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Chapter Four: Love and Respect

Kendall can tell that last night has shaken Jackson. That was why she pretended at play when asked directly about being his slut. She wants to serve him, and she sees no harm in submitting to him, but she knows him well enough to know that he will need convincing. Despite that, her first thoughts when she wakes up beside him the next morning are of how hot it was to titfuck him and declare herself his slut.

Submission by choice feels good to her. It is a sensation that a woman like her has never thought would be possible considering her history. Years of abuse at the hands of her mother and her ex-boyfriends had her convinced that she could never trust someone else to care for her in the way in which Jackson still cares for her. That is why submission is so good with him. It is an exercise of trust. She can submit to him and free herself into his hands without fear of being hurt.

More than that, she just feels like Jackson deserves submission. Last night, after their shower, Jackson fucked her again from behind. Kendall still feels stretched and used by him, though a touch to her pussy confirms her surprising and almost impossible recover. He took her from behind, and she was careful to keep her lips tight to avoid anymore distracting dirty talk. There is a line she has to maintain between exploring her new-found kink and in respecting Jackson’s personal boundaries.

Waking beside him, she smiles at the ceiling before looking at him, and her smile grows before she shakes him awake so that they can prepare the girls for school. She drops him off at work and then drops the girls off afterward before returning home, and she spends yet another day distracted by the sex they had the night before.

Kendall is taking summer classes to help her finish her degree, and she should be studying while Jackson is at work. The smell of sex that lingers in the air around her, however, prevents any such studying from taking place. Her thoughts are instead fixed on the way Jackson had fucked her the night before, and when she isn't thinking of that, she thinks of the sperm baths he soaks her with when he comes

Sometimes, when she goes out into public, Kendall likes to pretend that everyone around her can smell Jackson on her. She likes to imagine that they know what he has done to her, and she likes most of all to imagine that everyone knew that she belongs to Jackson and that she is his property.

She holds her hair to her nose and breathes in, and then she moans with a subtle shame. “God, I really am his slut, aren’t I?”

Unable to focus, she stands from the tiny desk that they keep in their tiny living room and pulls her sweats away to gaze at her wetted pubic hair. She has to bend to see her pussy with her heavy new bosom in the way, and she touches herself lightly to confirm her findings. Her pussy lips are parted and ready for him, and she moistens her finger tips and moans as pleasure shoots up her spine.

“Nn. I’m so fucking horny right now!”

Kendall slides one of her fingers along her leaking slit and bites back a moan. She likes being a slut, she decides, and she falls back into a nearby wall for support as she eases that same finger into her eager cleft. It isn’t enough. She feels open down there, and though she clings wetly to herself, she knows that it won’t be enough. Ever since Jackson opened her up, she needs more, and she whines in frustration for not having it.

“Fuck,” she hisses. “I’m so horny. I’m so horny. I’m a horny little slut!” She adds a second finger and moans as her pussy flexes. She still wants more, and she thinks of Jackson and smiles. “Mm. That’s right. I’m Jackson’s horny little slut!!” She thumbs her clit and comes hard, and her orgasm leaves her pants wet. Back to the wall, Kendall stands there shaking until her legs grow weak. Then, she stares down her body. At some point, she had starts squeezing her breasts, and though she comes again, she is not satisfied at all. If anything, the orgasms have only made her hunger more pronounced.

She whines. “Maybe this isn’t just a kink after all,” she sighs, and she rests her head against the wall until she catches her breath. Her fingers are literally dripping once she removes them from her pants, and she strips herself and goes bottomless to the bathroom to wash up. While in the bathroom, she cups her breasts and smiles at the warm, rigid memory of Jackson spewing between them. She also turns to gaze at her large, round bottom and gives it a playful slap. “I’ve got the body of a slut,” she purrs, and she giggles afterward. “Jackson and I are meant for each other!”

Turning toward the mirror again, Kendall feels her slender stomach. She sniffs her breasts and finds Jackson’s scent there. He has marked her, and now her body is meant for his pleasure. She loves it, and she loves him more than she has ever loved another person. It is more than a kink, and she knows it. At this point, it is a calling.

“I am a slut,” she whispers, and she teases her pubic hair while staring at herself in the mirror. “I’m his slut, and I need him to know.”

