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Chapter Eight: Taken

After his run in with Mary, Gregory returned to his dorm room to sleep. He slept straight through his first class and then showered through the second. With nothing else to do for the day, he went to get a late lunch and hit the gym. Physical gains were more important to him at this point than most other things and were second only to the acquisition of more pussy. His success with Mary had emboldened him, though he wanted to see if it was sustainable before he took Patricia’s advice and cast a wider net.

He ran into Mary’s boyfriend, Nick, on his way to the gym and grinned smugly at the little man. Nick smiled back at him, oblivious to the ways in which Gregory had so easily violated both his girlfriend and the sanctity of their relationship. He wondered if he would be able to tell or if Mary would confess, and he wondered how he would show Nick like he had shown Joshua.

Their paths didn’t cross again until that evening as Gregory made his way back to his dorm room with supper. He clutched the Styrofoam that held his food in one of his big, beefy hands as he stomped through the halls like he owned them. On the way, he passed Nick again and this time Mary was with him. The three all stopped. Gregory moved to allow them to pass, and Mary did the same for him. They slid by each other while Nick moved with his arm hooked in Mary’s.

As they passed, Mary’s gaze lingered on Gregory. Still emboldened and seeing her surprise and her want in her eyes, Gregory took the chance to swat her on the ass as she went. She gave a quiet yelp and jumped into Nick, who looked at her in surprise, but she did not tell him what happened. Instead, she made an excuse about tripping and then stared back at Gregory with a red face as she chewed her bottom lip. He winked in response, and she looked away.

The next morning, Gregory woke early for class. He stretched, did a few light exercises to get his blood flowing and then dressed. Today, he meant to make it to class. All the sex lately had been a good distraction, but he was not so dense as to think that he could stay in college forever without getting at least passing grades. On his way out, however, he found a good distraction almost waiting for him.

As he left for class, he found Mary sneaking out again. He smiled the moment he saw her alone in the hall and isolated her again between the doors. It was early enough that the sun had yet to rise, and it was easy for him to pin Mary into a corner with his big body blocking her way out. Mary stared up at him silently and blushed. Gregory stared back, a stupid grin on his face and his backpack dropped beside him on the ground.

This morning, she wore a tight brown top that hugged her long torso and small breasts. Her jeans were tight to her body and hugged her firm little bottom. As he stared at her, Gregory realized that they were the same clothes that she was wearing the day before. It made him wonder if she had stayed to fuck her boyfriend and jealousy settled into his big body.

“Good morning, Mary. You’re here early.”

“I’m here late, actually,” she said. She wasn’t as nervous today as she was the last time, and though he wouldn’t describe her as confident, he could see that she was trying to hide a smile. She was horny, and Gregory could almost smell it on her. “I should go.” She tried to duck under his big arm, but he moved to stop her.

“No, no, no, you should stay,” he said, and he undid his pants. “After all, you owe me for yesterday, don’t you?”

Mary’s eyes drifted to his crotch as she considered his statement. In a way, he had raped her, but looking at his swollen jeans she could not convince herself that it had happened that way at all. Sex had been a surprise, but it had also been incredible. It was so good that when she stayed the night with her boyfriend to fuck for the first time, she found herself unwilling to go through with it because she couldn’t imagine him to ever feel as good to her as Gregory did.

She met his gaze. “I owe you?”

“Of course, you do,” Gregory said, and he unbuttoned his fly. His pants sagged enough for her to see his bulging briefs, and again, she was horny. “This is twice now I’ve caught you staying the night a boy’s hallway and then sneaking out in the morning. Your boyfriend is an RA and could get in a lot of trouble, even kicked out, if you’re not careful.”

Gregory cupped her crotch with one hand and applied pressure with his palm. With his other hand, he held himself by his own briefs and pulled the fabric tight against the shape of his dick. Mary, already primed for him, nearly came on the spot, and that pleasure bought both her silence and her cooperation as he touched her. She knew he was making excuses but used those, too, to justify her time with him.

“I’m such a nice guy, aren’t I,” Gregory teased, and he slipped his briefs down to free his dick. Though still limp, Gregory was already massive and much larger than her boyfriend. The sight of him left her wide-eyed and quaking as she came in his hand. Gregory felt her shaking and saw her eyes flutter, and he knew her pleasure and squeezed her pussy again to make it more. “I’m so nice that I even fucked you yesterday morning and gave you a nice, big orgasm before you left, didn’t I?”

