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Chapter Six: Usurper

Jackson’s taste lingered in Audrey’s mouth all night and was still there when she woke up in the morning. The smell of him stayed inside of her, too, like it had stained her soul. She tried desperately to replace him with her husband before bed but had found no pleasure in the act. Mr. Jones grew stiff in her hands and in her mouth, and all he did for her was disappoint her. She feigned a headache after that and turned him away still stiff and unresolved.

Mr. Jones had taken her sudden unwillingness in stride, and though Audrey should have appreciated his kindness, she found herself frustrated instead. Jackson would not have allowed her to tell him no, and because of that she felt like he was somehow more worthy of her sex. In fact, she felt almost like she had betrayed Jackson, whom she had offered herself to only half a day before. Reflecting on it, he had rejected her like she had rejected her husband, and she suddenly worried that he had found fault in her, too.

When she wakes this morning, she showers and then stares at her naked body in the mirror afterward, and she frowns. Audrey doesn’t know Jackson well enough to know his preferences, and she has no idea why he would refuse her like he did. She was on her knees sucking his balls when he suddenly rushed away. Mr. Jones would have been beside himself, but Jackson was disappointed.

“Of course he was,” she says, and she examines her small breasts and slender waist. She rubs herself and moans. “He is better. He deserves more.” She tugs are her trimmed pubic hair and glares at herself. “Then I’ll have to give him more,” she says. “I’ll have to be ready for him next time. No more hesitation and no complaints.”

She dresses with a sigh afterward and regards herself in the mirror again. With her hair wet, she looks scraggly and unkempt. She will wait for him, but waiting is not the problem. She has nothing to entice Jackson now, and he has already left his mark on her.

All day, she thinks about Jackson and keeps herself primed for him. She watches out the window for his eventual return, but she meets nothing but disappointment.


Kendall’s ass claps hard against Jackson as she throws herself back against him. The penetration of her cervix does nothing to slow her now. In fact, it only arouses her more the more he does it. It leaves her in a state of thoughtless depravity knowing that Jackson’s long, thick cock has opened a new part of her and reshaped her for his use.

She is on all fours and is moaning and shaking as he fucks her from behind. “Oh, Jackson!!” Her head and breasts bounce from the force of their sex, and she moves on him with a lazy smile on her face. It is still unsettling for Jackson to see her like this, but he cannot deny the beauty of her as they fuck. When she is his slut like this, he can see no reason to deny her anything. After all, it feels so good for them both when they just give in.

Owning her and reveling in his dominion, Jackson strikes her hard across her big, bouncing buttocks and feels her tighten around him in response. A low moan escapes her as she rolls her hips on him. “Oh, fuck! Jackson, baby, you’re so deep!! You’re deeper than anyone else has ever been before!!”

Jackson laughs quietly to himself. “And a slut like you likes it deep, don’t you?” He holds her by her big bottom and guides her, and he takes simple-minded joy in watching the movements of her body against him. She squeals as another powerful orgasm shakes her, and Jackson pants behind her as his own chubby belly quivers with his thrusts.

“I do,” she whines, and she feels Jackson grow unsteady behind her. Sex with him feels thoughtless sometimes, and that is when it is the best. Kendall wants to be his slut, but he always restrains himself. He fights his instincts and combats his impulses. When he loses himself and goes blank, however, he treats Kendall appropriately. He treats her like his property and uses her for his pleasure, and while he abhors it afterward, Kendall lives for it.

The harder Jackson uses her and the more he degrades her, the better it feels for her. She shakes on him and strokes him with her pussy and with her cervix, and where pain should blossom, she instead feels pleasure sown. Her head lulls forward and backward, and she moans like an animal. This is more than sex for her. This is worship. She worships his body with her body. It should worry her how dedicated to him she has become, but as he leans forward and takes her by the shoulder for leverage, all she feels is gratitude.

Not only did Jackson save Kendall from James and from a dead-end life with the big brute, but he has now started fucking her harder and giving her pleasure so good and so intense that she can hardly believe it is real. Together, with his dick driving the air from her, they grow thoughtless and speechless with pleasure. Kendall whines and drools into the blankets as her fingers tight into fists beneath her, and she screams, “Oh! Jackson!! Fuck! Fuck me!! Fuck!!!”

