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Chapter Eight:

Jean was always sore after Michael fucked her, but each subsequent fucking had a shorter recovery time. This morning, she was achy and slightly swollen, but she was happy. It felt to her like Michael had gradually reshaped her, and if he had, then she figured that it would only be a few more times before she could have one of their marathons fucking sessions with zero ramifications other than a pussy full of hot cum.

She hadn’t had sex with Brad at all since that first time with Michael. Honestly, she hadn’t had time to, and at this point couldn’t imagine herself going back to him. She still loved her husband, but the cat was out of the bag now. With how loud she and Michael got, she had no illusions about the nature of her relationship with Brad. His low sperm count had prevented her pregnancy, and now his smaller dick prevented her fidelity.

At a glance or a thought, Michael was still ugly, but weeks of orgasms had warmed her to his cruel, imposing appearance. Comparing him against Brad was a confusing bit of gymnastics, as she still found Brad objectively more attractive but grew hornier in Michael’s presence. Between the two, Michael’s massive cock did a lot to make her attracted to him. Before, she had found him, and it, utterly terrifying. Now, she could think of no one else she would rather be with.

She felt giddy whenever she found his truck waiting for her when she got home, and today was no different. By her understanding of him, Michael had no formal job. He sometimes did work on cars where he could, but that was more a hobby than anything. Brad had met him through a friend of a friend who went out drinking with him sometimes, and Michael was well-known for fucking babies into married women. He was perfect for the job, actually, and seemed to live off of each baby momma he made until he grew bored of them and dropped them.

A part of Jean feared that Michael would do the same with her, but she never allowed herself time to focus on it. It didn’t matter if he did. She was already bred by him, and she needed his dick. So, instead of fretting over his inevitable boredom, she decided to throw herself into him and do whatever she could to keep him for as long as she could. For her, that was the only way forward that made her happy.

Jean’s giddiness grew as she made it to the door. Brad was inside, waiting on the couch with a sallow look on his face. He looked at her, and she didn’t even acknowledge him as she rushed toward the bedroom.

She locked the door behind her and smiled as she found Michael waiting, big, corpulent, and naked on her bed. She stripped and joined him without a word and took hold of his fat shaft with both hands. He was already hard and grinning like an idiot as she took to kissing and licking the underside of his shaft.

“Came home real fucking horny, huh?”

Jean giggled against his shaft as she kissed and slurped him. “Mm. I went to work horny,” she told him, and she smiled between her kisses.

Michael grabbed one of her small, hanging tits and crushed it hard in his big palm. “Fucking thoughtless for dick, aren’t you?”

“For yours?” She giggled. “Yes!”

Michael let Jean suck him on the bed and moved his hand down to cup her pussy. He pried her folds open and fingered her, and she stared him in the eyes and moaned. Using two fingers, he sawed her to a climax before dragging her by the hair onto her back. Once there, he held her by her dark hair and ran his cock along her cheek until he reached her lips again, and then he smiled.

“I’ve made you hungry for dick, haven’t I?”

Jean moaned and kissed his cockhead, and when he forced his way back into her mouth, she opened for him. Michael kept her on her side and fucked into her throat with shallow but hard thrusts. Jean hugged him, cupping one hand against his big, fat bottom and urging him into her with increasing force and depth.

It had taken years for Jean to find someone like Brad whom she loved, and it had taken her even longer to feel comfortable enough around him to trust him with something like this. She didn’t trust Michael in the same way, but her trust was unnecessary. Her body demanded she obey him and grant him access to her, and she honestly wished she had met him sooner because of it. Brad was good and kind, and she had enjoyed her time with him, but she really wished that she had been Michael’s bitch for years now so that she could be better acclimated with his cock.

Once Michael was hard and wet, he removed himself from Jean’s mouth and mounted her. She held herself open for him, parting her legs and vulva with a smile as she watched his slick, fat crown open her. Moving her hands, she cupped her thighs and held them apart as she bit back a moan. His fat belly obscured her view of him opening her as it fell heavily against her belly, and soon she was smothered by him as he filled her body and her vision.