Mary, losing herself control and braced against the wall, nodded and ground herself against his hand. “Yes, Gregory,” she moaned, and she stared fixedly at his swollen member as he stroked himself.

Moving closer, Gregory removed his hand and slapped his dick down across her flat belly. She shivered in response and compared him again against her boyfriend. She had only seen her boyfriend once, the night before, and had felt disappointed. Though Nick was objectively larger than most men, he was so much less than Gregory that it was almost insulting. In fact, every part of Gregory, from his height, to his dick, to his muscles, made her boyfriend look like a child.

“Since I’m so nice to you, and I take such good care of you, I think you should thank me.”

Panting with her back to the wall and the crotch of her pants moist, Mary looked Gregory in the eye and nodded. “A-Alright. Yeah. What do you want me to do to you?”

Gregory grinned a rugged grin and purred, “Get on your knees, and I’ll show you.”

Mary fell immediately and found she felt good there. Her gazed remained glued to his dick, where his precum gathered and dribbled. This close, she could smell his natural, masculine musk, which overpowered and overwhelmed her. She breathed deeply of it and let it fill her, and by the time he stood over her, her mouth was watering for him.

Gregory was tall and broad and filled the small foyer even as he put one hand to the wall. He stroked his dick over her face while his massive body cast a dark shadow over her. Lowering himself, he slapped his dick down across her face and laughed. She winced and giggled in response, but her laughter was absent mimicry. It reminded Gregory of the same awe Patricia regarded him with and it made him even hornier as he whispered to himself, “Fuck, that MILF was right, wasn’t she?”

Mary was too distracted by Gregory’s mammoth cock to hear him. He was only inches from her face and larger than she thought possible. In an attempt to understand his size, Mary tried to compare him to Nick but found the two were truly incomparable. Every aspect of Gregory was significantly and improbably larger, from his massive, pulsing cock to his heavy, hairy testicles.

Above her, Gregory rested one big hand on her head and then swiveled his hips to bring his dick around across her face again. Mary shook as an orgasm hit her. They made eye contact, and he smiled and guided one of her hands to hold him. She squeezed gently and, after a moment, began stroking. “That’s a good girl,” Gregory told her, and she smiled at his praise. “Stroke me.”

Though Mary nodded absently, she found her body moving of its own accord. He had fucked her so hard and left her so sore, and yet she gushed for him. If asked, she would have let him fuck her again, and she would have done it willingly and even been excited about it. She knew by numbers that her boyfriend was well endowed, but Gregory was so much better. Better still, he had given her so many orgasms and, holding him, stroking him, smelling him, she whined just remembering the pleasure.

Gregory smiled when he heard her whining and guided her by the hair. He tilted her head back and stared down at her as she stroked him, and when he did, he found her gaze glassy and wanting. At times, Mary remembered Gregory’s perfection as a disembodied cock. Looking him in his dark blue eyes, she found it impossible to do so. She attached his handsome face forever to his perfect dick, and she melted.

“Do you like my cock, Mary? Do you like stroking me and fucking me?” She nodded, and Gregory chuckled quietly while twisting and moving her head. “And who’s bigger, Mary? Me or your boyfriend?”

Mary stared absently at Gregory’s dick as she struggled to comprehend him. He was so large that one hand could hardly fit around him. She added the second and whined as he filled that, too. “You,” she whispered in a bare voice. The need in her swelled and moistened her, and her skin grew hot and sensitive.

Gregory’s smile lingered as he watched her hold him. Her hands were soft but small around him. He remembered Patricia’s awe and saw it etched into Mary’s pretty, young face. Mary was different than Patricia. She was younger and less experienced, but their need was the same, and it all came from Gregory. “Did you like it when I fucked you yesterday, Mary?”

Mary moaned loudly and nodded, and she took to stroking him with urgency. “You were so big,” she whined. “You are so big!!” She held him by the crown and measured him against her forearms, and she gasped when she found he was longer. The look in her eye was beyond awe. It was reverence, a reverence which Gregory would someday come to expect from all women. She was mesmerized by him, and though she struggled with his size, the struggle made her desperate for him.

