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Chapter Two: A King’s Decree

Kendall sleeps restlessly dreaming of James, and wakes up sore in the middle of the night. Though the pleasure lingered long after their sex and followed her even into sleep, she could no longer ignore the pain that accompanied it. Without his thick rod filling her, there was only pain left and an emptiness that hurt her heart. Waking early, she ices her crotch before waking her family.

The ice helps her swollen outer lips but does nothing to soothe her throbbing cervix, which he had plugged and stretched so thoroughly the day before. She figures that pain will be with her all day and perhaps longer since James will be visiting her again. This sprouts an unwelcome excitement in her as she starts her day.

She helps Jackson with the girls and does well avoiding his name. It isn’t until she drops him off for work that she tells him to, “Have a nice day, cuck, I love you!” The worst part was that she says it with a smile and feels horny afterward. Jackson’s face faults as she says it and, frowning, she offers him an apology that hardly seems to help.

On the way to the daycare, Penelope asks Kendall what a cuck is and listens as Kendall politely stumbles and stammers her way through a half-hearted answer before ignoring the question entirely. Her mind went other places upon arrival and, after dropping both girls off, she drives home in a daze, stopping by a gas station on the way to buy James his beer of choice--Budweiser.

James is waiting for her when she comes home, and her heart hammers at her ribs when she sees him. Reacting on instinct, the ache in her loins eases as she opens up for him. Just the sight of his truck has her wet and eager, and Kendall hates how easy she is for him. She pulls into her drive with erect nipples showing through her blouse.

They watch each other for a few moments, Kendall trying to regulate her breathing, and James looking arrogant. She gets out first, and he climbs from his truck after. They meet on the way to the front door, James cutting across the yard while Kendall follows the sidewalk. He waits behind her on the steps as she unlocks the door, his big frame towering over her, reminding her of the day before and the pleasure she felt. She glances at his crotch as she remembers, and she smiles to find him still packing.

James’ gaze roams over Kendall freely, stopping briefly at her heavy breasts and thick rear. Kendall smiles and opens the door, guiding him inside and going to the fridge to store his beer. James follows her, leering, watching as she bends at the waist for him to put the beer away. When she stands, they make eye contact, and he grins. “You got me my beer.”

Kendall nods silently, not trusting her words. She finds James far more attractive today than she did the day before. Every time she finds a flaw, an image of his gigantic cock comes to mind to dispel her complaint. He is a big man, and his big cock really helps to make him seem symmetrical.

James laughs. “Not even trying to pretend you ain’t my slut no more.” Reaching out, James squeezes her plump rear roughly. His hard hands bring her hard pleasure that reminds her of the finger marks left on her hips the day before. That, in turn, reminds her of the subtle stains on the couch which she couldn’t get out, which then leads her to thinking about how deeply he fucked her. All of it, of course, only serves to arouse her more.

She bites back a moan.

James swats her rear next. “Go ahead and bring me one of the cuck’s sodas while we wait for my beer to get cold, and tomorrow, have cold beer ready for me.”

Kendall nods and moves to obey. She had not entertained that he might visit her again after today and the thought, while not surprising, is unwelcome. Somehow, she had imagined he would only see her twice, ruin her twice, and then disappear. It was never likely to happen, but she chose to believe it would happen. His plans, however, are clearly different from hers.

When Kendall enters the living room, she finds James sitting spread-legged on the couch with his shoes off and his bulge framed by his thick, tree-root thighs. She stops to stare breathlessly at him before moving to his side. Opening the soda, she offers it to him demurely.

Kendall hates the power he is exercising over her and still hates him. Dark memories surface around James, but the deep-dicking he gave her the day before also gives them light. The problem is that she finds him repugnant and vile, and even looking at him can see his every flaw in perfect detail. His big dick doesn’t so much as make him handsome as it gives him an excuse to be ugly. Why would he need to be thin when he can fuck my cervix open, Kendall wonders, and she has no good answers.

James takes the soda and says, “On your knees, slut.”

Kendall obeys, kneeling at James’ feet and feeling slighted that she didn’t get to remove his shoes herself. James catches her staring at his feet forlornly and lifts one foot up onto her lap, wiggling his toes at her as he speaks. “Go ahead and get to work. Do what it is you know you want to do.”

Kendall nods, shaking, and removes his sock. The smell of him hits like a smack in the face, more pronounced today than it was the day before. She breathes deeply of him without thinking before taking to rubbing his feet. Today, she tells herself, she won’t give him the satisfaction of drooling on his feet like a dog. Today, she will rub his feet but only because she has to, and that will be humiliation enough.

She just finishes that thought when James, smiling, lifts his foot to her face. He holds the face of his foot to her nose and pins it there, forcing her to breathe him in. His pungent stench fills her and leaves her dizzy, as it did the day before. Images of his hard dick come to her, unwelcome, and phantom pleasures spread through her, too. The dull, painful aching in her loins transforms entirely as she hoods for him. Dewy pleasure gathers on her vulva.

“I told you to do what you wanted,” James says after a loud, wet burp. He wiggles his toes against her forehead. “And we both know you want to do more than kiss my feet.”

Kendall breathes him in a second time. She wants to argue but has been shown the futility of that. If James’ dick is the carrot, she reasons, then his rough hands are the stick, and she far prefers the carrot. Both will happen, she is sure, but she wants to exert what control she can over her own life.

Shifting his foot, James parts her lips and flattens her nose to her face. She snorts to breathe around him, and James laughs as his dick swells in his pants. “Look at you, you fucking pig. Stop pretending and get on with it. Lick and suck my feet like the little piggy you are, slut.”

Kendall obeys with a sigh, kissing his foot first and then, as he gives her space to move, licking the arch. The flavor remains familiar, though not as pungent. She knows what to expect today and accepts it readily. Opening her mouth, she drools on him, licking her way around his foot and sucking on the ball before tonguing her way up to his toes. Those, she stuffs into her mouth and takes to licking thoroughly, one by one, as he had enjoyed the day before.

Kendall forgets herself to the taste of his toes until he removes them entirely from her mouth. Tossing the empty soda at her, he burps and orders her to fetch him a beer next. Moving in a daze, Kendall sways as she picks up the can and takes it to recycling. Her head hasn’t cleared by the time she comes back with an open beer and slips it into his hand. James regards her with a smile and swats her on the ass before returning her to her place.

Next, Kendall is given his left foot, which she takes to more willingly. She removes his sock quickly and even smells the underside of his foot before showering him with kisses. James doesn’t have to order her this time; his expectations are clear. Still, Kendall shows increasing enthusiasm as she licks and sucks him, and she even stares him in the eyes as she tongues his toes.

Staring up James’ legs, Kendall feels strangely giddy. With his toes in her mouth, fogging her head and filling her with want, she finds her opinion of him slowly shifting. She looks at his hairy legs with feminine approval and, feeling like a teenage girl again, steals glances at his manhood. They make eye contact, and she is rooted, drawn in by his cold, cruel eyes. No matter how hard she hates him, Kendall cannot deny the dangerous beauty of those eyes.

James smiles and is glad to see an echo of a smile in Kendall. In two years, he had been unable to break her. Today, however, he had her licking his toes in a matter of minutes. In ways, he is disappointed in her. He had expected so much more from her and yet, his pants are tight with his arousal because, as disappointed as he might be in her, he is equally proud of himself.

Her foot rubs are, for him, the best indicator of her obedience. When living together, Kendall would rub his feet once a week or so. It was not done in submission but out of a desperate, pathetic desire to make them work as a couple. She thought that kindness toward him would produce kindness in him, but she had underestimated the rage that James carried. Even when she did realize it, Kendall didn’t give up. To James’ shock and surprise, she escaped him.

