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 Trigger Warning: This story contains some sexual and emotional violence. This is nota healthy representation of a relationship, nor should it be something to strive for in your own life.  This is a work of fiction, and the actions taken in this story are taboo for a reason.  Be good to each other. 

Chapter Three: Daddy

After another lonely evening of icing her vagina, Kendall dreams of James. She dreams of his smell, and of his eyes, and of his massive cock. She dreams of how he can control her. She dreams of how full he leaves her. Most of all, she dreams of the lies she has to tell Jackson to protect everyone involved, and when she wakes up, she is guilty, and she is horny, and she is looking forward to James’ next visit.

In the shower she checks her pussy and shaves it again. She is astonished by how resilient her body has been after stretching around James for two days straight. From a glance at least, nothing has changed. Her pussy returns to its normal size after each deep fucking. In her youth, Kendall might have thought that impossible. After two children, however, she can believe the woman body is capable of anything.

Still, it is a surprise to her that her pussy can restore itself so quickly after being stretched by James. Then again, her breasts--now D cups--swelled rapidly just before he came knocking at her door, as if in preparation for his arrival. Realizing this, Kendall considers the option that her body might only be restoring itself for James’ use, an impossibility made possible by James seeming dominion over her.

She checks her pussy before ending her shower. She won’t be able to get waxed until the next day, likely after James’ morning visit, assuming he will have one. Alone in the bathroom, she stares at her naked, dripping reflection with a sigh. She really is a beautiful woman, one deserving of far more than Jackson’s can give her. It is a guilty thought but not one entirely foreign to her. She used to think the same thing about James, but now his dick seems like the greatest reward a woman could find. She fingers herself to thoughts of him, of it, remembering in particular how large he looked by comparison to her in the mirror.

After drying and dressing, Kendall drives Jackson and the girls to their respective destinations. She kisses Jackson goodbye, her entire body tingling as she does. At home, hidden in her closet, are the clothes she set aside for James. Without thinking, she calls Jackson a cuck as she says goodbye to him and, though she feels guilty, she also feels aroused because she knows that she is going home soon to be toyed with and fucked with by her well-endowed ex. Jackson thinks it is a hurtful joke; Kendall knows it is a heartful reality.

She drops the girls off next before racing home, hoping to beat James there. Unfortunately, she finds his truck waiting as she pulls up and parks in the drive before stepping out of her car. She greets him with a smile but finds him frowning as they meet. His frown worries her, but the sight of him towering over her with his shoulders tight leaves her quaking with arousal. It is hard for Kendall to deny her growing attraction to James, an attraction that is increasingly about more than just his cock.

They meet in the middle of her lawn, and he stands over her, glaring down at her before smacking her face. Kendall winces but does not retreat as she stares him in the eyes. “The fuck is wrong with you, Kendall?”

“I don’t know, I…” He interrupts her with another smack.

“The fuck you don’t know. The fuck are you wearing right now?”

Kendall looks down at her clothes, her normal attire for the summer. She is wearing a black tee and a pair of jeans. Neither is particularly revealing, but she had assumed James wouldn’t want her to show off in front of Jackson. When she meets his gaze, however, she is not so certain. The clear rage in his eyes has her afraid but also equally aroused. James is rough with her, and each blow only seems to turn her on. At this point, even the memories of his abuse seem to arouse her.

“I’m sorry,” she says, wringing her hands. “I’ll change when we get inside.”

James silences her with another smack. “You’ll get me a fucking beer first, and then you’ll get changed. And I better now see you wearing nothing like this when I show up again. Got it?”

Kendall nods, tears in her eyes, and then follows him to the front door. He pushes his way past her again as soon as she unlocks the door, and he is slumped onto the couch before she even enters the house. Moving obediently, compelled by his word and by her fear of him and his rejection, Kendall fetches him a beer first and has it open before stopping at his side.

