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Toybox #15: Deus 5

  • Continue Draupnir 0
  • Continue Deus 0
  • Continue Lost/Seeking Paradise 1
  • Begin Dark Whispers 0
  • Begin A Philosopher's Gift 0
  • 2023-12-03
  • —2024-01-01
  • 1 votes
{'title': 'Toybox #15: Deus 5', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue Draupnir', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Deus', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Lost/Seeking Paradise', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Begin Dark Whispers', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Begin A Philosopher's Gift", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 1, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 3, 19, 35, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1}


Chapter Five:

Misha never liked sex and rarely indulged her husband's desires for it. She had learned years ago that she was incapable of carrying a child, and she was honestly grateful for that fact. Her husband had been married before and lost his wife to childbirth. He had raised his children to adulthood on his own before meeting and falling for Misha, who felt herself too old to have children now.

She laid beneath her husband as he huffed and panted like she normally did, but she felt different this time. There was pleasure in sex for her for the first time. Her husband's efforts her clumsy and without value, but even his typical aimless stabbing was doing something for her. She thought about the boy they had found, and she found that she moistened further. Her husband finished not much longer, and she could tell how smug he was as he came up to rest beside her.

Misha turned her back on her husband, who reached out to feel for her in the darkened bedroom. "Misha, babe, are you…okay?"

"I'm fine," she whispered. "I'm just tired," she told him, but she was not. He did not question her, though, and turned over to sleep while she stayed awake and thought about the boy in the healing hut and the desires she had manifesting inside of her. The next morning, as she passed the hut on her way to open the library, she stopped and stared. She swore that she could almost see the evil radiating from it, but she trusted Kia to handle the problem as she returned her attention to the work at hand.

"What have you done to me," panted a naked Kia as she lowered herself to wash the boy's unwashed balls. His entire body was filthy, and she told herself that was why she had to strip him and clean him with her mouth. That illusion faded quickly, though, and she was soon naked as she tongued his fat, veiny shaft and heavy breathed deeply of his stench as it dizzied and aroused her. She looked up at him past his rigid cock and swore he was watching her, but each time she blinked, he had his eyes closed the next time she saw him.

It is not long before Kia's eager tongue and skilled hands bring him to climax. He came across her torso and triggered an orgasm for her that put every other orgasm of her life to shame. Each time with him is better than the last, and Kia found herself quickly succumbing to what appeared to her to be infinite and evolving pleasure as she cleaned him diligently with her pink tongue and dark lips.

When finished, she made a vague effort to sponge herself off with a wetted rag before she pulled her robes back on and stepped out into the cool air. The sky was heavy with clouds again, and she wondered how long a she had been inside of the hut attending to him. It felt like another world in there, and the fragrance of his unwashed body stuck in her lungs and fogged her head even when she was away from him.

"Kia! Kia!" The town mayor, Morgan approached with swinging hips and shaking breasts. Kia flushed to look at the other woman and felt strange acknowledging her voluptuous, meaty frame. She wondered briefly how the patient would respond to Morgan, and she wondered briefly how Morgan would respond to him.

Kia cleared her throat and struggled in vain to clear her thoughts. "Yes, Morgan?"

"Kia." Morgan stopped in front of her with a look of concern. "How are you," she asked, and Kia saw the other woman sniffing and felt herself moistening at the reality of the situation. Kia most assuredly stunk of semen. Even with a sponge bath after, it wouldn't do much to remove his stench from her skin. Morgan's cheeks flushed. "The guard warned me that you had been in there for some time. Are you well?"

"Y-Yes, I am fine," said Kia, and she felt her cheeks were warm to the ears. She hoped that Morgan could not see her arousal, and she pretended not to see the arousal in Morgan's eyes, also. Their meeting was bringing new guilt to Kia, who had been entrusted with the boy's care, and who had been brought to sin in the same way that the others had. She quickly added, "The cleric should be here today."

Morgan nodded. "Yes," she said, and she looked the small town. "The sooner they arrive, the better. I want this dealt with, and I want my healer back."

Kia thought of Samantha slobbering on the boy's rigid cock and nodded. "Y-Yes, of course," she said, and she stepped lightly around Morgan. "I apologize, but I must prepare their accommodations."

"Of course. Move with the Seven's grace."

"And you," said Kia, and she hurried away.

Not one but two clerics arrived from the east. They rode on horses and were escorted by a paladin of the Seven on their journey. Their horses, all white and dressed in the white and golden tapestries of the Seven, were taken by the guard and put to private stables of the land holders of the region, as was custom. The clerics, and their paladin guide, were then led by the guard captain straight to the church.

Kia was there to greet them, and she had recently toweled off and prayed. It did little to alleviate the burning marsh between her thighs, but it did help her to feel fresh as she greeted two of the holiest people she had ever met. She met them evenly and did not avert their gaze, and she shook their hands and said prayers with them in greeting.

Alain Dumien and Ariana Holfield were both pretty, matronly women. They were average height and both blonde with dark blue eyes. They both had fair skin, but Ariana was a bit older and carried herself with more experience. She cast a critical gaze on Kia and on everything within the church as she walked, and it was clear that she was the head of the party and would be the one to take charge of the exorcism to come.