This foot rub is different. While not submission, it is on the road to it. James hasn’t broken her yet, and he knows it. He can see defiance in her eyes, a subtle spark that everything will be okay. Even if she doesn’t believe it consciously, she is holding onto hope, but James has seen her resistance and knows that she will not win. This time, he is assured of victory. Her wet mouth around his toes is all the proof he needs. This time, there is no escaping him.

Moving his foot, James wiggles his toes in her mouth before withdrawing them completely. Lifting it, he stuffs his heel into her face and makes her lick his callouses. She does so absently, thoughts abandoned in the face of his dominion. Kendall, to protect herself, empties herself and lets her body move. She tastes him, and she moans without thinking.

James laughs. “Yeah? Like that, Kendall?”

Kendall, returning to herself, glares at James. Still kissing and licking him, she frowns against him. “Of course not, James! This is disgusting. I just can’t,” slurp, “refuse you.”

James gives another laugh, this one high and without humor. “Funny, cause I didn’t hear you complaining yesterday when I was fucking you.”

Kendall’s glare sharpens even as memories of his fat dick warm her loins. The sex had been incredible and, by this point in the morning, the pain is all gone. James’ presence has turned the lingering, dull aching in her womb into an echo of pleasure, a ripple that is spreading endlessly through her on constant repeat. She hates him but, slurping his foot, she cannot deny how well he fucked her.

Knowing this, James undoes his pants and reveals himself. Kendall greets him with a gasp and watches him stroking himself, his dick looking almost normal in his big, rough hands, but she has held him before and knows that there is nothing normal about him. Shifting his weight, he lifts his big, hairy balls into view, and Kendall is struck by their beauty. “James!”

“Looks like you’re changing your tune now. Two years, and all you ever was was a size queen.”

Kendall whines against his foot. “I’m not a size queen! You’re just so big!” 

She continues licking him in a confused delirium. James is aware of the strange effect he has on her and is even abusing it, of that she is sure, but she cannot understand anything else. For two years he abused and berated her. No length of wrist-thick cock should reduce her to this, and yet the sight of him alone leaves her in reverent awe awaiting his command. As a teenager, Kendall respected intellect above all else but gave herself to a man without any. After Penelope, she prized attention and found that initially in James. Addison taught her to appreciate kindness, which is what she found in Jackson.

However, James is neither kind nor intelligent. Struggling to finish even high school, he has nothing clever about him, nor does he work hard in any way. What he does have, however, is eleven-and-a-half inches of wrist-thick cock and fat, hairy balls heavy with the richest sperm she has ever tasted. Standing, he rests those balls on her forehead and reduces her to a mewling puddle at his feet. She hates him but, staring up at his mammoth shaft, she cannot think of anything bad to say about him at all.

It isn’t that he is made better by his cock or that she likes him any more because of it. No, everything she hates about him remains and, if anything, his bigger cock has only makes him worse. He remains the same simple-minded, racist, chauvinist pig she left, and he deserves neither her commitment nor her obedience. Every aspect of him, from the way he looks to the way he stinks, is something to be reviled, and yet she doesn’t revile them. Looking at him, at his length and his girth, at his hairy balls, and tasting his toes in her mouth after licking between them, she can hardly think at all.

James hasn’t changed at all, but Kendall has. She is compelled to obey him by some invisible force. Yesterday, she called it fear and instinct. James is a big man, towering over her, capable of hurting her, and he has a big cock that is capable of bringing her pleasure. To prevent pain, she had to endure pleasure, and as she endured pleasure, she developed an affinity for it. Pleasure during rape is not impossible nor completely uncommon and often has long-term psychological effects on the target, and yet Kendall knows for certain that this isn’t rape in the conventional sense.

It isn’t fear that compels her, though she does fear him. She isn’t sure that it is his cock, either. From the moment he appeared at her door yesterday, she has moved on instinct at the sound of his voice, an unknown force guiding her. Nothing about him has changed, and there is nothing she can point to. He remains repugnant, repulsive, and awful, but her reaction to him is completely transformed by this force which moves her at his command and arouses her at his appearance.

The sight of James standing over her, stroking himself, however, is enough to confirm one fear. Whatever she might feel for James, for her sudden and powerful attraction to him, and for her need to obey him, Kendall may very well be a size queen. Though she had never given much thought to penis size until the day before, when James revealed his massive manhood to her in the living room, but she cannot deny the powerful effect the revelation did have over her. Her arousal, though borne in part out of her submission and by the strange force that moves her, is made all the more pronounced in the presence of his dick, which seems to steal all reason from her. 

Kneeling now, staring at his shaft and at his fat, hairy balls, Kendall feels herself dissolving, fading away. James had filled her so full yesterday and given her orgasms like she has never experienced before, and they both know it. No matter how she pretends or fights it, it is like James knows her every thought and desire. She stares into his eyes, and he stares into her soul.

Reaching down, James takes her by the hair and drags her to the couch. Sitting spread leg, his bare ass on the fabric, James pulls her face-first into his crotch. His heavy shaft comes to rest across her slender nose. Holding her in place with one hand, he holds his dick by the base with the other, and swats it down against her forehead. Kendall winces but does not fight it. Staring cross-eyed at his gargantuan length, a part of her even enjoys it.

Holding her in place, James smiles. “Like that, slut?” He swats her a second time, and then a third, and then he buries her into his pubic hair to breathe him in. “You better get used to it, cause you’ll be down there a lot from now on.”

Held against his hot cock-root with her face buried into his pubic hair, Kendall finds herself grateful for the changes in her. If she is to be made his slut and slave, she figures that enjoying it is better than the alternative. She can still hate it, and hate him, but appreciate the fine features of his thick, veiny shaft and its rigid warmth against her skin. What exists between them, she rationalizes, is entirely animal. She doesn’t know how he can control her, but she does understand the appeal of his fat manhood and can appreciate it as a sexually aware woman.

Breathing him in, his heat seeps into her skin and into her brain. She imagines his impossible length in her mind and wonders how much her pride ever even meant to her. If she is honest with herself, which is hard to do on days like this where she feels like a slut, she has been unhappy and proud her entire life. Yesterday, she experienced the purest, most honest joy she has ever known, and she experienced at the hands of a man who is inferior to her in almost every way. Even now, she can taste James’ foot in her mouth, and it arouses her. His hard dick promises her even more pleasure, and all she has to do is let go of her silly pride.

Pulling her back again, and still holding himself by the root, James swings his dick sideways, into her face. He does this twice more before switching sides, holding her in place, and swatting her on the other cheek. Kendall stares up at him as he does, her blue eyes fixed on his colder, distant blue eyes. She endures the shame and revels in the shock of it. The further he degrades her, the less she has to lose in submission. Each strike of his dick frees her to enjoy him more, and staring down his fat shaft, she wants that freedom.

Finally, he punctuates his cock blows by slapping himself down across the bridge of her nose again. Then, with his cock at rest across her face, James smacks her with one of his big, rough hands. Her cheeks go red as he hits her on both sides of the face, but he keeps each blow gentle. It is to wake her and to reinforce his control, and though she winces, she is also aroused. James gives her no warmth as he stares at her, though, and he makes his hatred clear. She hurt him, and though he intends to fuck her into submission, there will be no love in it.

“Kiss my dick, Kendall.”

“Yes,” she whispers, and she puckers her lips to kiss him across the shaft. James drags her along his manhood, to his crown, and holds her there with her puckered lips pressed to his urethra. Hot precum spreads across her lips, seeping into her mouth and gathering against her teeth. It is surreal to taste him like this, though she is familiar. She can still smell herself on him, another echo of how he defiled her body, and the pleasure echoes in her, too.

