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Chapter Seven: An Act of Bravery

Paige told Kendall everything, and Kendall listened patiently as the older woman detailed her sins. One day, James showed up at her door and demanded a blowjob. Paige, acting completely out of character and with sudden and unexpected arousal, had obeyed and sucked James with more vigor and passion than she thought herself capable of. At the time, she had been impressed by him. His dick was huge, measuring both longer and thicker than any other dick she had ever known, and she had enjoyed the act of blowing him seemingly as much as he had enjoyed being blown.

When James came, Paige came, too. After that, he stayed and fucked her into submission. Like the blowjob, the sex it was the best sex of her life. It left her sore in the morning, but the empty ache he gave her only seemed to cement her submission to him. After that, James made frequent visits until he lost the house he had shared with Kendall. Then, he moved in with Paige. He took over her house and built himself a little harem while plotting his revenge.

Paige told Kendall in minimal detail about how James had fucked his way through countless people Kendall knew. He collected them like toys, and they all served him. Allyson, Kendall’s work friend, had submitted, and so had Kendall’s brother, Oliver. There were countless others, and each was more surprising than the last. Kendall was meant to be his final conquest in his quest for revenge. He was going to punish her by fucking her into submission, but Jackson had come home early from lunch and luckily intervened. When he fought James off and left the big man bleeding on the porch, the spell had been broken, and after that everything changed for the better and for the worst.

Whatever had given James so much power and such a big cock had been taken away, and Paige told Kendall how James had changed overnight. His dick was shrinking back down to its natural, meager five inches, and Paiges' affection for him is fading just as quickly. Even his stink was different. Paige told Kendall that he still stunk, but now his stench turned her stomach instead of arousing her, and his former arrogance felt deeply unearned.

Kendall listened quietly to her mother and tried to make sense out of a long, rambling story. She pieced together that the changes James had undergone were similar to the changes Jackson was going through, and she assumed that the two were connected, possibly through the transfer of blood when Jackson had beaten James. She didn’t get a chance to ask for more detail because her mother began sobbing again.

Though Kendall has enjoyed what Jackson is becoming, she did feel sorry for her mother. She has been at James’ mercy before and knows that there is no mercy there at all, so she hugged her mother and soothed her again. She smoothed her hair and whispered to her, “Don’t worry, mom.” Still holding Paige, Kendall smiled as she thought of Jackson as her lover, her master and her king. “When Jackson gets home, I’ll talk to him, and then he’ll take care of James for us. We can trust him. He’ll settle this once and for all."

Later That Day…

Jackson pulls up and parks at Paige’s address, and then he turns off the car. He feels nervous as he stares at the dry, untended front lawn. The house is bigger and older than he expected, and somehow made it more frightening that James is waiting inside for him. When he had fought James before, he had not had time to consider the act. It was adrenaline and desperation, as James is many times bigger than him. The victory had been a fluke, and Jackson isn’t sure that he can replicate it again even if he has to

Alone in his car, Jackson sits and fidgets with his seatbelt for a while before undoing it. As he climbs out of the car, he reminds himself of two important facts. First, he reminds himself that he is not a coward because he is afraid. Bravery is not an absence of fear but a willingness to face the things that frighten you. Secondly, he reminds himself of what Paige had told them about James’ plans to hurt them. Doing nothing right now would only make it worse, and James will not let this go. Jackson has taken something from him, and both Kendall and Paige implored to him how desperate he is to get it back.

Before leaving, when Jackson was speaking to Paige, he could smell the same musty stink on her that he had smelled on James before. Before, that smell had made him hard even as it turned his stomach. Today, it only made him sick. Going through what he is going through, Jackson has some understanding of what that smell is and what James has unfortunately done to his hopeful future mother-in-law.

He stares at the front door and whispers to himself, “I can’t let him do that anymore.” Then, thinking of Paige’s long auburn hair, pretty blue eyes and large, perky breasts, he whispers, “I’ll defeat him and make her mine.” Even as he says the words, they frighten him, and he pushes the thoughts away and focuses instead on the task at hand.