Trapped against the wall, with his big, burly body above her, Mary found herself suffocating on him. The smell of him was sharp and musky even when he was clean. She liked it, and she was coming to like him, too. She kissed his crotch, and then she stroked him again from her knees. “Gregory, you’re so big it’s scary, but I want it. I need it. Ugh!!”

Hand at rest on her head, Gregory watched her placidly. He could see her changing. Last time, she had enjoyed sex, but now she was enjoying him. Without need, he spoke aloud, as if in realization, and he said, “You like my big cock, don’t you, Mary?”

Mary, meanwhile, moaned in response as Gregory’s rough voice filled her. She moaned as she was changed by him, warped by him and remade by him. “Yes,” she hissed. “I was scared at first, but once I got you inside of me, I loved it. It hurt, but it felt so good, and now…Oh God, Gregory, now you’re all I can think about!”

Now teasing her hair idly, Gregory grinned. “I’m that good, huh?”

Mary fixed her dark, empty eyes on him and nodded. He could see lust in her now. Even without intelligence enough to understand why it was happening, she knew physically that it had happened. What felt first like rape was actually submission. Gregory had so kindly reshaped her, and on a primal level she understood what that meant.

“And what if I wanted to fuck you again, Mary?”

Mary whined and held him at the root with both hands. He was impossibly large. Staring him in the eyes again, she kissed him in the crown and whispered, “Please…”

Gregory pulsed and precum gushed across her lips. “Not yet,” he laughed, and he held her to his cockhead. “You have to earn it first.”

Those words were not his. They came from somewhere else and someone else, but as he said them, he found Mary staring back at him in awe. He enjoyed her reverence, he decided, and when she whispered back to him, “Yes, sir,” he grew even harder.

Her sudden change surprised and aroused Gregory, who watched as Mary turned a quiet focus on his dick. She stroked him rapidly and with open passion. While she had not lacked interest before, her new focus brought new vigor and a devotion that bordered on religious fervor.

Gregory thickened rapidly under such effort and placed his hands against the wall to contain himself. He breathed slowly through the pleasure and was so measured that Mary didn’t seem to notice save for the precum oozing out across her hands. When she saw that, she smiled and turned her dark, idiot eyes on him. “Are you getting close, master?”

Master was a strange and erotic word, and it made him thicker. “Where do you want it,” he panted.

Mary hummed and purred as she eyed his leaking cock. Then, she smiled a radiant smile and said, “Wherever you do!”

Her innocent want made him throb and quicken. He tried to keep breathing but found it difficult as his orgasm came. His breath halted as he shot across her face and her blouse. He doused her with semen and left her a sticky mess, with webs of cum hitting against the wall behind her.

Mary gasped as an orgasm swept over her. She had felt him come inside of her before, and though it had been considerable, actually seeing his orgasm was different. She sat, slack jawed, as semen gathered on her face and in her mouth. She swallowed, and then she stared up at his big gorilla body with a look of thoughtless awe. Gregory, meanwhile, smiled back at her through breathless gasps. She kissed his cockhead and purred, and he laughed. “Like that, Mary?”

Still kissing him and now licking him clean, she looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Mmhmm!”

Feeling smug, Gregory stood there with his hands on his hips as she cleaned him. He felt like a god or maybe a king as she worshipped him with her mouth. “So, how do I compare to your boyfriend?”

Lips fixed around him, Mary giggled, and when she sat back a long bridge of saliva joined them before she spoke. “There is no competition,” she said, hiding her embarrassment and arousal politely behind her delicate hand after breaking the bridge. When she revealed her face again, she was still smiling. “You are better.”

Gregory’s smile was wide as he stared down at her. “Wanna do this again, then,” he asked, but he already knew the answer. Patricia had told him, and he had listened. Mary nodded in response. He offered her one of his big hands and helped her up, and then he let her do up his pants before walking her out. He walked her to her car, and Mary turned to smile at him in response.

Mary had already graduated and only visited to see Nick. Now, she would have another reason to visit, and the intoxicating power he had over her left him horny. He swatted her bottom once they were at her car and winked when she jumped and yelped. “I’ll see you later, then?”

Mary purred and nodded, and she was still smiling as she climbed into her car to leave.


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