James grins and keeps Kendall there, lips pressed firmly to his cock, precum seeping slowly through her lips. “Look at you, kissing my dick, staring at it like it’s all you ever want. You’re a slut, Kendall, a size queen slut, and you’re MY size queen slut. You can live with your cuck, play house with him. Hell, you can spend all day here pretending to love him, but you don’t belong to him, and you ain’t his. You are mine, Kendall, and you always have been. Never forget that. No matter what you do in life, no matter where you go, deep down you ain’t nothing but a shameless, cock-hungry slut, and all you’re good for is sucking my dick and licking my toes when I’m bored and horny.”

Kendall, kneeling before him, tasting him, staring at him, internalizes every word. Thanks to the unknown force which compels her, James commands an inordinate amount of power in her life. His cock alone is enough to leverage her full obedience, but even without it she would have to obey. His decree, she knows, is absolute and condemning--she is his; there is no escape.

Realizing this, she takes comfort in his words. The more he degrades her, the more free she becomes. James’ decree, then, frees her to live happily with Jackson while also enjoying James’ superior endowments. She can despise James and hate everything he stands for while also looking forward to his visits and to the pleasure he will visit upon her body daily. She can belong to him completely and still live her normal life.

Understanding her situation, and accepting it, she nods her head. James, meanwhile, grins. “Then tell me, Kendall. Tell me that you’re my size queen slut.”

Taking hold of him with both hands, Kendall strokes him reverently before speaking. Cockhead at rest against her chin, urethra still leaking on and into her lips, she purrs, “Mm. James, I am your size queen slut.”

James slaps her again, this time harder, and Kendall winces in response. “Damn fucking straight you are. I am your master!”

It degrades her, it demeans her, and so it frees her further. She is nearly dripping with arousal as she chews her bottom lip. “You are my master.”

James smacks her again and laughs as she moans. “You belong to me.”

“I belong to you.”

James growls. “Fuck!” With her hair still knotted around one of his big hands, James moves her and reaches down to cup one of her big breasts. Kendall rarely wore bras around the house and favored the freedom granted by bare breasts. Though she has a shirt, she has nothing else to cover her body or hide the swell of her nipples. James crushes her breasts to her body with his overactive pawing. “Fuck, your tits have gotten so fucking fat since we broke up.” He swats one of her breasts and watches it sway. Releasing her hair, he yells, “Stand up and strip naked! I want to see your slut body again!”

Kendall, drunk on him, purrs as she stands. Within seconds, she has her clothes piled on the floor beside her. All of her life, Kendall has been as thin as a string. It wasn’t until she gave birth to Penelope that she began to fill out, and even then, she didn’t adopt a truly womanly appearance until Addison was born. Since then, she has filled out considerably and felt embarrassed because of it. She enjoyed her waifish figure before, and all the fat that gathered on her bones post-child birth had been disgusting and unwanted until today. Staring at James’ hard dick, swollen with authority and arousal, is enough to comfort her and leave her feeling sexy.

She stands as she did yesterday, with her hands at her side, displaying her body to James. He owns her and, at this point, she cannot see the point in fighting him. Standing naked before him is small compared to what he has made her do so far and seems almost innocent to her. Besides, she can still taste his precum in her mouth and on her teeth, and so her mind is fogged with a dizzying arousal that leaves her willing and eager.

This pride is ruined, however, when James’ eyes fall upon the valley of her womanhood tucked between her legs. Though still hard, he balks at the sight of the short, neatly trimmed hairs there. Reaching forward, he swats her pussy hard before seizing her by the waist and pulling her to him. Years ago, on their first date, James had made a joke about her having so much pussy hair even as he begged her for a fuck. Yesterday, he had made his disapproval for her pussy hair known. Today, with hair remaining, Kendall realizes that she has disrespected him in keeping it and whimpers as he holds her tightly by the hips.

“The fuck is this, Kendall?”

Kendall moans. She can hear his anger, feel it in the way he holds her, but she also feels arousal in the pain. His big fingers leave bruises on top of the bruises he already left there and, staring down at him, she can feel the hurt transmuting into joy. His eyes are cold and uncaring, but his dick is still hard. She places a hand on his big shoulder while staring in animal want at his manhood. “My wet pussy,” she offers.

James allows a small smile before smacking her pussy again. She nearly comes from the impact and parts her legs as he traces his thumb through her pubic hair. Finding her clit, he crushes it with his thick thumb and lets her climax across his palm. She has to hold his shoulder for support as her legs go numb around him. Slow, panting whimpers escape her as she stares at him. “Your wet, HAIRY pussy,” he says, examining her puffy folds with critical disdain. “I told you to shave that shit off.”

Kendall, who hardly feels like she is in control of herself anymore, has a sharp memory of the day before. It was, after all, a day that will forever change her life. James had insulted her pubic hair, as he had on her first date, and he had used that insult to also insult Jackson, but he had at no point ordered her to shave. Remembering that, she shakes her head and murmurs, “No, actually,” before another smack leaves her silent.

A second orgasm rocks her and leaves her on the floor. With her legs already shaky, she couldn’t stand the second orgasm. Kneeling at his feet, she rests her hands on his thighs while staring up at him, into his cold blue eyes, at his massive, rigid dick casting a long, thick shadow over her. The pain she feels is serving only to be another form of foreplay to her.

“I did,” he growls. He stands, his mammoth dick swaying over her. Moving her, he pins her face into the floor and then holds her there with one of his big feet. The smell of him surrounds her as she is forced into the hardwood. Fear sprouts in Kendall, blossoming among a garden of arousal. She has to fight to keep from smiling as she endures his violence and abuse “And now I’m telling you again: I don’t do sluts with hairy pussies. So, you go take care of that nasty shit, or you don’t get my dick anymore!” To emphasize his point, James leans over and smacks her on her exposed ass.

Kendall moans and, moving her head as much as she can, kisses his foot. When released, she rushes to the bathroom to shave. She trims her pubic hair before wetting it again, and then she shaves herself clean. Though she is moving quickly, she makes sure not to knick herself or to ruin her pussy for James’ viewing pleasure. A burning arousal directs her, focusing her efforts in a way she has never experienced before. All of her life at this moment is funneled into her desire to please James, whose only desire seems to her to be that she be smooth and hairless.

When she returns, she is hairless. Her swollen vulva is displayed in all of her arousal, gleaming with water and want. She enters the living room with wet thighs and is glad to find James waiting pantless on the couch. His erection remains proud and large, at rest against his fat belly. She smiles at the sight and then remembers herself. Stopping before him, she stands with her legs parted to display her work. James smiles, and she smiles again, preening as she holds her lips parted for him. “Better?”

Her voice is high and feminine, seeking desire. Kendall, though still herself, is a distorted version of herself. Even now, even seeking his desire, she hates him, but her hate doesn’t matter. Attraction and lust have overridden every other aspect of her personality. How she feels is that she can hate him later. For right now, she needs to be fucked by him; she needs his cum.

James thumbs her folds experimentally, searching for hairs. Then, he grunts. The power he has over her is enough to satisfy him, but that his abuse still commands respect from her is intoxicating. His cock is steel hard and weeping precum, but he is so intoxicated that he wants to tease her more. Easing his thumb into her, he watches her leak around him. “Good, but I ain’t here to watch you shave.” Withdrawing his thumb, he sits back and wags his dick at her. “I’m here to get off. So, get down there and show me what a size queen you are.”

Kendall, kneeling, nearly falls onto his dick. Holding him by the root with one hand, she nuzzles him while cupping his balls with the other. Then, she strokes him while showering his balls with kisses and licks. Slowly, these kisses and licks make their way up his shaft and to his crown. There is a brief detour as she dances the tip of her tongue along his glans, tasting herself on his unwashed manhood. Then, she stops at his cockhead to kiss his urethra, tasting his precum again, enjoying a flavor she will never forget. His feet had been fleshy but dirty. His dick is raw flesh and sex.