The plan is for Jackson to go and confront James directly. So far, James has done nothing illegal, and his plans will be hearsay and little more. Jackson hopes to talk James out of his revenge without it coming to blows, but just incase he fails, he sent Kendall and Paige to the police for aid in the worst case.

Jackson takes a deep breath and then climbs the broken steps to Paige’s home. He pauses at the front door again and takes another deep breath. The air around the building is stale and musty. It smells to him like Paige smelled, and it reminds him of how much larger James is and how desperate James is, too.

James is a threat, Jackson tells himself, and with his heart in his throat, he knocks at the door. He holds his breath and waits, and when the door opens, he gasps. The stink of old sex and unwashed man wafts over him as the open door reveals a short, slender young man with a waifish figure. The man’s features are feminine, and he looks like Kendall. He is wearing women’s lingerie and his panties are barely bulging with his manhood. Jackson stiffens at the sight of him, and the man stands and stares at Jackson with crimson cheeks.

“…Are you…” The young man’s voice is high and soft. He has freckles on his nose and cheeks, and the longer Jackson looks at him, the more he can see Paige and Kendall in his features.

Jackson stammers and feels tongue tied in front of this unexpected beauty, but after some effort and another deep, stagnant breath, he manages to say, “I’m…looking for James?”

The young man gulps and shakes his head. “You don’t want to talk to him.”

Jackson frowns. “…Why not?”


“And where is he,” Jackson asks, and the man turns and looks down the stairs behind him.

“He’s in the basement.”

“Thanks,” said Jackson, and he enters beside the man. Their bodies touch briefly, and Jackson feels a spark leap between them. Their faces are close, and Jackson can smell James on this man, too, and it gives him ideas. Like Paige, Jackson wants to claim this young and take him from James. And why not? He already did it with Kendall.

“You, uh, wait here,” he says, and he looks down this young man’s slender torso to see his panties visibly tented but also still very small. “I’ll…go see him,” he says, and he looks this young man in the eyes again and imagines his blue eyes sparkling as they fuck.

“Y-Yes, sir,” says the young man, and he seems to breathe Jackson in as Jackson passes.

The deathly stench of James is even stronger as Jackson goes downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he finds a small hallway with two more doors. To his right is an open bedroom door with men’s clothes scattered across the floor. The pungent aroma of James burns Jackson’s nostrils each time he breathes and makes his stomach hurt. It is strongest in the bedroom, but it permeates the hall, too.

The bedroom is empty, so Jackson goes to the door on his left and finds a garage.

Though the smell in the bedroom is stronger, the smell in the garage is fresh. As he enters, he finds James ducked in the corner naked. His big body is curled as he squats, and Jackson can just spy his tiny penis and balls in the thicket of pubic hair that is hiding them. Seeing him like this comforts Jackson and gives him confidence, but it also illuminates to him the threat James poses. James is like a tiny worm to Jackson’s virile serpent, but that means he will be desperate to take back whatever it was he lost.

Jackson moves to enter the garage and even opens his mouth to speak, but then he sees the shotgun in James’ hands. He is just inside of the garage when James turns it on him, and he realizes that James’ big, naked body had been used to distract him from the real danger in the room. James smiles a cruel, drunken smile at Jackson as Jackson freezes in spot by the door and stammers. “James! What…What are you…?”

James laughs and sways. He looks like a shell of himself, and his already dull, glassy eyes look emptier than usual. “She did it, didn’t she? She went and got you!” His entire body shakes with the force of his laughter, and the smile on his face is a warning. As he sways, the shotgun stays steady with the shiny barrel fixed on Jackson’s chest. “The fucking whore left me to fuck you! Didn’t she? Didn’t she?!”

“No,” says Jackson, and he holds his hands up in front of him as a barrier as James stomps toward him. “No, James! No one left you to fuck me, James!”

James snorts a humorless laugh and the smile leaves his face. He stares down the sights at Jackson with hate sunken eyes. “You fucking liar! Kendall did! You took her first, and now you’ve taken her momma, too! You’ve taken them all! Those size queen whores! Those stupid, lazy bitches!” James begins sobbing big, real tears and the gun barrel swings with his movements. “Drop your pants! Drop your fucking pants, you fucking cuck! I’ll fix this! I’ll fucking fix it right here!!”