James sips it while she waits, glaring at the television, which he just turned on. “The fuck do you two got to watch?”

“Um, streaming services, I think.”

“What about ESPN?”

Kendall stammers, “No, I don’t think we have that. We don’t have cable.”

James turns a glare on her. “You fucking kidding me?” He rolls his eyes. “Then get the fuck out of here. You’re useless to me.”

“I…” Kendall hesitates, rooted by the fear of what he will do or say when he sees her still hairy. If her wearing normal clothes is bothering him this much, she can only imagine a nuclear reaction when he learns the truth.

A sharp slap across her breasts pulls her from her thoughts, and Kendall winces in pain with pleasure chasing after it. “The fuck you waiting for, slut? Go get changed!”

Kendall mutters an apology as she hurries from the room. Ducking into the master bedroom, Kendall strips naked and digs out the clothes that she had hid from Jackson. Dressing quickly, she stops to stare at her swollen nipples as they show through her tank top. Not only can she see the shape of them, but the pink color shows through the white material, too. Her shorts are shorter than she remembers, exposing her entire thigh and barely covering her ass. Her pussy is wet when she slips them on, and she can see the outline of her vulva through the thin material of the shorts.

Kendall returns nervous until James’ eyes drift to her, and then she finds herself in a state of thrilled arousal. He adjusts himself, his eyes lingering on her swollen nipples. She still hates James, and she hates him deeply, but two days of orgasms have programmed her to appreciate his arousal. His mammoth manhood, dense and large in his pants, seems to swell at her approach, and that alone is enough please her.

She stops beside him and stands still as he touches her. James’ hands roam her body freely, holding her by the hips and guiding her how he wills. Kendall obeys, moving without a word as he turns her in a circle, examining her thick thighs and plump rear. Kendall has always been embarrassed by her butt, which seemed to be the sole place where fat would gather in her youth. Now an adult, her bottom has only grown more pronounced as she has filled out and, where two children blessed her with D-cup breasts, it also cursed her with voluptuous thighs and a fat ass.

Holding her ass, James gives it a few smacks before laughing. “Shit, you’re so fucking thicc!” Kendall, looking over her shoulder at him, smiles when she finds him smiling. She can imagine him swelling and remembers the way he fucked her so hard from behind on the first day. James might not be perfect, but he seems to like her ass just fine, and that is a compliment she can’t ignore--her body won’t allow her to.

Wearing a crooked grin, James gives her bottom another swat before forcing her forward with one hand. She bends at the waist, sticking her ass out at him as he continues to group her. James’ hands are big and rough, a sharp contrast to Jackson’s softer, gentler mitts. It turns Kendall on, to be manhandled roughly, and makes her feel distinctly feminine compared to James, who is increasingly becoming a paragon of masculinity in her mind. Anymore, the rougher he is, the hornier she becomes.

Another swat and James paws her. “I mean, shit, you’ve always had a fine fucking ass, but the rest of you has filled out, too. Turn around and show me them fat fucking titties!” Moving her by the hips, James turns her to face him. Kendall offers no resistance, either, as she seizes her by her slender midsection before moving his hands up to cup her heavy bosom.

Kendall enjoys her breasts, though she has often felt self-conscious of the changes her body has undergone. As a child, she was always very skinny, and while not fat now, she is much more voluptuous and womanly as a result of her two children. She started with A-cups before her first daughter was born, and had only B-cups when she first met James. After their child, she stayed at smaller C-cups, with her breasts undergoing a sudden growth following her breakup from James. Jackson seemed to enjoy it at the time, though looking back, it almost feels like her body was only preparing her to be James’ slut in the future.

James squeezing her breasts roughly, forcing her to chew her bottom lip to keep from moaning. He thumbs her nipples through her shirt, and she leans into his hands. “Shit, Kendall, these things got fucking fat. What are you wearing now? C cups?”

