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Toybox #16: Lost Paradise 4.1

  • Continue Draupnir 0
  • Continue Deus 0
  • Continue Lost Paradise 2
  • Begin Dark Whispers 0
  • Begin A Philosopher's Gift 0
  • 2023-12-24
  • —2024-01-29
  • 2 votes
{'title': 'Toybox #16: Lost Paradise 4.1', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue Draupnir', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Deus', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Lost Paradise', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Begin Dark Whispers', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Begin A Philosopher's Gift", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 29, 1, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 24, 19, 49, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 2}


Chapter Four:

"Come on, Adam, dear, hurry up. You wouldn't want to meet your sister with a hard-on, would you?"

The playful smile on his mother's lips does nothing to abate his arousal as she stroked him. Her fist is a blur on his cock as she whips it along his thick, veiny shaft. Adam is pinned against the steel paneled wall of Seekers, and he was oozing precum along her wrist and forearm as she worked him.

The thawing process would be finished soon, and Andrea would be awake. Then, Adam and his mother would have to stop enjoying themselves in this way. Until then, however, his mother seemed committed to pleasuring him and even moved her face closer to his balls to watch them swing as she attended to him. She gave him a timid sniff, and then smiled as he gasped.

"You smell so strong," she said.

"Like, I stink?"

"No." She shook her head and slowed her hand on him. Removing her right hand, she flexed her fingers and massaged her palm. Then, after twisting her wrist, she began using her left hand to stroke him, but she never retreated. "No, no, it smells…Not good, but I do like it."

"You're so confusing," he said, and he relaxed against the wall to enjoy her. His mother was not left-handed, and so her movements had grown clumsy, but that was somehow just as hot as when her fist was flying along his shaft. He sighed. "I don't know what I'm going to do once she wakes up."

"I do," said his mother teasingly. "You'll have to jerk yourself off."

Adam frowned at the thought but did not argue. He couldn't. His mother had him speechless as she pleasured him. To exert some control over the situation, he rested his hand on her head and dragged her carefully toward him. His goal was to let her sniff him again, but Stephanie did not realize that. So, as his mother's approached, she planted a kiss on his heavy, hanging scrotum and then parted her lips to taste him.

Stephanie, for her part, was confused, even if she didn't want to admit it to Adam. She slurped his balls as she stroked him, and she stared up at him like a lover might. She wanted him to enjoy this, and she felt a little jealous at the thought that he might return to pleasing himself. The knowledge that he could theoretically get by on his own upset her more than it should. It meant that she not only didn't need to help him, but it also meant she never needed to.

For now, however, the two of them settled on enjoying the moment, and Stephanie could tell that Adam was enjoying it. Over the last few days, she had gotten quite familiar with his dick and could feel him throbbing and threatening to finish. Though he complained, the idea of having his siter awake with them seemed to excite him from what Stephanie could tell.

Stephanie understood why. Andrea was shorter than her but more voluptuous. She had curves that Stephanie simply did not even after two children. Slurping him, the very thought of him looking at another woman as he had looked at her set something off. She pried her lips from his balls and panted. "Are you close, baby?"


Stephanie looked at his throbbing cock and scoffed. "You've gotten so spoiled," she said, and she ignored his response and licked her way up his shaft. "Fine," she panted. "Mommy will have to take care of you with her mouth, then," she said, and she parted her lips to welcome him.


Adam stood with his back to the wall and his body shaking as his mother slurped him into her mouth. His formidable size seemed to strain her, as she could hardly take his crown before she had to stop, but even that felt incredible to Adam. Adam was not experienced in the ways of sex, and having his beautiful mother on her knees slobbering on his crown was more than what he had expected to find to begin with, and so he would not complain even as she struggled.

Unsure of what to do with himself while his mother sucked him, Adam started by flattening his hands against the wall along with his back. His legs grew weak as she tongued his crown and teased his urethra, and as his body tightened, he fell forward and balanced on her shoulders to keep from tumbling onto her.

He expected this to disturb her but instead found her moaning on him. They made eye contact, and it seemed to him that she enjoyed the feel of his hands on her shoulders. He tightened his grip there and, staring him in the eyes, his mother bobbed her head on him. She could not take him deep, and that frustrated her, but she enjoyed the taste and feel of him in her mouth and sucked him fervently to show it.

"Mom…" Adam gasped and felt himself thickening. Though he had grown used to her hand in their time alone, her mouth was different. Adam was always a quiet, good-natured boy. Though handsome in his own way, he was not well-liked at school. He had dated, but he had never gotten this far and lacked the courage and confidence to assert himself. His mother had taken charge for a reason, and this left him with little experience to draw upon to keep from finishing too quickly.

He tensed in her mouth and, though his mother knew what to expect from him, she found herself intoxicated by his scent, by his flavor, and by his size. His hands on her shoulders held her in place and dizzied her until he came, and by that point it was too late to pull back. He flooded her mouth with his first rope, and she held him tight by his shaft and stroked him through his climax as he unloaded.