“W-What,” Jackson stammers, and he stays still as James moves closer. The barrel of the gun was almost touching him, James has gotten so close, and Jackson becomes keenly aware of how much larger and denser James actually is.

“Show me,” James snaps, and he pokes at Jackson’s chest with the barrel of the shotgun. “Fucking show me! Show me what you took from me! Show me your fucking cock before I blow your God damn fucking head off!”

Jackson moves quickly after that. He doesn’t understand James’ desire to see him naked, but he doesn’t want to get shot, so he undoes his pants and whips out his dick for the big man to see. Limp, Jackson is larger now than he had been erect before his growth. His cock is large and heavy and hangs past the hem of his pants, which he had only pulled down to his mid-thigh.

James appears horrified to see Jackson and screams with fresh tears in his eyes when he sees Jackson's gargantuan cock. “There! See! You took it! That was mine, and you took it!” James shakes and sobs as he stares at Jackson’s cock, and though he is afraid, Jackson stiffens at James’ awe. Whether by adrenaline or something else more primal, Jackson can see the fear in James’ eyes and is empowered by it.

“James, put the gun down. You don’t want to do this.”

“I don’t want to do this?” A despondent calm settles over James as he gazes at Jackson’s oversized cock swelling even larger. “I…don’t want to do this? No! I do! You took it from me! But if I kill you? If I kill you, I can have it back…” James’ words are quiet and manic as Jackson touches the gun and lowers it slowly.

Jackson does not pull up his pants, as it seems like his big dick is placating the bigger man. “See, you don’t want this,” says Jackson, whose large cock swings as he shuffles toward James. Jackson almost has the gun from James’ hands when the big man seems to wake from his reverie. He notices Jackson’s approach and hefts the gun up again as Jackson screams. “James!”


James pulls the trigger and they both wince as the proximity of the gunfire. The gun is up, but Jackson is close and angles the barrel above his head. The ceiling catches the birdshot with a thick beam of wood holding the living room above them Jackson holds the shotgun by the center of the barrel and tries to wrench it from James’ grasp. Another gun blast peppers the door before he gets it out of James’ hands, and then he uses the butt of the gun to smack James across the face before leveling the shotgun on James’ head.

Time stands still as they stare at each other, a shotgun space between them. Jackson is nearly fully erect and takes the chance to shimmy his pants up, but he cannot tuck his fully erect dick away. “I’ll kill you,” snaps James, and Jackson pulls the trigger in response. An empty click follows, and the two stand, staring at each other.

Jackson uses James’ surprise to land another blow across his face before tossing the gun away and sprinting for a door to his right. He trips with his pants slipping and catching himself with his dick slapping the ground hard, and then he winces and yanks his pants up on the way to the door as he hears James scrambling and loading the gun behind him.

A gunshot follows Jackson out the door, and Jackson just manages to duck behind a wall as the scattered pellets burst through the wood. Splinters fly out around him, and he stands and pushes off of the cement wall beside him as he scrambles up the steep hill outside and toward the front yard. He reaches the chain link and hops it as the back door slams open, and he sees James just behind him, leveling the gun to fire and dropping shells behind him as he shambles after Jackson.

“Get back here, you fucking coward!”

Jackson’s foot catches as he clears the fence, and he falls onto his face, but adrenaline picks him up. His ankle throbs, and he stumbles forward with his still erect cock wagging in front of him. As he reaches the front yard, he sees a police car waiting with Kendall and Paige beside it, and the two women bounce their way toward him and embrace him as he scrambles to do up his pants and hide his erection. The cop follows them to Jackson.

“What’s going on? I heard gunshots?”

“He’s naked,” shouted Jackson to the cop. “He’s naked, and he has a shotgun. We need to hide!”

Jackson barely has the words out before he pushes both women away from the cop and toward the cop’s car for protection. The cop, meanwhile, pulls his pistol and retreats to a tree for support as he waits. When James comes out with his shotgun ready, the cop is able to sneak up on him and put his gun to the big man’s back before saying, “Hands up!”