After that, Kendall gathers her supplies and starts the shower. James had always wanted her to shave for him, and she had refused. He didn’t deserve it. Jackson does, though, and she smiles as she pulled out her shaving cream and says to herself, “I’m going to do it. I’m going to show him what a good little slut I am.”


Jackson is distracted at work thinking about Kendall and thinking about his cock. Ever since he had that dream, he has been horny all the time, and lately every time he thinks of Kendall, he gets hard. He spends his time at work daydreaming about sex, and he feels like everyone can see his hard-ons since he had such a dramatic growth spurt.

The worst part is the way he thinks about Kendall. From the moment he has met her, he has been in awe of her beauty and her kindness. It still impresses him that a woman like her, who has no reason to invest in others, took the chance on getting to know him in the first place. Lately, she has been so different. She has been lewd, and she has been horny, and she has degraded and shamed herself for him, and though he hates to admit it, a part of him likes it.

He misses the Kendall he first met, but he also enjoys the Kendall that she is now. He enjoys the way she worships him with her body, and he enjoys look in her eyes and the way she talks about herself. Even as he denies it, he wants her to be his slut. In fact, it is his own enjoyment that upsets him the most. Kendall is free to be whatever she wants to be in his opinion, and that includes being a slut. Jackson, however, feels like he should know better.

“It’s the burden of being a king,” Jackson mutters to himself, but the words feel out of place on his lips. He is on his lunch break and is eating alone while hiding his half-erect cock from view. Lately, it feels like all of the men he works with are frightened of him and all of the women he works with are enamored with him. He hates it.

He thinks about James and about blood spilled. James had left the house broken by Jackson, and after that, everything changed. It had been a thrill to take a man so much larger than him and reduce him to nothing. Now that he is reflecting on it, Jackson realizes that the same thrill he got from breaking James’ nose in could be found in taking Kendall. They still love each other, but the love is different now, and Jackson hates that most of all.

When he returns to work, he finds it difficult to focus. He is light-headed from his hard-on and finds that female customers linger around him. Their perfume is intoxicating to him, and he daydreams about wrapping himself in them and fucking them in the aisle while the peasants watch. “Heavy is the head,” he whispers to himself, and he shakes his head clear and returns to work.

Jackson finds Kendall waiting for him in the car after work. She is horny, too. He can tell from the way that her stiff nipples tent her tiny, nearly transparent tank top, and he is surprised to see her creamy, womanly thighs in a pair of short shorts. It is an outfit Jackson has never seen before, and the longer he stares, the more he can see fine details. The pink of her nipples and the shape of her areola show through the thin material of the tank top and evoke a feeling of embarrassed arousal in him. He is too mortified to acknowledge them, but he cannot help but steal glances as she drives.

The car is silent on the way to pick up the girls, and when they arrive at the daycare, Jackson offers her the hoodie he wears to work to hide his hard-ons. Kendall accepts with a knowing smile and pulls it on, but it barely covers her round bottom and seems to emphasize her womanly thighs rubbing as she walks. Addison and Penelope serve as useful distractions for Jackson, who is so horny at this point that he wants to take her in first empty room he sees.

The ride home is tense. Jackson sees Kendall stealing sniffs of his hoodie and stiffens as a result. She wants his scent like she wants his cock, and her admiration for his every aspect is thrilling and intoxicating. He has power over her, and the words keep echoing in his head. This is the burden of the king, and it is his right as the one to wear the crown that he gets to keep her and use her as he pleases.

These thoughts are not his, but they occupy his brain. That night, Kendall insists on cooking supper for him and insists on putting the girls down for bed afterward. Jackson tries to help where he can, and Kendall permits it out of passive compliance, but she continues to direct him back to the couch after each completed task and keeps telling him, “You work hard enough, Jackson. You deserve a rest.”

“It’s a grocery store, Kendall. I’m fine.”

“I know you are,” she says, and she guides him as he complains to the couch and hands him a soda once he is settled. She caresses his shoulders and arms with a smile. “You’re so strong,” she says as she feels his arms. “The work must easy for someone as strong as you, but still…” She catches him staring at her bosom and smiles. “You just let me take care of you, okay? I am your woman, after all.”