Kendall blushes with pride as he holds her breasts together. He stares at them fixedly, as if hypnotized by them, and she is flattered by his interest. “D cups, actually.” James groans in response, and Kendall giggles despite herself. She covers her mouth to hide her response, but James already noticed and is grinning as he continues to tease her. He mauls her breasts a few minutes longer, staring at them, weighing them in his hands as he teases them, and then shoves her way. Sitting back, he extends his foot and makes his interest clear, and Kendall moves obediently.

She takes to her duties readily this time, removing his shoes and sniffing his socks once they are exposed. Her hatred for James has softened when it comes to his feet, the stink of them now coming to remind her gradually of their sex and of his cock. Removing his sock, she sniffs his foot again before showering it with kisses. It degrades her to lick his foot, and it is especially degrading to do it of her own desire, but the sight of his hard dick tenting his pants has her horny and willing, and at the back of her head she is convinced she might convince him to fuck her if she is good.

Staring him in the eyes, she sucks his toes, enjoying their stench while still recoiling at their flavor. It is not as pronounced as it once was, or at least she is becoming accustomed to it. A part of her is actually aroused to taste him, though she mostly sees it as an ends to a means. James watches her, clearly amused as he sips his beer. His cold eyes entrap her as her breasts had enthralled him, and she feels powerless with his toes in her mouth.

“Fuck, you look good with your lips around my toes, you know that? Maybe I should get you a mirror, so you can watch yourself doing it like you did with my dick the other day.” James wiggles his toes in her mouth, and she wiggles her tongue back, cleaning between them. “Thought I didn’t see that, huh? Well, I did, and I could see how much you liked it. And who can blame you? You look good with my dick in your mouth.”

That, Kendall had to agree with. When she first started dating Jackson, she had found him attractive and thought him well-endowed. Watching herself suck James yesterday, however, changed her mind. Physically, at least, she is better suited to a big man like James, who not only towers over her in height, but whose big dick can fill her to her womb.

James laughs. “You always hated it when I told you that you had them dick-sucking lips, but now you’re real glad to have a real dick to use them on, huh?”

Kendall smiles. In a way, James is insulting himself in ignorance. They had dated for two years before, and he wasn’t always so well-endowed. Still, his true intention isn’t lost on her and, comparing James as he is now to Jackson as he is now, she has a clear favorite. Comparing Jackson when she first saw him to James in the mirror as she sucked him leaves her swallowing laughter. There is no comparison that leaves Jackson looking good, she realizes, and the flame of her arousal burns even hotter as she drools on James’ toes.

James offers her his other foot, and she changes quickly, sniffing him in the same way before salivating on him. Continued exposure to his feet, she realizes, is leaving her complacent and willing. Even just from the start of the day, she finds herself more interested in tasting him than she had been at the start. Though a strong-willed woman, and uncompromising in her wants, she is powerless to refuse James any pleasure, and her willpower is fading fast in the face of her obedience. By the time she has finished the second foot, she is nearly drunk on him and completely desperate to be fucked.

James, meanwhile, watches calmly until he sees her in a state of glassy-eyed acceptance. That is when he pushes. First, he demands a second beer from her, and then when she returns, he stops her with a hand on her waist. “Now, I wanna see that fine ass body of yours again.”

Kendall obeys, standing before him with her hands at her side as he touches her all over. She watches impassively, a faraway stare on her face as James gropes her breasts. There is pleasure in his hands, greater pleasure than another man could bring her, but she feels it at a distance, like echoes of echoes. Her brain, still overwhelmed with the taste and smell of his toes, is lagging in processing his touch.

James lifts her top up over her breasts, exposing them to his view. It is not the first time he has seen them, in his life or since his return, though their shape and weight continue astound him. Despite their size, they remain upthrust and perky, capped by swollen pink nipples on large areola. He sets his beer aside to squeeze them hard before moving to her shorts.