Moaning, she parts her lips around him and eases him into her mouth. It is difficult. Her jaw stretches to accommodate his girth but, like his smacks, the pain arouses her. James is easily the largest man she has ever seen. Staring down his thick shaft, she can almost believe he is the largest man in the world, and she is sucking his dick. More than that, she is enjoying it. Not only is there a novelty to his size, but there is flavor to him, and aroma, and raw, animal passion. James owns her, and she is serving him eagerly.

Slurping and stroking him, Kendall feels James’ heavy hand come to rest on the back of her head and opens her eyes to stare up at him. She has given herself completely to the pleasure of his service and now remembers who it is she is serving. Staring into James’ cold, cruel eyes, she sees no pleasure, only power, and reflecting on their relationship, she isn’t sure the two things aren’t the same for him.

His short-comings aside, Kendall is enjoying herself. She bobs her head on him, drooling down his shaft, and uses her hands to spread her saliva as she pleases him. The previous day’s sex replays in her mind and soon the combined pleasures of his taste and scent have her lust-drunk. Her need for his cum is even stronger now, and she closes her eyes to ride it out.

James gathers her hair to hold it out of her face. Watching her, he draws in deep breath and holds it for a moment before sighing. “Fuck! When’d you learn to suck a dick like that, Kendall? Did your cuck teach you?”

Remembering Jackson and picturing his dick, Kendall snorts a laugh around James’ superior length. She removes herself, stroking him still but licking his crown as she gathers her breath. She uses the time to spread her saliva around his shaft, stroking him and working him to a shine as she speaks. “No, James, sucking his cock would teach me nothing about sucking you. He’s barely even,” she pauses to regard James’ dimensions, “Half your size.” She kisses his cockhead. “Mm. No. Sucking your dick is completely different.”

Holding her hair out of her face, seeing the devotion and desire in her eyes as she sucks him back into her mouth, James groans. Kendall mewls, slurping him lewdly as she continues to stare him in the eyes. James remembers a time when she refused to suck his dick. He remembers a time when she would even refuse to share a bed with him. Now, she is drooling on him and desperate to fuck him. He laughs. “Holy fuck, you really are a size queen, aren’t you?”

Kendall moans around him. Removing herself reluctantly, she kisses his cockhead. “You told me earlier that I was YOUR size queen slut, remember?” Kissing his shaft, she strokes him more between each butterfly peck. Then, moving her hands to the base of him, she stares down his length. “You’re so big, James, so long and thick. I don’t know how you got this way, and right now I don’t really care. I just can’t believe I took you inside of me, all of you inside of me. It’s just--God!--It’s unbelievable!” Then, opening her mouth, she swirls her tongue along his crown as she mewls, gathering his precum and drinking it down.

Like every other part of him, James’ taste is nothing new to her, but it may as well be. When dating, Kendall would give him the occasional short-lived blowjob. This amounted to half a dozen or less and each time she stopped once he was ready to penetrate her, and though there is no difference in flavor, today she wishes to feast on him.

The difference, Kendall decides, is in presentation. Though his size adds difficulty, it also adds purpose. James, having fucked her and subdued her, is deserving of a blowjob, and sucking his dick is now worth the effort in a way it previously was not. His thick flavor sticks to her tongue and her cheeks, and his fat shaft stretches her jaw. The taste is entirely the same, but the delivery vector is completely different and superior than before. Tasting him, stroking him, she feels rewarded in a way that is entirely unfamiliar. In the short time they were together, Kendall had given Jackson a few blowjobs and enjoyed each one, but even those were nothing compared to how good it feels to suck James’ dick.

In fact, outside of being fucked by James the day before, Kendall has never enjoyed a man’s dick so much. Closing her eyes, she rides out the pleasure, bobbing her head with enthusiasm, taking him to the edge of her throat and enjoying the depth each time. His taste, combined with the powerful musk of his manhood, dizzies her. Hands at rest on his fat thighs, using them to support herself, she slurps him eagerly with saliva running down her chin, jaw stretched, enjoying him now in this moment more than she ever did during their two year relationship.

James, meanwhile, rests his hand on his head, watches her and allows her to enjoy him. He is impressed with Kendall, with her skill and with the change he has produced in her. While he never doubted her submission, he had expected it to take longer to seduce her. For two years he could hardly get her to look him in the eyes when they fucked, and they had a child together. Now, with eleven-and-a-half inches, he has her sucking him like a slut in two days. As a conquest she bores him, but as an example of his power, she is the greatest trophy he can imagine.

She is also doing a great job sucking his dick and, swelling in her mouth, James removes her. Kendall whines as she comes up, eyes glossy and lips swollen. Holding her by the hair, James smacks her once with his open palm and then twice with his dick. He is gentle in his abuse, careful not to hurt her or himself. Kendall, drunk on him, pants and coos while holding her mouth open in an effort to suck him again.

Leaning forward, James rubs his saliva smeared crown across her face and collar bone before thrusting it into her breasts. Kendall follows him with her eyes and, watching him, cups her breasts for him. James, seeing this, smacks his manhood down across her bosom with a wet smack while growling. “Fuck! You are shameless!”

Kendall purrs as James fucks himself against her collar bone. With his warm and hard dick against her, she stares up at him, holding her breasts together still, completely lost to reality. “You’re so big,” she whines, and she moves herself forward to kiss his pelvis and the underside of his big, hairy belly. 

If fear had been her first motivator, it plays no part in her behavior anymore. She is sex-drunk on him and numb to any pain he can visit on her. All she knows now is the pleasure of his big strong hands around her head and in her hair, and all she cares about is the length and scent of his massive cock. Yesterday, he stretched her, and while she has yet to recover, she is desperate to be stretched again.

Equally desperate and swollen to the edge of climax, James drags her to the edge of the couch. Pulling her up as he sits down, his fat dick waves as it falls back onto his big belly. Holding himself, he stares her in the eyes. “Get up here, slut, and ride me!”

Kendall moans, smiling. “Finally!” Straddling him, she hangs her breasts in his face as she holds him by the shaft and guides him toward her. James smiles, too, as he watches the pleasure move across her face. She eases him into her slowly, letting him stretch her inch by inch. James rests his big hands on her ass cheeks, giving one a soft slap as she takes him to half his length. Kendall whines. “Fuck! James, you’re so fucking big!”

She comes on half his length and holds there. Then, riding him, she stares at their bodies joined between her legs, her hand still holding half his shaft, her fingers unable to meet around him. His dimensions astound and frighten her, but they please her more, and with a purr, she takes him deeper, stopping only once he hits her cervix.

The day before, he had pushed passed her cervix. He had opened her in ways no other man had or could, and though it hurt her in the morning, it had given her the greatest pleasure of her life in the moment. Holding him there now, and feeling her cervix kissing his cockhead, Kendall knows what she must do. Fear drifts about on the surface of her mind, but euphoria awaits the brave. Bracing against the back of the couch, she draws a deep breath, and then she takes him to the base.

Kendall’s orgasm is long and shakes her to the core. She sits on him spasming and quaking for nearly a minute as her body opens for him. Her cervix seemed to suck him in, as if looking forward to his return. Head back, drool runs down her cheek as her eyes grow distant. Like a tidal wave, the orgasm washes over her and swallows her up, and just as it ends, James flexes inside of her and gives her another on the heels of the first. Recovering slowly, she sits breathlessly on him while staring him in the eyes.

James smiles in response. Watching her shiver and whine on his dick, his hands at rest on her rear, James remembers when they were dating. Kendall’s body is perfect, and her wide hips make it easy for her to carry children. She is a breeder, and for a time James had intended to give her another child. Now, he wants to punish her, to break her completely before he considers doing anything like it. Swatting her ass, he growls. “You gonna fuck me or what? I spent our entire relationship doing all the work. Now, it’s your turn.”