Stephanie came with him, but she always did. This orgasm was more potent, and it led t other swallowing his cum. She had done this before for a past boyfriend, but she had not enjoyed it. She not only enjoyed swallowing Adam's cum, she enjoyed holding it in her mouth, too. It was thicker than it should be, and it seemed to stick to her tongue and to her throat in a way that excited her.

As he finished, Adam rested his back against the wall again. His legs felt like jelly, but he managed to support himself by sitting against the wall. His mother remained on her knees as she recovered from the orgasm he gave her. Her face was sticky with spunk, and so were her throat and mouth. She smiled up at him, and she gave him small kisses against the underside of his shaft.

"Mom…I'm so…"

Stephanie held him loosely by the root of his cock as she kissed him, and she smiled at him with dazed, glassy eyes. "It's okay, baby," she said. "It's not your fault you come so much." She stare down his shaft and giggled. "So…much…!"

Adam bit his bottom lip. He liked the way his mother stared at his dick after he came, but he didn't like that he liked it. He quickly and carefully removed himself from her grasp and tucked himself away. He remained large and plump inside of his jumpsuit, and he could feel his mother's gaze fixed on his crotch even after he zipped himself up. "Do you need a hand up?"

"Yes, please, thank you," she said, and she took his hand and let him help her. They went to fetch her water, and once she rinsed her face, she seemed to sober. She stared at his bulge again, though, and smiled. "You're going to make some woman very, very happy someday."


Stephanie laughed at his surprise. "I'm just saying…I'm proud. That's all."

Adam felt himself twitch in response but did not let her know. "Come on," he said. "Andrea should be ready by now."

Still smiling, Stephanie nearly skipped as she followed Adam out of their makeshift bed chambers in the storage room. She had not meant for it to, but the blowjob and subsequent facial had left her excited and aroused. It felt like dating again, and the fact that it was like she was dating Adam, her son, only made it more exciting.

Their footsteps echoed. Seekers of Paradise was a massive ship, and it housed well over a thousand people in cryogenic tubes. The catwalks between the frozen settlers were narrow and only allowed two people to pass each other with their shoulders brushing. Stephanie followed Adam's lead toward his sister's cryotube, and she stared at his slender ass on the way there and felt horny as she did.

Stephanie had always thought Adam was handsome but mousy. Ever since arriving on this new planet of theirs, she found her feelings for him had blossomed and grown more complex. She lusted after him, and it was more than his cock. She lusted after his body in a way that put her attraction to her husband to shame. At first, she told herself she was just lonely, but now she was not so sure.

They arrived at Andrea's tube, and Adam's entire body went rigid when he saw her. Stephanie checked him for an erection and saw him already swelling toward one. She was jealous, but she understood his arousal. Andrea was a beautiful young woman. She was about as tall as Stephanie but more solidly built. She kept fit and was naturally strong, and she had larger breasts capped by reddish nipples standing stiff on puffy areola.

Adam gaped at his sister's naked body. Her body was still partially obscured by the tubing she was in, but what he saw was very impressive. His mother was equally beautiful, but Andrea was different. She seemed somehow more womanly than his mother did, and he attributed that to her more significant curves.

Stephanie felt jealous but did not let it show. She tried to hide her smile as she approached the tube. Condensation hid Andrea's most private regions, but soon the young woman would be fully exposed and disoriented. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

Adam swallowed and looked at his mother. "Y-Yes," he stammered.

"We don't have time to be embarrassed," she said. "Or reason. I just gave you a blowjob, after all, so seeing your sister naked should be nothing." Adam responded just as Stephanie wanted him to and visibly stiffened at her statement. It flattered her that mention of her old mouth around his manly meat could elicit such a response.

She put her hand on the console and hovered her thumb over one of its gleaming buttons. "I'm letting her out. Get ready to catch her if she falls."

"R-Right," said Adam, and he moved closer as Stephanie flipped the switch. Lights flashed and cold steam filled the immediate space around them. The tube tilted forward and opened, and Andrea came tumbling out and into Adam's open arms.

Adam was a slight man and not predisposed toward activity. He caught his sister but was struck by her weight. She was not like Stephanie or Abigail. She was heavier, and Adam crumpled under her weight almost instantly. The two of them fell onto the catwalk together, and Andrea was spread legged on him and moaning in her slip as he came to rest beneath her and broke her fall.

Stephanie, who watched the whole thing happen, began to laugh. "Adam?! Adam, sweetie, are you okay?"


Stephanie's laughter continued until she moved to help and then ended abruptly when she found her stepdaughter's naked vagina at rest against Adam's significant bulge. Sobered by a mixture of jealousy and surprise, she hooked her arms underneath Andrea's armpits and helped Adam move her off of his body and balanced her against the side railing as he stood.

"Thanks," he sighed.

Stephanie nodded and tried hard not to stare at her son's arousal. "No problem." She kneeled down to examine Andrea and said, "She seems no worse for wear. Hopefully, she'll wake up s…"

"…Stephanie…?" Andrea blinked as she came to. The world was still blurry, but she felt things, and she could hear them. It took her time to respond, though, and she felt cold and exposed without knowing why. Her body was wet and, as her vision came into focus, she found herself staring at her younger brother, Adam, and her stepmother. She blinked. "…Adam?"


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