“My woman? Kendall, that doesn’t really mean anything.”

“It does to me,” she purrs, and she kisses him on the forehead and on the lips. Their tongues touch, and the contact steals whatever complaint Jackson has loaded. She wants this, he tells himself, and at the back of his head he wants it, too. More than that, in the voice that is not his but occupies his head, he thinks that he deserves it. “Let me serve you,” she says, and the words land differently than before.

Looking at her, Jackson suddenly feels regal sitting on the couch with a soda in his hand. He can smell their sex lingering in the air, and a day of fighting his primal urges has him tired and weak for her. He looks her in the eyes and sighs. “Fine,” he says, and she giggles and returns to work. Once the girls are down, she returns tugging the hoodie tight to show off her curves, and Jackson stops playing the video game he has turned on and stares at her.


“Jackson…” She purrs his name with animal hunger as she fingers the hem of her shorts. “I did something special for you…” She lowers her shorts and flattens her hands to pin the hoodie to her slender belly. This frames her wide hips and the top of her bare pussy. Jackson can see what she is displaying for him but avoids looking directly. Instead, he stares her in the eyes in a desperate attempt to keep control of himself and of the situation.

“Kendall, you really don’t have to…”

Kendall giggles and licks her lips. “I know, but I want to.”

“You’re not my slut,” he pleads.

“But I want to be,” she tells him. “Look.” Kendall pulls her long, graceful legs out of her shorts and steps into view without panties on. Her legs are strong but supple. They support her body with slow, graceful movements, but her shapely thighs jiggle slightly as she adopts a widened stance and shows him her womanhood. She has shaved herself, and her pussy is smooth, hairless, and glistening.

Jackson chokes to see her like this and stares wide-eyed and stiff. “Kendall!!”

Kendall giggles in response and lowers her hand. She reaches down and uses two fingers to peel her cleft apart, exposing her wet, pink insides to him. “What do you think,” she purrs, and she rubs herself for him. “Do you like it?” She mewls as she thumbs her clit, and she whines afterward as she eases two slender fingers into herself. “Mm. I did it for you, Jackson. Because I love you. So much!”

Unable to look away, Jackson stares, slack-jawed, as if he is awed by the beauty of her weeping peach. “D-Did you wax it?”

“No, not this time,” she says, and she smiles down at him. He is inching closer to her, and she hopes that he can see her arousal for him. “I can next time, if you want.”

“I don’t…”

Kendall interrupts Jackson with a giggle as her head lulls back with pleasure. “God, Jackson, listen to me. I barely shave, let alone wax, but for you, I’d do it.” She gives him a half-lidded smile and says, “I’d do anything or you, Jackson. I love you…” She falls to her knees then and finds Jackson through his pants, and then she feels him. “Mm. And I need you.”


Holding him through his pants and stroking him slowly, Kendall moans. “Please, Jackson. Give it to me. Give me your cock. Treat me like a slut. I want it. I need it. Please!!”

“But you’re not my slut!!” Even as he argues, Jackson holds his legs wider. His dick thickens, and he can feel his resolve fading. Every time he gets hard, it is like he becomes another person. Her submission thrills him, but he doesn’t want it to.

“Then make me your slut,” she whines, and she kisses him through his pants. Her eyes are pleading as she claws at him. “It can be just for tonight, Jackson, but I want to know what it’s like. I want to be your slut. Fuck me. Fuck my throat. Ruin me. Please. I’m begging. Please, master.” She whines and kisses him, and she licks him through his pants. Jackson is growing despite his complaints, and she finds his zipper and threatens to yank it down but waits for permission. “Just this one time, Jackson, fuck my face and really wreck me. Make me your slut for tonight, and then I won’t ask again.”

Left speechless by her request, Jackson regards Kendall in horrified arousal. He doesn’t really want to make her a slut, but the words she is using and the way she is using them confuse him. At the back of his head, like a whisper he can’t quite hear, he sees a throne and a crown, and he knows deep down that whether he wants this or not, he has it. Kendall is his slut, and this is one thing which he cannot change.