Moaning and whining, Kendall nods. “Sorry, James. You’re right. I’m so sorry.” Lifting herself with a laborious moan, she falls heavily on him, working her way through dizzying pleasure to bounce on his lap. Her entire body shakes as she rides him in six inch strokes, climaxing on every other drop. Soon, her legs go numb, but she continues moving, driven by his desire and her desire to fulfill it.

James cups her ass. He doesn’t meet her thrusts, but he does guide her movements. When he feels her third big orgasm, he gives her a hard smack as a reward. “About fucking time you pulled your own weight. I’ve been wanting to watch you ride me for years, and now that you’re my slut, I can finally make you do it.”

Kendall, holding him by the shoulders, nods. With her arms like this, she frames her bouncing breasts, funneling them for his pleasure. Leaning forward, James sucks one of her pink nipples into her mouth, and she gasps in pleasured surprise.

Squeezing her ass, he growls. “Fuck! Your body got ridiculous while we were apart, completely wasted on that cuck. But that’s okay. You got me now, don’t you? Gonna let me fuck you whenever I want.”

Kendall nods, whining. “Yes. Oh God, yes!”

“That’s right. You’re just a shameless size slut, following your pussy wherever you can get the best dick, ain’t you?” Taking her by the hair, James pulls her to him. Kendall’s legs, numb with pleasure, give out, and she falls on him, shaking in another climax. Holding her lower back with one hand, James thrusts up into her, his fat balls slapping her equally fat bottom. Kendall gasps, wide-eyed, as he takes control, and holds her legs apart for him as he fucks her hard. “And I got the best dick, don’t I?” When all she does is whine, James smacks her across the face until she clarifies enough to speak.

“Yes, James! Yes! Your dick is the best!”

Grinding her clit with each upward stroke, James grows fatter inside of her. Squeezing her ass, he moves her along his body, guiding her like he is stroking himself with her pussy. Kendall, leaning against him, moans into his neck as she clutches him. James holds himself inside of her while she shakes on his dick. “And you’re gonna keep yourself nice and smooth for me, ain’t you?”

“Oh, God!” Kendall groans, breathless with pleasure. Sitting up, she stares into James’ cold eyes and smiles as she rolls her hips on him. She flexes around him, like she used to when they were dating, like she had a few times with Jackson, and nearly laughs. It feels to her like hugging a cucumber with her pussy. His hairy balls rest, fat and heavy against her ass, and all she wants is for him to come.

James swats her ass. “Answer me, Kendall.”

“Yes,” she hisses. “Yes! I’ll shave! I’ll wax! I’ll do whatever you want, James. Just keep fucking me.” She groans, bouncing on him again. This time, James holds her by the ass and helps her along, meeting her thrusts as she rides him. Kendall’s eyes roll back as she comes with a long wail. “Anything! Coming! COMING!”

James grunts and, swelling inside of her, spews. For the second time in two days, James unloads into Kendall’s hungry womb. Grunting, he holds himself inside of her, his crown pressed firmly into the deepest parts of her as she squeezes him with her vulva and cervix. Kendall falls into him wide-eyed, drooling as she drenches his crotch. Her orgasms so far have been tidal waves, but their combined pleasure hits her like a tsunami and drags her under. She forgets who she is with James pulsing inside of her.

It is easily the best orgasm of her life. Seated on top of James, with his fat cock stretching her and throbbing inside of her, Kendall blacks out again.  Waking, she finds James still inside of her, holding her ass, shaking it and squeezing it as she stirs. A smile spreads across her face, animal in origin, as she feels his thick, warm seed swelling her insides. He is half-erect but unable to leave her because she is still holding him so tight.

James smacks her lightly across the cheek. “Wakey, wakey, slut.” Kendall opens her eyes, blinks. Even half-limp as he is, James remains enormous inside of her. At his smallest, he still far out measures every other man Kendall has ever known. At rest against his big body, with his big dick stretching her and his big, hairy balls pressed tightly to her taint, Kendall feels increasingly like Jackson is a joke. James laughs. “Did you fucking pass out on my dick?”

Kendall groans and nods her head. “Yes,” she sighs. She props herself up on her tired arms and lets him nurse her nipples again. A lazy smile spreads across her face as she watches him and, on instinct, she flexes around him, as if trying to urge him back to full erection.

James releases her gleaming nipples with a pop. “You ever come like that for your cuck?”

Kendall gives a throaty, distant laugh. “No,” she sighs. “No, James. Only your huge dick can do that to me.”

James swats her ass, drawing another throaty purr from her. “You like my big dick, don’t you?”

Kendall, still far away from herself, feels like she is watching herself submit to James. The pleasure he gave her was undeniable, and she is grateful for the distance, for the perspective. For right now, alone with James, she can be his woman like he wants. She can be his slut. Later, she will return to herself, but for right now she is too far gone to reason.

She cups his head with a low moan and nods. “Yes,” she hisses.

“Then get down there and show me how much you like it by sucking it clean.” Lifting her by the hips, James drops her onto the floor. Kendall moves smoothly, sliding from his lap and to his feet. Kneeling, squatting between his legs, she can feel his thick semen dripping from her like molasses. Her cervix shuts, capturing what it can, and she knows that she will be leaking for hours. In a way, she looks forward to it.

Holding James’ limp manhood by the root, she marvels at his size. Even now, he remains enormous, too thick for her to hold with one hand. She uses her other hand to seize his gleaming shaft and, bending him toward her mouth, takes to sucking him. She can taste herself on him, but only underneath his own powerful flavor. Still sex-drunken, she moans as she sucks him, and she stares him in the eyes, too.

Kendall cleans him thoroughly, her tongue dancing along every inch of his exposed cock that she can find. James, meanwhile, holds her hair out of her face so he can watch her. She seems dutiful in her efforts, if not almost affectionate. Her eyes are glassy as she sucks him, and she holds him carefully in both hands as she strokes the last pearl of his semen onto her tongue and eats it before returning to her work. She even licks his pubic hair and smells their combined scents while there.

When he is satisfied with her work, James releases her hair and shoves her away with one foot. Kendall falls, unhurt but dizzy. “We ain’t got all day for you to sniff my dick, bitch. I’m taking you shopping for some proper slut clothes. Go clean up now that I done fucked you stupid.”

Kendall, still dizzy, still satisfied, smiles in a distant way. She feels increasingly comfortable being naked and stretched by James, just as she is increasingly comfortable with his abuse. She sits up slowly, the room swaying as she does, and she stretches languidly before standing to obey him. The light is blurred with every color bleeding together.

The first spray of the shower sobers her. James’ semen runs down her leg and soaks into the steam, the scent filling the bathroom. Even as her head clears, she enjoys the smell of him in the air, but by the time her shower ends she feels empty and ready for a refill. Holding her vulva, she sighs. “Everything’s gone except for what’s stuck passed my cervix.” She draws a deep breath and then sighs. “Fuck, there’s no way I’m not going to get pregnant,” and then she thinks of Addison, and she is comforted by the beautiful child they have already made together.

Outside of the shower, she dries and dresses while remembering Addison. Kendall doesn’t want another child with James. She doesn’t even want a child with Jackson, though it has been all she could think about for months. The problem is that, comparing Jackson’s average penis and testicles to James’ superior set leaves her feeling less-than-confident that he can measure up. Between the two, she knows who is most-capable and, knowing that, she isn’t ready.

Hand against her pelvis, though, she pauses to stare down and her swollen labia. “If things keep going like this, though, I might not have a choice.”