Jean hugged him around the shoulders and did her best to wrap her legs around him as she urged him deeper. She couldn’t move beneath him, so she laid there and kissed him as he crushed her. Every inch of him was on her, and he moved with his full weight behind every thrust. It felt incredible, and though she wasn’t sure how she felt about Michael, she knew that she loved his dick and that she loved the sex they had.

It did not take long before Jean was wailing in climax as each heavy, weighty stroke Michael made shook the entire room. Jean showered him with kisses between her cries of passion, and she nibbled his bottom lip and drank his saliva as he drooled into her open, hungry mouth. It was the closest thing to lovemaking she had done in a while, and it was far better than any night she spent wrapped up in Brad’s arms.

Michael wheezed above her as he always did. He would grunt as he slammed into her, and she whined beneath him as he crushed her. It was better than Brad could ever be, and her insides remained tight with the knowledge that he had impregnated her. It was impossible for him not to have, and the pride and joy she had in that knowledge was raw, passionate, and animal. The pleasures he took in his dick, however, was feminine. Michael was using her, and that is what she enjoyed most about how he rammed her.

Leaning forward, Michael fell onto her with his mouth. He drove his tongue into her mouth and drowned her with viscous spittle. She drank him, and he reached under her to hold her by as the ass he hammered her hard. Jean, legs around his waist, clawed at his back and gasped for air against his mouth as she choked on him.

Their lips parted, leaving saliva hanging between them as his fat balls slapped wetly against her open vulva. She crooned beneath him while he gasped for air. His face was red and sweaty with effort, and his fat body quivered from the force of his thrusts. “This ain’t for baby no more, is it, Jean?” He grinned as she shook her head, and he thickened as the admission drove home. “That’s fucking right. We’re fucking now. You’re just a shameless fucking whore, begging to be plowed because your little dick hubby can’t keep up with you anymore!!”

His cruel words drove Jean wild, and she screamed in climax as he laughed above her. Bradley wasn’t little by comparison to the average man, but compared to Michael he was almost a child. Everyone was small compared to Michael, though, and that is what made him so impressive. That was why she needed him now. She had been successfully bred. Now, only pleasure remained, and that desire for pleasure drove her to shameless infidelity.

Jean gasped beneath Michael’s heavy body. She had lost count of the countless orgasms he had given her as she opened up to him, but each of his deep strokes were met with slick, silken resistance as her wetted folds tightened around him like a fleshy vice. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this kind of relentless pleasure. In fact, nothing had ever told her that this was what sex could feel like, and she felt like each hard thrust he gave her changed both her body and her heart.

She clawed gently at his back as she felt him thickening inside of her. At this point, her body knew his signs well. Her toes curled with anticipation as a smile swallowed her pretty face. She kissed his sweaty neck and his fat, red cheeks, and she laughed with delight as he pulsed inside of her. His orgasm was fast approaching, and she loved the way his thick cock thickened and opened her further. She loved the way he flooded her even more than that, though.

Kissing his neck, jaw, and ears, she whispered to him in a purr. “Oh, Michael…!” She ran her hands through his short, greasy hair and knew that everything about him that turned her on should repulse her. His massive dick changed him, though. It gave him beauty that was not there, and it earned him affection that he did not deserve. Looking back, she felt so silly for finding him revolting to begin with because now every aspect of him aroused her, even his heavy balls slapping hard against her taint as he rammed her.

“I’m close,” he rasped in response. His fat face was buried into the curve of her slender neck as he gasped and panted against her. Jean cooed in response and smoothed his hair.

“I know, I know! And I’m looking forward to it! Fuck me! Seed me! Flood me with your baby batter, you fucking stud!”