He swallows and buries this feeling, and he caresses Kendall’s cheek lightly. She stops and looks at him with her hands fixed to his crotch, and he whispers, “Kendall, please…”

“Fine,” snaps Kendall, and she undoes his pants and pulls him out. “If you won’t do it for me, then I’ll do it for you.” Kendall is glaring as she rips his briefs open with her bare hands. His cock is huge and needs room to breathe, and she stares down his length with a smile before taking hold of him by the root. “Now, watch closely, Jackson. This is how a slut like me wants to be treated.”

Kendall lines up with her pretty, pink lips and kisses his crown, and then she throws herself onto his dick. Mouth wide, she throated him with a wet gurgle. She takes no care to move slowly and hammers herself onto his dick with reckless, animal abandon. True to her word, she shows him just how a slut wants to be used.

Jackson is overwhelmed as the whispers become a maelstrom. He parts his legs wider and lets Kendall hold him by the thighs as she slobbers, and he watches her pretty features distort around his enormity. He keeps his hands on the couch and refuses to guide her, as he is still afraid that she is hurting herself, but he tells himself also that this must be done. This is clearly Kendall’s own desire, the whispers tell him, and they warn him that if she isn’t his slut, then she might become someone else’s slut instead.

He holds Kendall by the hair. At first, he means to stop her or to slow her. If she must suck him, then he at least wants to act with care to keep from hurting her. When he sees the sloppy, animal delight she takes in his dick, though, his mind begins to twist and distort again. She smiles around him, or she tries to but his size makes it difficult to tell. More than that, she is throwing herself onto him with stupid, thoughtless want, like she needs to have him in her and is aiming to take him deeper than either of them should allow.

Her big breasts bounce and shake with her effort. She holds him around the root and gurgles around him, and seeing her like this with saliva foaming around her stretched lips as she uses herself on him, Jackson loses control. The toxic pleasure intoxicates him and corrodes his defenses. He forgets himself to it and feels like a king with a fool polishing his royal scepter.

That is when the grip he has on her hair changes. He tightens his hold on her, and he holds her in place. Planting his feet beside her, Jackson thrusts up into Kendall’s willing and waiting mouth. She chokes on him, and she flashes him a smile that only shows in her eyes and holds him by the hips to brace herself for his next thrust. They make eye contact, and he thrusts again, and Kendall moans as if to tell him that he is finally giving her what she wants. Jackson hears this, understands it and loses all control of himself.

Jackson grows breathless as he hammers is fiancé's throat but cannot get over the beauty of her glassy blue eyes watching him with simple-minded devotion and affection. “Is this what you wanted, Kendall,” he screams. His voice is raw and desperate. He hates himself for what he is doing, but he loves doing it. “Is this how I’m supposed to treat you?”

His thrusts grow wild and aggressive. Kendall can only take a few inches into her throat, and it is almost insulting to Jackson how shallow his movements have to be. She told him that she wants to be his slut, but she cannot even properly accommodate his needs. He grunts and, without thinking, takes his anger out on her with a smack across the cheek. His body moves on its own as he stands over her and holds her in place. He forces her lower and continues to fuck her face, but now he is holding her with both hands while supporting himself on her shoulder and head.

“Because this is how I treat my sluts, Kendall. Do you still like it?! Is it everything you dreamed of!?!”

At the back of his head, in a space that has not yet been corrupted by whatever strange influence his new dick has over him, Jackson fears her response. He fears that he has gone too far and that the smack was too much. The look of primal delight in her eyes betrays the truth to him, however, as does the throaty purr that she gives around his dick as he abuses her with it. Gurgling, foaming and frothing around him, Kendall hugs him by the hips and chokes herself with his dick as she moans, “Mmhmm!!!”

Her reaction makes Jackson’s anger only grow more extreme. He is punishing her, and she is enjoying it. Worse still, he is submitting to his own lesser impulses like a base animal. She is dragging him down with her, and he decides to fuck throat even harder as punishment. He chokes her with his dick, and she stares up at him in awed affection. Unable to curb her bottomless arousal, Jackson grows violent with his want and feels himself thicken in response. He stands over her and chokes her with his righteous movements, and she cups his ass and helps him with it.

“You really as my slut now, aren’t you,” he gasps, and she moans in response. “Just a thoughtless, shameless slut,” he growls. “A stupid, cock-hungry size queen! You don’t love me! You just love my cock!”