James stops and drops his unloaded shotgun and the handful of shells he had brought with him. He has tears in his eyes, and his large, naked belly hangs over his crotch. Behind the cop car, Kendall begins to laugh loud and hard when she sees his tiny, shriveled penis. Paige joins her in her laughter, and when James sees them, he screams. “Stop laughing, you whores! I owned you! You were my slut, and I owned you!!”

Paige stands from behind the car and flips her hair. “Owned. Past tense. As in, that is in the past.” Reaching down, she pulls Jackson up beside her and hugs him. Kendall joins her, and Jackson stands and stares blankly at James as the cop behind him cuffs his big, fat forearms.

Everyone is taken in for questioning, and James is kept in jail. Considering his previous arrest record, the cops doubt he will see sunlight any time soon. They tell him that, and they free Paige and Jackson to go home. Kendall left earlier to take care of the children and comes to pick them up after the girls have been put down for bed.

They return to Jackson’s house and sit outside on the back patio taking coffee. It is late, but Paige is still shaken. Kendall hands her mother a mug. “Are you okay, mom?”

Paige takes the coffee and smiles. “Yes,” she says. “I will be. Oliver and I both will be.” She smiles at Jackson and says, “And it’s all thanks to this handsome man here, isn’t it?”

Jackson is still caught in his own head, but he stirs finds both women smiling at him and blushes. He can see in Paige’s eye the same hunger that Kendall has. She wants him. More than that, she wants to serve him. Like Kendall, Paige wants to be his slut, and he looks at Kendall to see if she sees it, and he finds that she is watching him with a lust-glassy gaze that tells him both her understanding and approval.

He stiffens in his chair and in his pants and swallows hard. “It…it was nothing. Really.”

Kendall leans over toward Jackson and hugs him around the shoulder. In doing so, she shoves her heavy bosom into his face. “That’s just not true, Jackson, and you know it.” She smiles and rubs his chest, and she pulls him into a kiss with her cleavage hanging in his face. Jackson means to peck her on the lips in front of her mother, but Kendall wants more. She jams her tongue into his mouth and, after tasting, stands with a smile and says, “You were very brave.”

Paige watches them with a smile of her own and sets her coffee to the side on the table between them. “He was,” she says, and she looks Jackson in his dark eyes and purrs. “You were very, very brave.” As she speaks, she slides from her chair and kneels at his feet. Kendall and Jackson both watch as Paige lifts his left foot to her lips and pulls his pant leg up. “You hurt your ankle for me, didn’t you?”

Jackson nods. Held in place by the shoulders by Kendall and staring Paige in her blue eyes, he watches the older woman kiss his ankle lightly and then leave a trail of kisses up his leg from there. Her hands roam as she travels up his leg and settle on his crotch. She feels his crotch through his pants and then kisses him there, and she moans when she feels him respond. “You were so brave, Jackson. And you saved me. The cops didn’t want to go. We had to beg them, and they only sent one officer. But you were there all on your own, handling it, facing him down. So brave…” She squeezes him through his pants, and Jackson throbs. Paige smiles. “I think I should thank you properly for that.”

Jackson shifts and stammers. “Y-You don’t have to,” he says. “I-I was happy to do it…” He parts his legs for her as he speaks, though.

“So gallant,” she purrs, and she undoes his pants. Meanwhile, behind him, Kendall laughs and slides down to whisper into his ear.

“I don’t think mom is taking no for an answer, Jackson, so just sit back and let her thank you properly.”

Jackson gulps and looks at Kendall, but she is staring fixedly at her mother. She can still smell James’ repugnant, stale stench on the other woman, and she knows that the only way to remove it is the replace it with Jackson’s powerful aroma. She wants that for her mother, and she wants it for Jackson, too. She doesn’t want to share him, but she wants him to have what he deserves, and he definitely deserves to have more than just her.

Paige gasps when Jackson’s dick comes into view. She holds him by the root with both hands and strokes his whole length. Holding him like this crushes her breasts together between her arms and deepens her cleavage for him. She catches him staring and smiles. He looks horrified by his own arousal, but he is steel hard in her hands, and that is enough to tell her that he is willing.

