and, cheeks burning, looks away afterward. “I’m…sorry.” When he sees her confused, he adds, “That I called you a slut. I’m sorry. That I called you a slut.”

Paige chuckles. “Don’t be,” she says. “I’m not. I loved that, too.”

Hearing that, Jackson’s eyes widen before he excuses himself. It is a long walk home, and it is hot, but he has a lot to think about on the way.

As he gets close to his house, he passes Audrey’s house and stops to stare at the front porch and the small garden at the side. Audrey is inside, and he can see her watching him from the window. She smiles and waves at him, and Jackson feels a draw. The whispers call to him, but they are distant in the heat after his recent orgasm. Still, he knows he could go in there and fuck her senseless if he wanted, but instead he waves back.

That night, Kendall licks his sweaty cock clean before lying on her back and holding her thighs parted for him to use her.


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