A moment of hurt hits Kendall’s eyes, but it is replaced by want as he quickens in her throat. She can hardly breathe around him, but she is ready to die for this if she has to. Jackson, meanwhile, holds her tight by the hair and groans. “Well, get ready, slut, because here it comes!”

They stare into each other’s eyes, and Kendall tightens her lips around him as her fingers dig hard into his ass cheeks. She holds him tight and moves with him, and she urges him with her whole body to fire. Her lips and throat and tongue are like a pussy for him and are meant only to milk his cock, and when he erupts, he shoots straight into her hungry belly first before she has to fall back choking to catch her breath.

Jackson falls back gasping when he releases her. He lands on the couch and stares at her as his spent cock lay limp between his thighs. Kendall is on her ass and smiling as she coughs up semen. Her cheeks and torso are soaked with his seed, and she looks drunk as she stares at him in open, willing arousal. She licks her lips afterward and then shows him her smile as Jackson stares at her, panting.

Once she recovers, Kendall shuffles forward on her hands and knees and wraps her lips tight around his cock again. She sucks him with a purr, and Jackson, still in the throes of his pleasure, grabs her by her hair and growls, “You are a fucking slut, aren’t you? I thought you were going to be my girlfriend. My fiance. But all you are is a size queen slut who is hungry for my cock.”

Kendall whines around him and, when allowed, peels herself off of his large, spent cock. “Mm. I am your slut, Jackson. I am your size queen slut! You took me! You came for me! You came all over me and marked me!” She licks him, and she pants against him. Soaked and sticky, and her belly full of cum, she nuzzles his shaft and mewls, “You marked me, Jackson. You marked me as your slut.”

Jackson holds his dick to her cheek and stares at her, and he views it as baptism. He considers her words and takes them to heart. Kendall has been marked by him. This facial and her belly full of cum is their covenant, and now she serves him. She belongs to him and is his property, and she is his to use as he pleases. From this day forward, he is her king, and even as a queen, she will serve as his concubine.

These thoughts echo in his head until he shakes them clear and remembers himself. Seeing Kendall nuzzling him and sucking him, he finds himself caught in horrified arousal. His own virility is astonishing, but even more astonishing is the sex-drunken smile Kendall has glued to her face. He can hardly see her beneath all of the semen he left on her, but he can see that smile clearly and knows its depraved origin. He eases his grip in her hair, and he stammers, “K-Kendall, are you…okay?”

Licking him and kissing his cockhead, Kendall mewls, “Am I okay?” She squeals in delight and stares him in the eyes. Her own eyes, blue in color and dancing with delight, are framed by thick semen. Her smile never leaves her face as she purrs, “I’m wonderful, Jackson! I’m happier than I’ve ever been!” Holding him in both hands, she lowers herself to kiss and lick his balls and whines, “I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have a man who loves me enough to treat me like this!”

Jackson gapes. “Love…?!”

“Yes, love. And respect! Someone like James would never have treated me like this and still loved me afterward. He would have seen me like a slut and nothing else, and someone else might have been too…weak and milquetoast to step up and give me the hard face-fucking that I want and deserve. You, though, you were incredible! You treated me like a slut, but now you’re checking on me. You still care about me.” Kendall kisses his pubic hair and mewls. “You make me feel so safe and loved, baby. Thank you!!”

Jackson still feels guilty, but he gives her half a smile to show his standing affection for her. “You…You’re welcome,” he says, but he can hardly believe her. Even as he speaks, he finds his guilt is still eating away at the core of him.

Kendall remains on her knees licking him but eventually stands to shower. She asks him to join her, but he politely refuses. Instead, he turns into bed early, and she joins him only after scrubbing herself clean. Kendall moves with complete silence and takes extra care to show him the reverence she feels he has earned. She slips into bed and kisses his shoulder, and then she curls up facing his back so that she can smell him as she drifts off.

Jackson, meanwhile, lies away and wrestles with his guilt. It hurts him to realize how much Kendall enjoys being a slut. He enjoyed it, too, but he doesn't want to. Taming her is changing the entire nature of his relationship, and it is changing Kendall, too, and that is what upsets him most of all.


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