She returns to the living room to find James waiting on the couch. He is dressed, which is a small comfort, because his big dick still indents his jeans. There are juices left on the fabric and the floor where he fucked her senseless, and the air smells thickly of their combined pleasure. Kendall feels her cheeks warming as she looks at him. “James? Why are you still here?” Her nipples swell as she stares at him.

James glares at her. “You fucking stupid? I told you we’re going shopping!” Standing,he towers over her. Her head stops at his chest, and though she is tall in her own right, Kendall has to look up to meet his gaze. His nostrils are flared until he approaches her, and then an easy smile spreads across his lips. “Maybe I really did fuck you stupid.”

Kendall couldn’t disagree with that. She remembers, vaguely, him saying it, though his command doesn’t sink in until now. She glances at the clock, and James follows her gaze.

“Oh? You worried about the cuck?”

Kendall meets his gaze and looks away. She can see the anger in him, the violence that haunted her for years. Old memories flow into her, frightening her, but her arousal distorts them. He might hit her, but at this point she would likely enjoy it. The dizzying arousal returns and, meeting his gaze again, she isn’t certain what is worse--the fear of being hit or the arousal it will bring.

James smacks her across the cheek before holding her by the throat. Pinning her to the wall, he stares into her eyes. They both have blue eyes, though his are cold and impersonal, filled only with haughty hate. Like everything else about him, this is not something new. James has only ever hated the world. The difference, as usual, is how the hate makes Kendall feel as she finds herself soaked staring at him.

“Listen to me good, Kendall, cause I ain’t saying it again. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. About. The cuck.” Standing straight, he releases her. “And for the record, I don’t give a fuck about the girls no more, either. I ain’t here to take you back with me, and I ain’t here to be their daddy. I’m here to make you my slut. So, you stay with him. You build yourself your nice little home, and I’ll come by and wreck it whenever I’m in the mood, got it?”

Kendall, tears in her eyes and pussy wet, nods while rubbing her throat. “Yes, James. I’m sorry.”

“Fucking right you are. Now, go get me the keys so we can buy you some proper slut clothes to wear whenever I come by, cause I’m tired of seeing you dressed like a grandma.”

Kendall fetches the car keys for James and follows him to the car. She feels embarrassed, wearing her lowest-cut tee and a pair of shorts. Her nipples stand out through her blouse, showing from arousal and embarrassment. James leads her, his brow heavy and his jaw set. His anger has not abated, but his anger never abates. He is a man running on pure rage and hatred, and for some reason that turns her on.

James drives them to the store, and Kendall watches him on the way. He is imperfect, obese and heavy-featured. Sometimes, when looking at him, she sees a neanderthal. He is all primality, just rage and instinct, and yet that arouses her. She eyes his crotch, his manhood densely packed into his pants, and imagines him hard. Only minutes ago he was inside of her, flooding her, filling her, and already she wants him again.

He leads her again at the store, walking with his hand around her waist. She never let him walk with her like this when they were dating. Now, he holds her like he owns her and, after two days of rough sex with him, Kendall has come to believe that he might. She still loves Jackson, but she knows that James’ possession of her is absolute. Her inability to refuse him is reason enough, but the pleasure he offers for her obedience is nothing to ignore.

Her breasts ache from how hard he groped her, and so do her hips and ass. She is sure that his big, rough hands have bruised her all over. Her pussy begins to ache, too, as the numb fades. Her legs remain weak beneath her and, heart hammering in her chest, she worries that they might be seen. Jackson works at another store, but their town is small, and gossip spreads quickly.

Leading her by the waist, James walks her through the store, straight to women’s clothing. There, he stops and begins digging through the racks. No one interrupts them, no one meets them on the way. James is a big man and stands tall above the clothing racks, and Kendall feels small beside him and distinctly feminine.

James talks with her as he shops, and Kendall follows him like a slave. “If you’re gonna be my slut, then you gotta dress like a slut.” He picks out low-cut tops for her, most of them white and thin enough to show her nipples. He also grabs her the shortest shorts of her life, ones that ride so high that they will hardly hide her bubble butt from view. She had briefly entertained the idea that he would come seeking lingerie to dress her up, but staring at him, she realizes that James would never be so kind.

Once Kendall’s arms are full, James takes her by the hair and drags her to a dressing room. There, he shoves her inside before following her in. Kendall unloads what she has onto the seat inside before turning to face him. The dressing room is small, and she can smell James’ sweat thick in the air. Where it was once repulsed her, it now arouses her. She stammers as she stares up at him. “You can’t be here.”

James laughs and locks the door behind him. Turning to her, he swats her on the pussy, sending a shiver echoing through her body. “Shut up and show me what we got.”

Recognizing the futility of arguing, Kendall obeys. She strips naked and models each article for him, letting him narrow the choices. James favors cheap and revealing and touches her whenever he pleases. She picks out a number of low-cut tank tops too thin to be called clothes and a pair of booty-shorts to go with each. When finished, she has a week’s worth of slut wear and only a single camisole, and that only because it hangs so perfectly from her breasts.

Then, James makes her strip naked and sits staring at her while she stands before him fully exposed. He turns her, groping her ass and swatting it once while staring up her back at her. “Fucking thick,” he says, and he holds her ass cheeks apart. “But shaving won’t be enough. I don’t even want any fucking stubble, got it?” As he speaks, he thumbs the folds of her vagina, and Kendall has to brace against the changing room walls for support. “You’re gonna wax, all of it, including your asshole. Don’t want this nasty ass hair distracting me when you ride me.”

Just the teasing of his thumb has her on the edge of orgasm. Closing her eyes, Kendall imagines people listening outside. James speaks crudely and without room for argument. He has already paraded her around the store like his favorite pet. Now, he is demanding how she should groom for him. She really is his slut now, and she cannot ignore how much that turns her on.

James swats her ass, drawing her back to him. “I gave you orders.”

Kendall, breathing through a moan, answers, “Yes. Of course, James. I’ll get it waxed.”

“Legs, arms, and armpits, too.” James spanks her on each word and then squeezes her cheeks again, holding them apart to stare at her wet, pink flower, still stretched from his time inside of her. “I expect my bitches to be clean for me.”

Kendall, panting, nods. “Right. I’ll get it taken care of.”

James smiles, hands on her ass, and continues groping her. He molds her cheeks, squeezing them, shaping them, enjoying their contradictory nature. Kendall has always had a heavy bottom, but childbirth has given it an unreal plumpness that, while firm, manages also to be pliant and soft. She has the sort of ass that porn stars would kill for. Were they still dating, he would hold her cheeks apart and eat her pussy--provided she cleaned it first--but since they aren’t, he spanks her again before easing a finger into her.

Kendall gasps. Biting her bottom lip and swallowing her pleasure, she looks back at him and watches with wide eyes as he adds a second thick finger. The changing room walls are thin, and she is sure anyone outside can hear her impassioned breathing. James already shouldn’t be in there with her, but to have her naked, fingering her, is even more ridiculous. Worst yet, however, is how he doesn’t move his fingers. He just holds them inside of her as she flexes around him, hugging him. She is close to orgasming but, chuckling, James does not reward her with one.

Then, with a single spank to the ass, he gives her the orgasm she craves. Kendall shivers, moaning through her closed lips, keeping her eyes tightly shut. James chuckles, holding her by her pussy and by her ass, watching her shake as she struggles to contain the pleasure he gives her. She wets his fingers and knuckles, and he says, “Fucking slut.”

Removing his fingers, James turns Kendall and feeds those fingers to her. Sucking them obediently, Kendall stares at him, desperate, powerless, and somehow aroused by her own weakness. She is programmed to obey him and rewarded by the pleasure of his touch and scent. Staring him in the eyes, she can see the cruel joy he takes in using her, and she takes her own subtle joy in being used.