Jackson grinds behind her and feels the pleasure hollowing him again. He remembers Audrey on her knees as she begged him to stay, and he wonders what Kendall would say if she knew. He feels Kendall seizing around his wet shaft and can only imagine that her jealousy would end in an ultimatum. Either she can share him, or she can lose him. Right now, as he watches her shake and writhe on him, Jackson feels like he knows her answer. There are no boundaries she will not cross for him.

He releases her shoulders and swats her ass again, and then he stands still for her to take over. Kendall is already bent over for him, but now she curls and bounces against him. She moans into her forearms as pleasure reprograms her. Behind her, Jackson grunts and moans as his thoughts drift away. He is caught in the dizzying, swirling pleasure of her gliding vulva as he bellows, “Yes! Sluts like you love it!! Sluts like you love my dick!!!”

“Every inch of it,” Kendall moans, and Jackson chuckles and swats her bottom yet again.

“You love every inch of it! Of me! You love me with your pussy! With your mouth! You love me with your throat and tits!” He falls into laughter and strikes her ass again and again before holding her ass cheeks apart. He stops her with his cockhead still inside of her. They are both close. Jackson is engorged and ready to spew, but he is holding back to enjoy the way her swollen, red snatch hugs him his crown. He stares at her winking asshole, framed by her parted ass cheeks, and growls. “I bet you’d love it up your ass, too, would you, slut?”

Kendall whimpers and loses rhythm, but behind her, Jackson takes control. He moves his hands to hold her by the hips and begins moving her again, and he meets the movements of her body with hard thrusts of his own. Her entire body shakes under the sudden forcefulness of his thrusts. Her ass claps against him as her head bounces, and she whines. “Jackson…! Jackson, I…!!”

“Would you take it up the ass for me, Kendall?” Jackson smacks her ass again. “Would you become my little anal slut?!”

The thought of him taking her ass thrills her instead of frightens her, and she finds a deep, desperate longing for him. Kendall is in school to teach science and has taken few anatomy courses. In these courses, she has learned that things such as cervical penetration is impossible and that should it happen, it should cause her excruciating pain. Jackson has proven both of these things wrong, so she sees no reason why anal should hurt with him.

Logically, Jackson should tear her ass apart. Of that, she is sure, but right now he is using her to stroke himself with her cervix as he strings a seemingly endless orgasm through her like she is a looping record player. He takes her deeper than any man has a right to, and all she can do is come for him with a stupid smile on her face. Considering the impossibly of Jackson as a rule, she cannot bring herself to fear what he could do to her rear with that big, beautiful dick of his.

Instead, Kendall takes to viewing anal sex as a boundary previously not crossed and saved for the one who deserves it. Jackson deserves it, and she will happily give it to him in the moment that he chooses to take it from her. Mewling, whining, and smiling, she reaches back and takes his hand, and she pulls him forward into a kiss. Their lips meet, their tongues touch and Kendall moans into his mouth.

“Jackson,” she gasps as she falls forward, and her breasts swing as he rams her from behind. “Take me. Take all of me! Take my ass! Take my throat! Take every inch of me! I know you hate it, but I’m not a person anymore! Not when you’re fucking me! When you fuck me! I’m just your cum dump! I’m your slut! Use me! Fuck me! Ruin me! Ruin me, Jackson!! Ruin me!!!”

Thoughtless, aimless pleasure washes over them both as Jackson drives into her depths. He holds there, and he explodes. What follows is a void in existence between awareness and rapture. Jackson experiences everything outside of himself and watched himself buried balls deep inside of Kendall. He sees her beautiful face contorted in agonizing pleasure, and he sees her drooling thoughtlessly as she claws at the sheets.

He does hate it, but in this moment he realizes the futility of fighting it. Kendall is his slut, and she is happy as his slut. Jackson is just shy of thirteen inches, and every inch of him is inside of her. She is happy, and he should be happy, too. This melancholy does not fit. Together, they can be happy if he allows it. All he has to do is let go of the idea of their perfect union and allow himself to fall into something different and something possibly greater.

As he finishes inside of her, Jackson grows weak. He falls onto her back and begins kissing her on the shoulders, and he hugs her around her midsection as he catches his breath. “Fine, Kendall, fine. I’ll do it,” he pants. “I’ll do it for you.”