Kendall, drunk on him, forgets to be afraid as he strips her shorts. Her crotch is wet against the fabric, and her labia is gleaming when exposed. James parts her lips to examine them and teases her with his thumb. He is careful to avoid her clit, to avoid her climax, holding her labia apart to examine her not to please her.

Satisfied with her appearance, he turns her again to examine and grope her ass. His big hands are the only ones that can contain it, and he takes advantage, squeezing both cheeks roughly before spanking her. Then, parting her legs, he forces her to bend at the waist again before giving another, harder swat. “The fuck is this, Kendall?!”

Kendall winces, pleasuring passing through her, using pain as its conduit. She releases a held breath and remembers herself in that moment. The tension, and the distance, leave her as she is pulled back into reality. Panting and dripping with arousal, she holds her legs for support. “I’m sorry, James.”

James swats her ass again, this time harder. The shape of his big paw can be seen on her ass after the blow. “No, not sorry. The fuck haven’t you gotten waxed yet?”

Whimpering, Kendall bites back a cry. After a deep breath, she continues on the edge of tears, “The earliest appointment they had was for tomorrow evening. I’m so sorry. I know you hate it, but I’ll get it done. I promise.”

“Damn straight you will,” James says, holding her cheeks apart to glare at the few hairs he finds there. He gives her another slap before releasing her. “Fucking pathetic. Well, you ain’t getting fucked today, I can tell you that much.”

Kendall whines as her heart sinks. She had been consoling herself in her obedience that she would be rewarded with one of his hard, deep fucks. That she won’t get that is disappointing to her, though not nearly as disappointing as his anger is. James has abused her daily and, though she has angered him in recent memory, she has never disappointed him, and that hurt the most.

“Stand the fuck up and turn around,” James grunts, and Kendall does. Turning to face him, she finds his partially erect dick out and swaying. Animal hunger settles in her as she stares at his manhood, mostly erect and already standing. He is impressively large, even when he isn’t at full erection, and the way he has teased and hurt her has him plump. Lifting his hips as she watches, he removes his pants and briefs with one movement and then sets his bare ass on her couch, giving her a full view of his long, fat shaft and his heavy testicles.

James grins as Kendall stares at him, her arousal clearly written by the blush of her cheeks and the gleam in her eyes. She is fascinated by the physics of his body, watching his hairy testicles settle between his fat thighs. She swallows, a sudden hunger for his sperm swelling inside of her. She may not be able to fuck him, but there are other ways to have him inside of her, and she is desperate for each of them. 

“A goddamn shame,” James growls, staring. “Seeing as how I came here to fuck you, it’s a real disappointment I can’t cause your stupid ass couldn’t get waxed. You better make it up to me.”

Kendall stammers. Nipples hard and pussy wet, she stands shaking with her hands still at her side. Every part of her screams to kneel down and suck him, to undo his disappointment with pleasure of another sort. She hates James, but on a primal level she wants to see him happy. It is animal instincts, she tells herself, a need to serve the superior male, and it is directing her every movement. Whining, she moves closer to him. “I’m so sorry, James. I’ll get it fixed tomorrow, I promise.”

James grunts again. “You better,” he says, pulling her closer by the waist. He moves her onto his lap, holding his legs parted as he lines her up with his dick. “And you should be sorry. I wasted my time coming here if I can’t fuck this tight puss,” he says, settling her with his breasts in her face and his heavy manhood sliding along the exterior of her labia. Kendall moans, climaxing against his rigid length without any penetration to help her. This makes James smile and seems to ease his frustration. “Even when I ain’t fucking you, you come,” he says. Moving his hands up her body, he holds her by her heavy bosom and squeezes roughly. “Still, you can get me hard and, if you’re a good girl, then I’ll let you get me off.”

Kendall whines on his lap, holding his hands with her own hands and urging him to manhandle her. “Oh, I’ll be a good girl, James. I promise you, I will.”

James laughs. “Yeah? You gonna be my good girl slut?”