“You’re fucking pathetic,” he says, sawing his fingers into her mouth. Kendall cleans them thoroughly and takes to tonguing after. With her own juices gone, she can taste James’ skin again and, following the powerful orgasms he has given her, she finds he tastes good. As always, it is a familiar flavor, but her own appreciation of it is continuing to evolve.

Watching her, James smiles like a baboon.  It is a warning that this is only just beginning and it knots up her loins with excited terror. They are in a changing room, in the middle of the local department store, with the entire town shopping around them. If anyone hears them, it can get back to Jackson, to Kendall’s mother, to her job and everyone she knows, and yet she can do nothing but obey. Her heart hammers with fear and arousal as he removes his fingers and stands before her, his belly brushing her as he undoes his belt. “But, I ain’t here to please you…”

James moves her by the hair, seating her in his still warm spot on the bench. Standing over her, he smacks her gently across the face one time and then with increasing force afterward. Giving three smacks in total, he then pins her face to his crotch. Kendall, drunk on pained arousal, pants against him, whining as she holds him by the thighs. Then, gathering her wits, she kisses his crotch while staring up into his cold, unfeeling gaze. “This is what you’re here for, Kendall. This is all that matters. You please me.”

Undoing his pants, James lowers his briefs and lets his half-erect cock fall heavily over Kendall’s shoulder. Kendall gasps, staring sideways at it, stunned by his size and girth. He is heavy on her shoulder, and she is forced into his pubic hair to breathe him in. Holding her by the hair, James watches her entire demeanor shift as he flips her switch. Cruelty curls his lips, and he smacks her again before cupping his balls and offering them to her wet, hungry lips.

Kendall tastes him. Watching, gathering her hair as he likes to do, James sneers. “There we go, that’s right, sucking my dick like you love to. Just like a real slut.”

Kendall moans around him, holding him steady by the base with one hand while using the other hand to brace against his thighs and pull herself deeper. The truth is that she hates everything about James, even his big dick. She hates how good he tastes, and she hates how musky he smells, and she hates each mind-altering orgasm he gives her when he fucks her and beats her. She hates him, but she enjoys him as well, and enjoyment and love are two very different things. Her hate, she has found, has not diminished in any way, but her enjoyment has grown with each orgasm. At this point, she is powerless to stop the pleasure, but she is still determined to keep hating him.

The problem is that only James’ dick has changed. Growing fat, long, and glorious, it is worthy of the rapture it brings. Even now, it pleases her as he swells in her mouth. Kisses her way down his shaft, she finds his balls and plants a kiss on each one. Like his dick, his balls have changed, growing larger and heavier, possessing an inordinate amount of seed for a man who was already virile enough to have given her a child. Everything else about him, however, has gone unchanged.

Sucking his balls into her mouth, Kendall stares him in the eyes and revises her thought--if James has changed, then he has gotten only crueler. His big cock has taken all of his rage and flavored it with arrogance. It has turned his violence into foreplay without any attempt at control. James already owns her, and they both know it. So, now he beats her as a part of his play rather than as a means of intimidation. He can move her with a word, so he doesn’t need to use his hands. He likes to use his hands, though.

That powerlessness frightens Kendall most. Even without a smack, Kendall is compelled to obey him. Anymore, she is driven by her hunger, her need to please him. Hate has become secondary to the pleasure that is formed between their bodies. As she has thought before, James has hardly changed save for his dick, but it is her reaction to him that has changed completely. Drunk on him, she breathes him deep and slurps him up, sucking him and licking him and sniffing him of her own desire. James hasn’t changed, save for his cock, and yet she has come to thoroughly enjoy James.

Licking her way from his balls to the root of his cock, Kendall closes her eyes and breathes him deep. In this moment, at least, she can enjoy him as much as she hates him. Holding him close, tasting him, drooling on him, she stares over his steel hard shaft at her own reflection in the mirror, and she marvels at it. Then, licking her way back up his shaft, she stops to kiss his crown and stares into her own eyes. James, she realizes, doesn’t care either way whether she hates him or enjoys him. All he cares about is owning her and using her, and that she can do for him. If anything, she imagines her hatred would only turn him on more, so she resolves to enjoy him more instead.

Holding him in place and staring down his impossible shaft, she remembers Jackson. Then, looking back into the mirror, she takes James into her mouth with a moan, forgetting herself to the pleasure he gives her, feeding her own shameful hunger.

In the mirror, Kendall is naked and pale. Her pink nipples stand erect, swollen with arousal, on her quivering pale breasts. Her body is not the rail it had once been, but shapely and strong. James’ shaft runs the length of her cheek, and at this point she marvels at his length. Holding him makes her look femininely erotic and dainty. His balls, sized to match his shaft, are equally impressive as she cups and kisses them.

James’ reflection in the mirror is marvelous. Though fat and cruel, he is enormously well-endowed. Her small, pale hands only seem to make him look larger as she strokes and moves him. Sitting back again, salivating in her hunger, she finds that her fingers cannot meet around him and nearly bursts into a fit of giggles. Twice, she has taken him into her and does not understand how. Objectively speaking, his shaft is monstrous but beautiful to behold.

Now looking at James in the mirror, she finds another change she has undergone, and she smiles as she kisses his shaft. His dick is massive, deserving of her affection, but watching herself blowing him in the mirror, Kendall cannot deny her growing attraction to James. Even though he has been heavy since she has known him, he has also been careful in his grooming. While he doesn’t shower often, which accounts for his sweaty musk that permeates his cock and feet, he does trim his hair and fuss over his appearance. He makes attempts at caring for himself but lacks the willpower to hold to a diet, but underneath the fat, she thinks, is a good-looking man with a massive dick.

They make eye contact, and she shivers. His cold, empty eyes alone are enough to leave her rooted and willing.

Holding her by the hair with one hand, he uses his other big, rough hand to guide her. “Enough teasing,” he growls, and he holds his fat crown to her lips. “Show me what this slut-mouth of yours can do.”

Staring down his massive shaft, and kissing his crown, Kendall realizes why his dick looks so good on him--James is a big man, and all his life he has needed a big dick to balance him out. Anyone shorter or smaller would only look comical sporting such a long, thick log between their legs. It is only James’ big, blubbery body that looks symmetrical attached to a big, fat cock like his. Holding him steady by the shaft, she appreciates this new understanding of his beauty before parting her lips to taste him.

She takes him into her mouth slowly to appreciate his flavor. James’ dick, longer and thicker, tastes like it very much always has, but the thick, syrupy nature of his seed adds an improved texture to it. That, combined with the added appeal of watching her lips stretch around him in the mirror, leaves her moaning around him as she feeds herself his shaft.

James, now holding her by the head with both hands, grunts. “Fuck! Your lips look good wrapped around my dick.”

Kendall smiles because that she can agree with. Even in her hatred, she can objectively find beauty in their union. Kendall, like James, is not a small person. She is tall and, after two children, well-built, with curves forming where nothing had been before, and in the same way that James’ gargantuan cock brings balance to his big body, so does she seem well-suited to be his slut. It only makes sense, after all, that such a big, well-endowed man would demand the respect of such a sexy, voluptuous woman.

Sucking him deeper, she takes him to the edge of her throat and then takes to bobbing her head. She uses her hands to keep him steady and to maintain her rhythm. James, watching her and familiar with her technique, is impressed not only with her enthusiasm but with her skill. The few blowjobs she gave him as a couple had been mediocre at best, but then he had never had her give one eagerly before. Watching her now leaves him panting. “Well, God damn, Kendall, where’d you learn to suck a dick like this?”

Still smiling, Kendall pauses with his head in her mouth to spread her saliva down his shaft. Stroking him to a shine, she watches them in the mirror still, marveling at how the gleam of her saliva makes him look glossy and large. Then, closing her eyes and forgetting the beauty of his dick, she indulges herself in the powerful pleasure of his scent and flavor. At this point, she is too dick-drunk to think. So, she forgets herself, giving herself over to the pleasure in favor of the guilt that will inevitably follow.