Michael laughed and sat up. His big body obscured her view of what his hips were doing to her, but she felt it all the same. He slowed his thrusts and held himself inside of her while she moaned and came again. “I want to do it on your face,” he gasped, and he was smiling because he knew that she would not and could not refuse him at this point.

Jean smiled in response. Though she preferred to have him fill her, she understood his desire and felt grateful to be the one he chose to fulfill it. Procreation was done, and this would be an abject admission of her won desire and confirmation of his seemingly infinite power over her. The way she clutched him and pulled him into a kiss before responding was a response in itself, but her sultry purr as she spoke communicated a new level of degradation and affection. “Then do it, Michael. Give it to me on my face. Drown me in your thick cum and mark me as yours!!”

Michael looked bigger than usual as he withdrew, and Jean gasped to see him. His big, bloated belly shook as he shuffled forward on his knees and jammed his enormous cock into her face. He stroked himself frantically, and Jean giggled and licked his pussy-soaked crown. She could taste herself on him, and her flavor mingled with the sticky, viscous texture of his precum. She moaned and whined, and she begged him quietly with her eyes as he gasped and wheezed above her.

“Mm. Come on me, Michael! Come all over me! Cover me! Drown me! This isn’t about babies anymore! This is about you and your big cock and what you deserve. You fucked me so hard, fucked me so good, I don’t want anyone else anymore! So, keep fucking me! Use me! Cover me and choke me! I am yours, and I want it! I want is so bad! Ah!!”

Jean licked and kissed Michael’s leaking cockhead as he stroked himself but decided to wrap her pink lips around his spurting cockhead as he finished. His fist brushed her lips as he fired, and he flooded her to overflowing before withdrawing to soak her face and hair in cum. She giggled and cooed as he soaked her, and she rubbed herself to climax as the deluge hit. He unloaded on her, and the pleasure she took from it only served to cement her already existing affection for him.

Michael fed her his spent cock after he finished, and Jean sucked him with a smile. She held him, and she stroked his remaining cum out onto her dancing tongue. In fact, she drank him greedily, milking his cum affectionately into her hungry mouth with greater care than she had ever shown a man. Soaked by him and wearing his cum, she let him rub his full length along her sticky cheek while she sniffed and licked his pubic hair. Then, she paused there to kiss him at the root and smiled up at him as he loomed over her and panted like a beast.

Leaning forward, he rested against the wall with one hand and cupped her head with the other. “You’re my slut now, aren’t you?”

Pinned against his big, veiny dick, Jean giggled and stared. “Oh, Michael, I’ve never done this before. I’ve never felt like this before.”

“Did you like it?” Michael sat back and wagged his spent cock at her, and she giggled again and kissed his cockhead delicately. Then, she stared up at him adoringly with her pristine blue eyes.

“I did,” she whispered. “Your cum is so rich and so thick.” She stared up his massive length and purred. “Mm. No wonder you eat so much meat. You must be starving for protein with how much you give me.”

“Speaking of which…” Michael shifted on the bed and fed Jean his balls. She sucked them dutifully with a look of animal anticipation on her sticky face. “When’s your cuck going to bring us our supper?”

“Mm.” Jean felt along the nightstand until she found her phone, and then she stopped sucking his balls just long enough to type a message. Once it was sent, she smiled up at Michael and said, “I told him that we’re ready to eat. What do you want?”

“Something hot and meaty for after our shower,” he said, and he stepped away from the bed and stomped out of the room and into the master bath. Jean watched his fat body jiggle with a smile on her face.

“A shower,” she whispered to herself, and she saw him stroking himself as he started the water. He would have her suck him again, and if she did it well enough, she might get fucked again, too. She sent Brad Michael’s supper request and then threw her phone aside as he turned to regard her with a crooked grin and a plump cock. “Need help with that while the water warms up,” he purred.

Michael laughed as she followed him into the bathroom, and he stood over her smiling as she took him into her mouth with a moan. “Fucking sluts,” he said, but he did nothing to stop her.


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