“Yes,” she hisses, grinding against his swelling manhood.

James sucks one hard nipple into his wet mouth. Drooling over her as he nurses her, he growls like an animal in heat. She moans against him, cupping his head and grinding her clit against his root. She chews her bottom lip as her eyes close, and James releases her long enough to slap her tits and say, “Then call me daddy, slut.”

“Yes, daddy!” Kendall moans as he returns to sucking her. Grinding him, she reaches down with both hands to hold his fat shaft against her pelvis. He is wet from her arousal and growing only wetter with each movement of her hips. It isn’t fucking, but it feels just about as good. “Oh God, daddy. You feel so good. So good and big against me.”

Releasing one breasts and holding it with his teeth, James swats her ass before holding her by the waist. Kendall coos as pain and pleasure mingle inside of her. “Now, don’t you come,” he growls around a mouthful of tit. “You ain’t allowed to come until I do.”

Kendall groans. Panting slowly, she nods and takes to stroking him in place of grinding him. It gives her less pleasure, but it leaves her equally satisfied. Staring down into his blue eyes, she purrs. “Mm. Yes, daddy. I’m sorry.”

Even in her sex-drunken state, Kendall can recognize how degrading it is to call him daddy. Men often want to infantilize their women, and though it usually disgusts Kendall, she finds it arousing with James. It is just another tiny way in which he controls and dictates her, another tiny abuse in a long list, only she is warped right now, distorted by her pleasure and by her lust. At this point, he could do almost anything, and it would likely turn her on.

James switches breasts, chewing her nipples carefully, bringing her pain but disguising it at pleasure. “You like stroking my dick, don’t you?”

Kendall allows a small, distant smile. She is removed again, a way from the pain and the pleasure, now just a vessel for his satisfaction. “I do,” she says, gathering his hot precum in her fingers and spreading it along his pussy-slick shaft. Unable to see him, she finds that he feels even larger in her hands. She still wishes that she could fuck him, but she is excited to have him explode across her stomach. “God, James--daddy--it’s only been two days, but you’ve made me come so many times, I have to catch up.” She purrs again. “Mm. I cannot wait to see you come again!”

Holding him, stroking him against her cleft, Kendall is frightened by her own arousal. She is drunk on him, forgetting herself in her awe. Holding him to her crotch, she is struck by just how deep he really goes once he is inside of her. Outside of her, he stretches to her belly button and just passed it. Considering that, and then comparing his girth to her unopened labia, she is astonished that she can fit him inside of her at all. She figures it is no surprise that she has to ice herself after they fuck--a person can only stretch so far.

Holding him to her body, Kendall slows down. She strokes him from crown to root, marveling at both his length and girth. Holding him in two hands, she can join her fingers, but one hand isn’t enough. Each downstroke stretches his skin back, exposing his shiny red crown, slick with precum. James watches, too, impressed both by his size and by the power he has over Kendall. Reaching out, he takes her by the hair with one hand while mauling her breasts with the other.

“God, you got such fat titties.” Tugging her hair hard, James draws a grasp from Kendall as she stares into his cold, angry eyes. Holding her firm by the left tit, he lifts it to her mouth, holding the nipple to her lips as he tilts her head down. She still hates him, but reflecting on hazy memories of abuse, she is having trouble remembering why. “Suck them. Suck these fat titties of yours.”

“Yes, daddy,” she whispers breathlessly and, obeying him, sucks her own nipple. She can taste James’ cold saliva on her flesh, and it is the closest thing to a kiss that they have shared. Thinking that, she mewls, gushing on his cock, coming hard just from the taste of him. Grinding against him on instinct, she wets his pubic hair and balls as James laughs.

“The fuck, slut. Did you just piss on my dick or something?”

Kendall whines around her nipple, releasing it reluctantly to speak. “No. I just came. I came for you.”