Holding him, she leans forward to smell his pubic hair and moans as it fills her nostrils. James used to smell this good to her, but now his scent makes her sick. Jackson is like fresh air to her after a lifetime caged. She smells him again and mewls, “Oh my God! That’s a good dick.” She sits back to appraise him and holds him tight with her hands as she strokes him. “Nice and big. Thick, too. Possibly the biggest I’ve seen, and you smell so fucking good! Kendall, baby, you did good bagging this one!”

Kendall giggles while hugging Jackson around the neck. She kisses his neck, shoulders and cheeks lightly and says to her mother, “He’s much better than James, isn’t he?”

Jackson does not like to hear James’ name from the mouths of his women, but he throbs in Paige’s grasp as the other woman moans her joy into his pubic hair. She licks him and strokes him, and she sucks his pubic hair as she stares up at the happy couple who are watching her slobber on a man a decade or more younger than her. “He’s so! Much! Better!!”

Paige feels Jackson throb as she kisses his root and feels the joy he takes from her praise, and she smiles against and licks her way up his shaft while holding him steady. At his crown, she teases his urethra gently with her tongue before sucking him into her wet, willing mouth. Then, slurping off of him with a moan, she pants, “He tastes better, smells better, and he’s longer and possibly even thicker, too. And he’s brave, handsome, and so kind. I can see why you’ve fallen for him, baby. Hell, I might even be falling for him. I hope that’s okay.”

Kendall continues to shower Jackson with kisses and quiet giggles as her mother praises him. She hugs him proudly as he gushes precum across her mother’s plump lips and dancing tongue. “Trust me, it’s fine. I completely understand how you feel. Jackson has always been so sweet and kind, but lately I’ve been head-over-heels for him. He even made me his slut, mom, and if you ask nicely, I’m sure he’ll be willing to do the same for you.”

Paige whines when she hears the word slut and licks the underside of Jackson's glans with careful, nimble movements of her tongue. “Really? That would be…” She sighs and kisses his leaking cock head with a plaintive moan. “Mm. Please, Jackson? Will you do that for me? Will you make me your horny little MILF slut?”

Jackson stammers and watches Paige smiling and sucking him. Her pink lips and pretty face are matured reflections of Kendall’s own. She wraps her pretty lips skillfully around his thick crown, and her cheeks collapsed inward as she sucks with a wet, sloppy hunger. Like Kendall, she has a warm, welcoming mouth that opens for him, and like Kendall, she takes him to the edge of her throat and chokes teasingly on him while she holds him by the waist.

The similarity bewilders and arouses Jackson as he stares into familiar blue eyes with just a hint of wrinkles at the edges. Her heavy breasts hang, and her body is softer but still attractive. She wears her auburn hair longer and with bangs, but her face is Kendall’s own, and he can see the love of his life right now slurping him with a skillful tongue and knowing lips as she holds him by the root with familiar pale hands.

Jackson gasps. “Oh, no! Oh, fuck!”

Beside him, Kendall laughs more loudly as she watches in genuine, selfless delight. She knows that she should be jealous, but she not only wants Jackson to enjoy this, she feels like he has earned this. Bravery such as his should be rewarded, and she is glad to see him enjoying his reward. “Keep going, mom! Suck him hard and suck him deep like he deserves!!”

Paige does not speak around Jackson. Instead, she sucks him sloppy with saliva oozing from her plush lips. Jackson sits with his legs parted and watches her with his own lips parted as he gasps and grunts in response. His hands drift, and he grabs her by the head with the intent of removing her, but Kendall stays his move with a gentle grasp on his churning balls. Feeling her soft fingers there, he whines.

“Good boy,” whispers Kendall into Jackson’s ear, and her tongue accompanies the words. “Mom’s sucking your dick so good. Can you feel it? Can you feel how much she loves you and appreciates you, baby? You’ve been so brave and so kind. Twice now, you’ve saved us. Saved me. You deserve this, Jackson. You deserve us.”