Alain was younger but severe in her expression. She might not have been a judgmental person, but the resting position of her face and body told another story. Despite her apparent disdain for the town, for the church, and for Kia herself, she followed Ariana's lead as Kia showed them to the rooms where they would be staying and showed them to the linens that they could dress their beddings with.

Both women, aligned with magic gifted by the Divine, could feel the sinful, lustful taint that lingered on Kia just as easily as they could smell the musky stench of cum on her. They recognized the affliction immediately but said nothing as she led them to their quarters. The city felt wrong, and they knew that the evil there was one which would require time and care. Kia turned and met them with a timid smile, and she asked, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

The two clerics exchanged glances and then looked to their paladin escort, Dame Madison Singleton. Madison was blond like them but tall and strong in build. She wore armor polished to a shine. The seven-point star of the Church of the Seven was emblazoned across the breast plate of her armor. It looked well-cared for and little used. She rested her sword hand on the polished hilt of her blade and nodded in response.

"No, this will suit us fine," said Ariana politely, but Alain did not respond with good humor.

"We will go to see the case tomorrow. For now, we've travelled hard and require rest."

Kia nodded and bowed out. "Of course," she said, and she excused herself quickly, her shame showing in the expediency of her retreat. The three holy women looked at each other.

"There is work to be done here," said Ariana firmly.

"Plenty of it," responded Alain, and she set her satchel onto the thin mattress of her bed and began removing prayer books, beads, and ritual perfume sticks.

Ariana looked at Dame Madison. "Would you require our assistance in cleansing your bed chambers, or do you feel up to the task?"

Madison cleared her throat. She was new to the job, and this was her first exorcism, but she did not seem uncomfortable. "I think I shall be fine," she said firmly and with resolve. "Should I require assistance, I will call on you."

Alain nodded. "May you walk forever in the light of the Seven and the Divine."

"And you," said Madison, and her armor clanked as she stomped her way out of the room and to the bed chamber next door.

That night, while the three holy women performed ritual cleansings of their bed chambers within the church, Kia went to visit the sleeping boy again. In the night, while her husband slept, oblivious to his wife's betrayal, Kia worshipped the young man with her body. For hours, she coaxed pleasure from him with her mouth, her hands, and her flexing, gripping cleft. He seemed forever afflicted, and so did she as she moaned and begged him and panted and drooled for him.

Each orgasm they shared added energy to the air and spread a miasma of lust through the town. The streets stunk of the very sex they were having, and even the houses of the most devout members of the town were beginning to smell strongly of sweat, semen, and feminine juices. Sex that was not being had was being dreamed of, and men were left impotent or otherwise cuckolded as their wives dreamt with longing of oversized cocks attached to slender, waif men with a single, glowing red-pink eye.

Morgan dreamt of the boy and woke in climax the next morning. Misha did, too. Sammy and Carrie were mad with lust but had already surrendered to it. If anything, the sinful dreams they dreamt helped them sleep, and they woke rested and more coherent the next morning than they had been in days. This change was not lost on their guards, with the guard captain arriving with his dick shrunken into him after a night fantasizing about his wife finding brand new pleasures with another man.

Despite their efforts the night before, the three who arrived were not left unaffected by the spreading lust. Alain and Ariana neither were virgins. Though they were clerics of the church and offered prayers to all of the Seven, they were not acolytes of Castitas specifically and were not committed to vows of chastity. All of that to say, the two of them were not only married, but both have had sex and had even given birth before.

Their dreams were tame compared to the dreams suffered by even Misha, but they were sensual. They dreamt of their partners at home making sweet love to them, but as the dreams went on the details became distorted. Their partners were no longer the men they had married by the end of the dream, but a young adult boy they did not know, with a mammoth member stretching them and bringing them to new heights. Both woke with climaxes more powerful than any they had ever known, and both were shaken as they prepared rose, cleaned, and prepared for the day.

Madison, however, was a virgin. As a part of her most recent vows, it was required that she be a virgin upon taking the vow and that she remain so until she married, too. Beyond that, Madison was devout to begin with and had no dreams of sex. Instead, she dreamt of service and of worship and of pleasure, and she woke to searching fingers as she touched herself for the first time of her life.

When she went to meet the two older women with wet, fragrant fingers, she carried with her a shame unlike any she had ever felt before. The two women did not make mention of the sin she had committed, though they no doubt had been woken by her moans, she was sure. None of the three made eye contact with each other as they prepared for the day, and Madison felt unworthy of her polished armor and the light it projected as they stepped into the muddy streets of the town.

"The hut is this way," said Ariana gently, but her mind was not there. The dreams lingered, afflicting her with a lust not unlike that which consumed Kia. Kia was not there to meet them in the morning, however, and arrived late and looking quite flushed as they made it to the front door of the healing hut. She blushed as they arrived, and though Ariana was quite sour, Alain was gentle. "Good morning, priestess. How fare you?"

"F-Fine," she said shakily. She looked tired, but she had a glow about her. "Shall we enter."

The three women nodded, and Kia unlocked the door for them and led them down the hall to where the boy slept.


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