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Chapter Seven:

Samantha and Carrie both were mad with lust and had been for days. They ate, but they ate dispassionately and between whining, cringing moans. They touched themselves thoughtless and begged to be released. Kia assured Morgan that their madness would cease but could do nothing to soothe them, and Morgan checked on them daily for some return to sanity but never found it.

The guards on duty were ill-at-ease. The arrival of the clerics and paladin had given some hope but not enough to bring a calm over the people here. Guard Captain Stahl was resolute and serious whenever he met with Morgan, and she swore that he would steal glances at her body and enjoyed the attention he gave her.

Everyone in the city seemed both on edge and hornier than usual. Morgan knew why, though she did not want to admit it. The curse that boy brought with him was imbedded and spreading like a disease through the people here. It found some strange fertile soil in her good citizenry, and as wives grew irritated with impotent husbands incapable of meeting their increasing needs, Morgan felt more and more like she was failing those who trusted her most.

Imagine her surprise, then, when Samantha and Carrie's madness finally eased. The morning after the church's arrival had brought nothing new. It was cold and a low fog clung to the streets, but by noon the sun was out and the fog had burned away. Samantha and Carrie had met her with a wild, mindless crooned and open hunger as their bodies, shiny with sweat as they worked their fingers, writhed and jiggled.

At noon, Captain Stahl had appeared at her home and knocked urgently. "Yes, Captain," she had said by way of greeting as he gazed with open longing at her bosom. She adjusted her blouse but did not move to avoid his gaze. "Can I help you," she asked more insistently.

"The women…Samantha and Carrie…Please, come with me."

Morgan frowned. "Of course," she said, and she followed him through muddy streets to the holding cells. There, she found both women in a dazed lull. They were not screaming their heretical madness anymore but they were not speaking. They sat with smiles on their flushed faces with sweat beaded across their foreheads.

Seeing this, Morgan went to the window of the cells and stared out it at the healing hut and murmured to herself, "What sort of omen is this, then?"

Not long afterward, she came.

A day passed and no word left the hut. Everyone in the village had come at the same time, and each of them would later describe it as the biggest orgasm of their life to that point. They spoke little of it for shame of what it meant, but that night the dreams were more insistent and powerful. Kia waited outside of the hut the next morning, her eyes dark with sleepless bags under them. She could feel something inside of there but did not know what it was. Neither Samantha or Carrie spoke but stared out their cell with timid, innocent smiles and flushed faces.

Morgan joined Kia and was hugging a cloak tight to her body. It felt cool that morning, but Kia seemed fine in a simple robe. Her dark nipples showed, stiff, through the fabric. "Should we send in the guard?"

Kia shook her head but did not look at Morgan. "No," she said emphatically. "They are doing what they must in there. There is a battle between good and evil being fought right now."

Morgan stared at the hut. To her, it seemed a simple building, but she could feel the tension in the air. If she were to touch it, to enter, she would have an orgasm so intense that she would forget herself entirely to the pleasure as it swept over her. Her palms were sweaty with anticipation at the thought.

"…Who is winning?"

Kia swallowed hard but did not answer. At this point, she wasn't sure she could articulate which side was good and which was evil. Not anymore.

Another long, cold day as a new storm front moved in, and Morgan was nowhere closer to understanding what was going on within the healing hut. She posted guards outside of the hut to keep watch, and the next morning found them bleary-eyed and hunched. They watched her with a predatory want, and she noted that their eyes lingered on the most private regions of her body.

The night had brought a new set of dreams, an d these were more depraved and lascivious than the last. She woke up moistened and found her husband erect, but she did not offer him the chance to till her fields as she otherwise should have. Even in his state, he would not be enough to satisfy the need that ached between her legs. No man would be. Instead, she found herself drawn back to the healing hut.

"We should give them time," whispered Kia with an understanding that both frightened and excited Morgan.

"No," said Morgan firmly as she stared, resolutely, at the healing hut and felt the sinister aura that emanated from it. "This has gone on long enough," she said.

"But Morgan…!"

"No," snapped Morgan, and she stared the priestess in the eyes and saw the fear and excitement and delight that lingered behind her gaze. She wanted this the same way Morgan did, and she wanted it for the same reason. Both of them had a blaze between their legs and inside of their guts, and both needed something, anything, more than what their husbands could provide. "Another storm is coming," said Morgan reasonably. "If we do not act now, we do not know when we will be able to call for help should it get worse."

Though Kia could see the excuse, she knew that there were no words left to argue against it. She gave a curt nod and watched with growing anxiety and excitement as Morgan crossed the muddy street to the healing hut with the guard captain. There, she looked him in the eyes and found him staring at her bosom, and she nodded. After that, the captain kicked the door in for her.

The smell of sex and sweat spread into the street once the guard captain had the door kicked open. He raised his gloved hand to cover his nostrils, but the smell of it had already swept over him and stunned him into paralysis. His cock, inadequate though it was, was now painfully hard in his trousers and his body shaking with want and need that he had no right to express.

Morgan saw the tall man stop in front of her and shiver, and she had just opened her mouth to question him when the stench of sex fell over her, too. Like a thick fog, it rolled out from the interior of the healing hut and touched everyone around. Kia, even at a distance, felt an orgasm surge through her as the familiar stink of their charge burned her nostrils and set her brain ablaze. Ahead, she saw Morgan double over at the waist as she came just as hard.

"Yes," hissed the priestess, and she drew the attention of those collected. The guards, like their captain, were painfully erect, save for the women, who were panting with pleasure from sudden and unyielding climaxes. Morgan looked to Kia and saw familiar, shared pleasure on her face, and she knew what was wrong. "Take her," snapped Morgan to the guard, all of whom were too turgid and stuck in pleasure to heed her. Regardless, it no longer mattered. She moved into the healing hut to see what it was that plagued them with such lust.

The hallways were the same as they had ever been, but she felt the lust pooling from them. She imagined a pink smoke drifting from the wood and from underneath the door where she stopped. There was another room here within the building, with another bed, but she knew well where this sickly arousal started from. She did not knock, but she could hear giggles and coos and pleasure on the other side. Morgan merely pushed the door open, and she came again when she saw them waiting.

The boy had woken. His body was gaunt and pale, but he had a dizzy, lame smile on his face and sunken eyes that watched as three women worshipped him with their mouths. Both clerics and the paladin they had brought with them were slobbering on him, with one on each side and the paladin between his legs nursing his oversized testicles.

"You," hissed Morgan, and she stared at his massive, gleaming cock. It was wet with the combined pleasure of all three women, who were smiling and giggling like children as they showered him with wet, sloppy kisses. The boy smiled at her, and Morgan quivered as another orgasm prepared to take her.

"Join us," he croaked in a tired, strained voice, and Morgan did. To that point, she had intended to call out for help, but she knew the men outside would be useless to her. Staring at the young man's gargantuan cock and smelling him in the air, she knew that they would be no more capable of subduing him than the clerics or paladin had been. She heard his voice, and she came a third time, and as the women on the bed cleared a space for her, Morgan joined willingly, previously powerless and now no longer wanting to resist.


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