Lips tight around Jackson, Paige purrs her agreement and takes to throating him with unabashed want. She holds his pubic hair flat and fucks her own face with him. Kendall’s other hand roams down his belly and caresses him as she lifts his shirt. She kisses his neck and his cheek, and she moans into his ear. Like Paige, she adores him, and she is breathing in his armpit and his flesh as her mother makes a mess of herself with his mammoth cock.

Kendall watches her mother with animal delight and tries to learn from her. She can only imagine the torture Paige endured under James’ hand, but she can also see the skills she took from it. Jackson is a worthy beneficiary, and judging by the glee in her mother’s eyes, Paige seems to think so, too. This is the messiest blowjob Kendall has ever seen, but she can tell from the way Jackson gasps, grunts and tenses that he is enjoying it, and she makes note of her mother’s sloppiness and thinks on how to emulate and improve upon the technique.

Jackson quickens. With one hand, he grips at Kendall by the arms and with his other hand, he holds Paige tight by the hair. Kendall sees him tensing and smiles as she whispers to him, “Oh, baby, what’s wrong? Are you getting close?” Jackson closes his eyes tight and whines, and Kendall caresses his chest and purrs. “Mm. Then give it to her. Fill my mother’s hot little throat with your hot cum.”

Jackson, still whining and kicking his legs, gasps. “But…She’s your mom…”

“I know. I said it myself,” Kendall says, and she licks his neck and smiles at her mother, who is staring up at them with Jackson in her throat as she works his enormous shaft. “But right now, she’s more than that.” Kendall moves her hand and takes hold of Jackson by the root, and she matches her mother’s stroking hands up into her mouth’s hungry, wanting mouth. “Right now, she’s your slut. And Jackson, sweetie, she’s waiting for you to feed her.”

She punctuates the statement with another swipe of her tongue across his earlobe, and the combined intimacy and debauchery of the moment overwhelm him. Jackson clutches both Paige and Kendall and his hips leap, and he erupts down Paige’s waiting, willing throat. Paige holds him by the hips and hangs on as Jackson floods her, and she sucks him greedily and swallows what she can before coming up for air.

Laughter follows as Paige clutches his spewing shaft and paints herself with his semen. Kendall helps her and strokes him onto her mother’s pretty face. Paige takes it with a smile and latches onto him once more as his orgasm eases. Both women come with him, and though their orgasms are relatively small by comparison to what a cream pie would, both are buzzing with pleasure as the coax the last of his semen from his overburdened testicles.

Paige makes a show of sucking him again and again, and she moves her lips along him with animal affection while she stares into his dark eyes. Once she has drank him dry, she parts her lips one more time to lick him along his crown with dexterous flourish of her sticky pink tongue. When finished, she sits back wearing his cum while Kendall holds Jackson still-large cock by the root.

“So, how was it, mom? How does Jackson compare to James?”

Paige licks her lips and purrs. “Mm. There is no comparison, baby. Your Jackson is bigger and better in every way possible.” She lowers herself to kiss his balls once while Kendall mewls.

“Aw. Did you hear that, Jackson? My mom thinks very highly of you, doesn’t she?” She feeds Jackson to Paige again, and Paige plants a wet, sloppy kiss on his cockhead while Jackson stares. Jackson is stirring from their combined affections, but their words stir him from his post-orgasmic fugue, and Jackson removes himself from their grasp and struggles to tuck himself away before the neighbors notice.

Kendall and Paige laugh absently as they watch him, but they are too dick-drunken to argue. Paige stands with his remaining semen still oozing down her face and sweeps her hair back. “Well, I guess that dance there is my cue to go.” She gives them both a wave, and Jackson frowns at her as Kendall leads her around to the gate of their backyard. Kendall opens the gate to show her out.

“Thanks, mom,” says Kendall with a smile as her mother passes, and Kendall notices that her mother no longer smells stale. Now, she smells strongly of Jackson, like the stink of James has been replaced by someone or something greater and more deserving.

“No, thank you,” she says, and she winks. “And make sure you two come and visit. Anytime. My house is always open to you. Both of you."

Kendall watches Jackson sulking with a smile and says, “Oh, don’t worry, mom. I’m sure after that, we’ll be coming to see you very soon!”


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