Still laughing, James smacks her with his free hand before smacking her tits, too. “Dumb bitch. I told you not to come before me.” Shrugging, he shoves her from his lap and guides her to her knees. Kendall kneels between his legs and stares at his gleaming shaft, massive in length and girth and glistening with her arousal. “Am I turning you on, Kendall?”

Kendall groans in response as James rubs himself along her cheek. He leaves her juices smeared across her cheek and clinging in her hair, but she doesn’t mind. The powerful smell of him fills her nostrils and confuses her, overwhelming her softer, more feminine scent. Taking hold of his cock, James swings it around and slaps it against her face, leaving a wet print where it lands. Kendall smiles in response and takes to sucking his balls, savoring him as she sucks him. James, holding her in place, groans.

“That’s fucking right. Show me how much you love my dick!” He gives her another smack while holding her by the hair. “You never should have left me.”

Confused and horny, Kendall finds herself in agreement. Supporting herself on his meaty thighs, she breathes him in, sucks his pubic hair, drinks in his sweat and her arousal, and all she can think of is how much better James is than Jackson. She still loves Jackson, and she appreciates his kindness. In all her life she never thought a man could be as sweet as him, but she also never knew a man could have an eleven-inch dick or James’ thick cum.

James holds his shaft to her forehead, impressing upon her his incredible size. Staring up his length while nursing his balls, Kendall accepts that no man could ever compete with him. Furthermore, she is certain that no normal woman could ever accommodate him and is now convinced of how much he has changed her. Even if she didn’t have to obey his every command, which she clearly does, Jackson could never take her back and keep her satisfied.

“Want cum, Kendall?”

Mewling and slurping, Kendall pants into his pubic hair. “Yes, daddy!”

“Then you gotta earn it.”

Dragging her up his shaft, James holds his cockhead to her lips. Then, pulling her forward, he positions himself between the valley of her breasts. Staring down his length, Kendall understands and cups her breasts, wrapping them around his pussy-slick shaft. She moans as her fingers scrape her sensitive nipples, and she kisses his sticky cockhead to taste his precum.

James laughs. “Yeah. You got it. Gonna put them fat fucking titties to good use.”

“Mmhmm,” Kendall purrs, kissing his crown and sucking up his precum as she takes to stroking him. James watches with her hair in his big fist, guiding her mouth as she stares him in the eyes, licking his glans and teasing his urethra. At this point, Kendall is lost in him.

“You ever do this with the cuck?”

Kendall sucks his crown before shaking her head. “No.”

“And why not?”

She shrugs while staring absently down his length. “Not big enough,” she says, meeting his gaze again. She laughs quietly to herself. “He’d probably disappear in my tits.”

James grins. “I don’t, though.”

“Mm.” Kendall stares down his length again. Kissing his cock, she groans. “No, daddy, you don’t.”

Kendall strokes him slowly while he watches, trading glance down his cock and into his eyes. She licks him dutifully but with flourish, showing off everything her tongue gathers before eating it. Kendall is greedy with him and clearly hungry for his dick, and he can only imagine how badly she wants him to fuck her. “This your first time titty-fucking, Kendall?”

Kendall nods her head while licking him. “Mmhmm.”

“Been saving it for a real man?” Another nod, another purr, and James laughs. “Damn straight you have. And how’s it feel?”

“Mm. Big,” she says, tightening the pillow-grasp of her breasts around him. Her flesh is slick with a combination of saliva, precum, and pussy juice. At this point, her cleavage is gleaming, too. “Hard,” she purrs. “Thick. Warm.” Each downward stroke has the bottom of her breasts crushed against his pubic hair as she picks up speed. Lips to his crown, she tastes him again.

James stares into her eyes as she strokes him. Her movements have become full-bodied, almost devout, seeming something like worship instead of sex. Eyes lust-glazed, she licks and slurps him on animal instinct, driven by an innate, feminine desire to please her superior male. James, in turn, is driven only by his own ego and anger.