Kendall is at rest against the bed in a pool of her own drool. She smiles at him and cups his head over her own shoulder, and she mewls before kissing him. “Mm. What are you doing to do for me, baby?”

“I’ll treat you like the slut you are,” he says. “I’ll fuck you senseless, and I’ll train you every day until all you can think about is my dick. I’ll do it. For you.” He feels her tighten as he whispers these things to her, and he groans. Taking her by the hair, he yanks her head back and growls, “I’ll fuck you thoughtless and stupid, you cock-hungry whore.”

Kendall moans and smiles. “Yay!” Then, she lets him tilt her head back to kiss her and sucks his tongue as he invades her mouth.

Later that day…

Kendall becomes almost normal when she isn’t having sex, but each orgasm makes her cravings worse. Even when she is 'normal', she is happy to have sex with Jackson, and she still views herself as his slut. Now that he has opened her, and after his decree that morning, Kendall feels like she is in full slut mode all the time. She dotes on Jackson and follows him around the house like a sex-zombie. To his credit, he tries to let her serve him, but it is not in his nature. She is patient, though. His dick and the hard fuckings he gives are worth putting up with his kindness.

This doesn’t bother her, though. Kendall likes feeling like Jackson’s slut, and her greatest hurdle is not in serving but in convincing Jackson to lead. Being a slut is simple. It narrows her understanding of the world to one singular point: please Jackson. As she sees it, Jackson owns her, and she enjoys that. Anything else outside of that is a problem for someone else to worry about.

This morning, Jackson vowed to treat her like a slut, but she can feel him regretting the vow. He is a kind man with limited ambition, and he seems to have valued her spirit and fight. She doesn’t see how submission will remove those two things from her, but she cannot seem to convince Jackson of that and whenever she tries, it seems to frustrate him. He is someone who wants to do for others, but he cannot see how the only thing Kendall wants done for her is rough sex and reaping of her rewards. Today, he is doing better, but she can still feel him sulking on his throne.

The sulking bothers her most. It feels to her like she is failing him, and it is a concern that is complex and more a product of her love for him than her commitment to him. Even without his new dick, Kendall loved Jackson, though his new dick has done a lot to deepen and evolve that love. Deep inside of herself, she feels like submitting to him is repayment for all the kindness and goodness that he has inside of him. It is an expression of trust between them that she can commit herself to his service and not be afraid of being abused. After people like James and her mother in her life, the fact that Kendall can open herself up to Jackson like this is a true testament to how good he is, and she wishes that he could see that most of all.

Which is the problem: Jackson cannot see the good he has done, or if he can, he still wants to do more. Kendall wants to be owned by him, but Jackson doesn’t seem to want to own her. They would both be happier if he could accept her desires, but Jackson is reluctant, and she can see that. He is a good man who wants to fix things, and he sees this new part of Kendall as something broken.

That is why she is home alone with the children while he goes for a walk. She is sat the kitchen table, idly preparing a grocery list. Sex that morning had been good, but the breakfast after had been tense. Jackson usually prepares breakfast, but Kendall insisted that she do it for him, and though he allowed it, he certainly didn’t seem happy about it. She is reflecting on the morning and on the ways that she can show him her commitment and obedience to him when a knock at the door distracts her.

Kendall rises slowly and hesitates in the kitchen. She imagines James there at the door as he was last time, and she swallows. Then, she peeks through the living room window and finds her mother there instead. Her mother looks nervous and keeps checking over her shoulders, and her fright takes the unease Kendall feels and amplifies it with worry.

Paige, Kendall's mother, looks very much like the last time Kendall saw her except in better health. As nervous as the older woman appears to be, her body is stronger than it was the last time Kendall saw her, and her skin has more color to it. When Kendall opens the door, she is surprised to find that she cannot smell cigarettes or alcohol on the other woman as she expected. Both were Paige’s signature perfume throughout Kendall’s entire life. Instead, Paige smells very strongly of the same scent that Kendall had smelled on James the last time she saw him, a scent that is also within Jackson's scent, too.