The combined pleasures of his scent and precum leaves her wet. Bobbing her head on him again, she holds and strokes him with one hand while using another to tickle her folds. James’ orgasm, she is sure, will bring her an orgasm of her own. That is part of her submission, part of the unspoken programming which seems to control her. She lives for James and so is rewarded for his pleasure with pleasure. Her fingers, however, are only enhancing her pleasure now.

Watching her, James grins. “Enjoying my cock, Kendall?”

Remembering him, remembering herself, Kendall opens her eyes to stare up into his eyes. A cold thrill runs through her. Smiling around him, she purrs, “Mmhmm.” She is enjoying his cock. At this point, she even almost likes him, he has her so drunk on him. James, having forced himself into her mouth, now pulls himself out and runs his wet shaft along her cheeks, guiding her to his balls to feast. She takes to sucking them eagerly and with a panting, impassioned moan.

“I gotta say, Kendall,” James says, holding her by the hair while watching her in the mirror. “In all the years I’ve known you, I never thought I’d see you sucking my balls like this.” Removing one hand, James strokes himself, gathering precum across his palm. Then, reaching down, he smacks her across the cheek with his sticky hand, leaving it smeared on her swollen skin. Kendall moans but offers no complaint with her mouth full of testicle. Her cheek stings, but the pain only serves to inspire greater pleasure. “You ever suck the cuck’s balls like this?”

Kendall moans around him, sucking and licking his balls before being allowed to withdraw long enough to speak. Even then, she strokes him and kisses him, showering him with affection while stealing words around him. “No, James. Never. Only yours.”

James goes wide-eyed but smiles. His dick hardens in her hands and, though Kendall hates to degrade Jackson, she cannot ignore the erotic pleasure she takes in pleasing James. Each time he swells in her hands makes her want to say worse. “Not even once?”

She purrs against him. “Mm. I didn’t really have much time with him before you came back and took me, James.”

“That is true.” James grinned and smacked her again, this time more playfully. Kendall whines while kissing his shaft. “You ever eat his cum?”

Kendall licks her way up James’ shaft. At his crown, she licks his glans before speaking. “Mm. No. Not even once.”

James clutches her by the hand and stares her in the eyes. “But you’re going to eat mine, ain’t you?”

Kendall smiles against his dick. Staring him in the eyes, she groans, “As much as I can.”

Now, James groans in return. “Fuck! Gonna nut!”

Giggling with him to her lips, Kendall extends her tongue and strokes him through his climax. “Do it, James! Come for me. Come all over your slut!”

That last sentence was all it took to send James over the edge. He erupted like a volcano, unloading thick, hot semen across her face and into her mouth. Kendall catches it readily, stroking him into her open mouth and onto her outstretched tongue. She swallows what she can while moaning through her own orgasm and, when finished, suckles his crown while still stroking him.

Kendall is glad that he stripped her. James comes in long, thick ropes and leaves her covered in semen. It sticks to her face and in her hair and slides slowly down her neck and into her bosom. Stray ribbons of cum hit the walls around her, leaving a mess like a Pollock painting. Some managed to get onto her breasts, and it oozes down her belly to gather in the valley of her thighs.

She licks him, sucking up the last of his sperm before kissing his crown and letting him fall. James’ fat cock slaps his thighs as she releases him to cup her breasts and rub his semen in. There are no towels there, and yesterday left her stinking of him, too. She sees no reason not to wear his cum home and shower before picking up Jackson and the girls. Her nipples ache when she touches them, but she is glad that her limbs still work.

The orgasm that his orgasm triggered was powerful but manageable and remains nothing compared to how it feels to have him deep inside of her. She is grateful for it all the same and finds herself looking on his dick with increasing affection. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that she still hates James, but she is warming up to his dick very quickly.

James seems to take note of this and wags himself in her face until she notices. Smiling, she kisses his cockhead again and even makes a show of sucking him into her mouth while he sneers. “Glazed you like a donut, didn’t I?”

Kendall, tickling his glans with her tongue, laughs. “Mmhmm.” She looks down her sticky body and wonders how she will ever get the smell out in time. Then, rubbing herself with his sperm, she realizes that Jackson may just have to come home to a cum-soaked girlfriend.

“Cuck ever come on you like this?”

Kendall laughs thoughtlessly, still drunk on James and not sobering any time soon. Kissing his cock one last time, she answers, “No, James. I’ve never let him come on me. I’ve never let anyone come on me before. Only you.”

“Fucking nasty,” he says. Taking her by the head, he pulls her to him and wags his limp dick at her again. Extending her tongue, she leaves her mouth open to let him cock smack her lips and tongue. James laughs as he does it and then stuffs her mouth with his dick. “Does he come like me at all, though? Whose cum do you like more?”

“Mm.” Kendall slurps him and then stares at his thick shaft hanging in her face. “The cuck’s cum is nothing like yours,” she says absently. “You come a lot more, and it’s much thicker and tastier than his.”

“Damn right it is.” James slaps her mouth one last time with his dick before moving to pull his briefs on. As he dresses, Kendall regards her reflection in the mirror. Dropping her breasts, she watches them sway and shine, still sticky with semen. She rubs her thighs and her belly, and she does her best to clean her hair before standing. Her face is the biggest mess so far, but she gathers his semen and from there and rubs it on her thighs to clear it off.

As she does, James comes up behind her and swats her ass. Grabbing her by the hair, he holds her in place and stares in the eyes through the mirror. “Look at you, Kendall. I dated you for two years, and I know from experience that you ain’t never been this wet before. No matter what I did before, and no matter what I do after, you’re my slut. There is no arguing that.”

Kendall, staring at her reflection, at her puffy nipples, at her glossy skin, at her lust-glazed eyes and her dripping pussy, she knows he is right. She hates him, and she hates the truth, but she cannot hide from it.

He releases her hair and holds her by the neck. His fingers are tight around her throat, not enough to hurt her but to give him power over her. Kendall chokes quietly and holds him by the wrist, but she does nothing to fight him. Instead, she silently tries to fight her arousal. Behind her, James’ big body looms. “But a slut ain’t no good to me if I can’t fuck her. Which is why you’re going to get yourself waxed, right?”

Kendall whines. “Yes.”

“Good girl.” James releases her and gathers their things. Standing by the changing room door, he frowns. “The fuck you waiting for? Hurry up!”

“Sorry!” Kendall moves quickly, throwing her clothes on and following James out of the changing room. The employees notice but say nothing, and Kendall follows at his heels to the register. There, she pays, and then she hands off her keys again while carrying the bags out to the car. 

James drives them back and parks. Leading Kendall by the hair, he has her walk him to his truck. There, she kneels by the side of the street to kiss his crotch one last time before whispering a good bye. James swats her pussy once before sending her back to her car. As he pulls away, Kendall feels herself feeling empty. With the thrill of betrayal gone, she is alone with her guilt and has nothing to erase it.

Today, James kept her late, and so she doesn’t have time to shower before picking up Jackson. So, she changes and leaves almost immediately, arriving late to get Jackson because she stops to call and make an appointment to get waxed before calling him out. The appointment, to her frustration and embarrassment, is two days out, meaning that she will have to see James at least one more time with hair on her body.

The evening passes slowly after that, and everything feels empty. Jackson asks about the smell of her skin, and she passes it off as sweat. He asks about the living room when they get home, and she playfully teases him, saying how she had cheated on him and calling him a cuck. He gets angry, but he gets over it, and by the end of the night he is asleep as Kendall lies awake, staring at the ceiling, feeling angry and alone and hungering for James’ dick.


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