Swelling in her grasp, James goes rigid. His approaching orgasm puts a smile on Kendall’s face as she mewls and kisses him. Seeing this, James stands and shoves her down onto her back. She lands heavily, wincing as he straddles and mounts her. Fitting his dick back into her cleavage, James guides her hands with his own big hands and has her hold her breasts together. Then, with his balls at rest on her belly, he takes to thrusting while Kendall stares up at him in confused arousal.

As understanding dawns on her, Kendall smiles again. Holding her mouth open, she catches him where she can and otherwise licks him as he pummels her on each forward stroke. Reaching forward, James takes her by the head and holds her in place, fucking into her mouth through her cleavage while she holds her breasts steady. Her supple flesh undulates in her hands as his thrusts grow harder.

At this point, Kendall is familiar with his orgasms, though she knows them best by how they balloon her insides and warm her womb. Yesterday had ended with an impressive facial that she, in a moment of sobriety, had logically expected but had no way of imagining. Today, she figures, it will only be worse. James has not had the pleasure of leaving a load in her pussy yet, so she holds her tongue out, panting, as he fucks her face and breasts, expecting to fully drown on him this time.

Grunting over her as his smooth thrusts grow clumsy, James growls, “Nutting!” When he comes, he does not disappoint. Kendall stares, her head held at an odd angle in James’ big, strong hands, as his dick disappears back into her cleavage like the leaving of the tide. Then, he swells and pulses between her breasts, warming them first as semen oozes out from their cleft. Finally, his fat, spewing crown emerges, shooting directly into her mouth before barreling forward and choking her with semen and flesh.

James fucks her throat in his climax, grunting and thrusting while shouting insults down at her. Kendall, meanwhile, has her own climax as she chokes on his sperm. With her head as an anchor, she is held in place as he chokes her with his dick, and she stares up at him with tears in her eyes while swallowing his semen. He takes to stroking himself into her mouth and releases her only so that she can cough and gasp as he leaks the rest onto her rubbery cheeks.

When finished, James still lets her suck his cock clean. Kendall takes to it obediently, drunk on her climax and desperate to please. James strokes his shaft idly, feeding her the last of his cum while she wears the rest. He wheezes as he watches her. “Fuck,” he gasps, “That was a big fuckin’ nut.”

Kendall nods and mewls as she suckles him, and James laughs. Waving his spent cock at her, he laughs again as she follows it.

“Like that, slut?”

Kendall purrs. Holding him by the base of his cock, she gives him long, sticky licks while staring him in the eyes. “Mm. I could get used to it, daddy.”

“I bet you could.” Reaching out, James smacks the side of her face that is free of his semen. Kendall winces while holding his cockhead to her lips, kissing him. “You going get your shit waxed tomorrow?”

Kendall, still showering him in kisses, nods. “Yes, daddy. I promise.”

James grins. “Spoken like a true slut,” he says. He wags his dick at her and allows her one last kiss before moving her to the side. Standing, he dresses in front of her while she watches wearing his cooling sperm. The entire house stinks of him, he is sure, but he can’t imagine her caring much as she follows his movements with a sticky grin. She is covered in his sperm and, at this point, completely drunk on him.

He makes her dress while he pulls his shoes on, and she walks him to his truck in her bare feet. His sperm has her tank top nearly transparent, but any shame she might feel is far off, for another Kendall to cope with. All she can do is follow him like a lost child. James squeezes her ass as a show of dominance, and Kendall only stares at him as she does. “See you tomorrow.”

“Yes, daddy,” she whispers, and she kneels to kiss his crotch and feet before returning to the front door to watch him go. Inside of the house, she is suffocated by his scent. The climax had been good, but she knows that he can offer her more. Drunk on him, Kendall fingers herself raw before going for a shower. Before leaving to pick up Jackson, she opens the windows to air out the house and hopes to have her head clear by the time she arrives.

Sometimes, though, she fears that nothing can truly get James out of her head.


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