Whatever the smell is, it repels and arouses Kendall at the same time. Kendall stands in the open doorway staring at her mother, and Paige stares back looking anxious. She is wearing a long, flowing red dress that is nearly see-through, and the fabric hugs her midsection and bunches around her sizable breasts. Kendall wonders if her mother has always been so sexy and has to shake her head clear before speaking. “Mom?”

Paige gives a bashful smile and tucks her long, auburn hair back. “Kendall, sweetie, I…Can I…come in?” She looks and sounds almost demure, and she is nothing like Kendall ever remembers her mother being. Kendall steps aside.

“Of…course,” she says, and she puts on a fake smile to hide her concern. “Come on in.”

“Thanks,” says Paige, and she enters the home lightly and stops and hesitates inside as if waiting for Kendall’s direction. As Kendall closes the door, she notices her mother breathing deeply and remembers the powerful stench of Jackson’s sex that has soaked into the walls and floorboard, and she blushes. Paige is blushing, too, though she appears more feverish than embarrassed. Then, Kendall notices Paige’s visibly erect nipples and recognizes her mother’s arousal for what it is.

Noticing her mother’s arousal, Kendall decides to leave the front door open to air the house out while her mother is there. She guides Paige to the couch and sits with her, and she watches her mother still sniffing the air in mixed embarrassment and pride. Paige has been married three times, and each marriage has failed. Kendall is only nineteen and has already found Jackson, a man who fucks her good and treats her well. She doesn’t like to compare lives, but this time she can’t help but feel like she is winning.

Paige is still fidgety and nervous, though Jackson’s raw, masculine scent seems to have calmed her. She sits now with her hands pressed flat across her lap, and her arms push her breasts together and make her cleavage deeper and more noticeable. The fabric is almost sheer and leaves very little to the imagination. Kendall looks at her mother and imagines how Jackson would feel seeing the older woman like this. She even considers giving her mother to Jackson, which is a strange and unfamiliar thought that makes her feel uncomfortably horny.

“Mom? Is everything okay? You look…worried.”

Paige takes another deep breath and nods. “Oh, yes, dear. Yes, Kendall. Everything is okay. It’s just…” Paige’s chin gives a sudden quiver, and then she breaks down into tears. She falls into Kendall’s stiff embrace, and the two stay on the couch together as Paige sobs into her daughter’s shoulder.

In all her life, Kendall has never seen her mother like this and is briefly taken aback. Slowly, she settles and pats her mother’s back, and she hugs her and whispers to her that it will be okay while Paige wails over her. “I’m sorry, Kendall! I’m so sorry! It’s not okay! Nothing is okay! I don’t know why I did it, baby! I’m so, so, sorry!!”

Kendall stops speaking and just listens, and she smooths her mother’s hair until the older woman goes quiet. Finally, once Paige is at rest against her shoulder and her blouse is wet with tears, Kendall says, “Mom, what are you apologizing for? What did you do?”

Paige takes a few unsteady breaths and stares at the floor. Her entire body is still shaking, as if she is fighting off sobs. She takes slow, deep breaths through her nose and out of her mouth, and Kendall blushes as she remembers the smell of Jackson throughout the house. She can smell something like it on her mother still, but the smell is older and stagnant. Kendall helps her mother sit up straight and looks the older woman in her eyes. “Mom?”

They stare at each other with the same eyes, and Paige puts on a small sad smile. She is still scared, but she has an exhausted sense of acceptance all over her now. She takes another deep breath, and her bosom rises and falls. Her nipples must be painfully erect, Kendall thinks, and she imagines Jackson sucking them and grows horny again. Paige is clearly aroused, too, but the arousal seems to focus her.

“James visited you,” says Paige, and Kendall goes tense as James’ name. “I know he visited you, and I know he wanted to take you. He visited me, too. Months ago, he visited me and he took me, Kendall. He was…different.” Paige looks at her hands and smiles like she is reliving a fond memory, but the smile fades quickly as her eyes go cold. “He used me, and he hurt me. Somehow, he made me like it, but when he came to take you and, I don’t know. Your boyfriend did something, and when James came back, he was different. He was…less. And now…Now…” She shudders again and has to take slow, deep breaths to get through.

Once Paige calms, he looks at Kendall again and says, “Kendall, I came to warn you. James isn’t finished with you. He still wants his revenge, and I’m afraid of how far he will go to get it. You and your boyfriend are both in danger.”


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