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Trigger Warning: This story contains some sexual and emotional violence. This is nota healthy representation of a relationship, nor should it be something to strive for in your own life.  This is a work of fiction, and the actions taken in this story are taboo for a reason.  Be good to each other.

Chapter Four: Dark New Depths

Kendall’s morning starts as it always does: with her grooming. She showers while Jackson tends to the girls. After her shower, she stares at her naked body in the mirror and tries to imagine herself completely waxed. Even now, she can hardly see any hair, though she can feel it when she passes her fingers over her vulva. The idea of having her peach smooth frightens her, not for the pain that waxing will involve, but for what it will represent. She has never waxed in her life, and now she is doing it for a big-dicked buffoon who beat her for two years before she broke up with him and found a better man.

Not better, she reminds herself, kinder. Three days ago, that distinction wouldn’t have been so important, but her entire world makes no sense anymore. Her nipples are stiff, and her pussy feels empty without remnants of James’ cum still leaking out of her womb in the morning. She takes her birth control just in case and then dresses carefully, slipping into one of the skimpy tank tops and a pair of short-shorts which James had made her purchase. She puts her normal clothes on top of that so that she won’t raise alarms with Jackson.

She meets Jackson and the girls in the kitchen after brushing her hair, and he greets her with a smile. “Good morning, babe.” Moving to her, he kisses her on the cheek. Kendall smiles, enjoying the attention and using it as a distraction from James’ coming visit and her eventual waxing. Constant thoughts of James frighten and arouse her, and anymore she feels like he is all she thinks about.

“Good morning, cuck.” She says it absently, without meaning to, and then blushes as Jackson goes quiet. Moving away from her, he remains distant for the rest of the morning. Kendall knows that he will forgive her, that he only needs time to pout, but his skulking, sullen movements are like a knife across her throat. Sighing, she goes about her morning, preparing a light breakfast to keep room for James’ semen later.

She drops Jackson off and calls him a cuck again. His anger and hurt is clear, though he doesn’t pursue the argument. At this point, Kendall cannot stop. James’ expectations were made clear and, though she doubts that he would ever find out, she still feels compelled to obey him. Penny asks what a cuck is; Kendall snaps at her to be quiet.

James is waiting when Kendall pulls into her driveway after dropping off the girls. Kendall parks and strips her clothes in the front seat, intending to put them back on later after James is gone. For now, she steps out of her car smiling, completely certain that James will be happy with her for the first time in four days.

She meets him at the sidewalk, not smiling but also not frowning. Her heart hammers as James regards her with a cold, clinical gaze. Her nipples swell beneath his scrutiny, standing stiff and showing pink beneath her thin tank. Between her legs, she feels her dampening pussy darken the tight fabric of her shorts as her body prepares to be penetrated. James, noticing this, cups her pussy with one big hand and traces one thick finger along her folds.

“What happened, Kendall? Did you piss yourself or are you just that wet from seeing me?”

Kendall, blushing and breathless in his grasp, holds him by his thick forearm. Comparing James’ arms to Jackson’s slender limbs, Kendall finds her boyfriend wanting. “I’m wet.” The words are hardly more than a shameful breath.

“Course you are,” he says, laughing afterward as he holds his fingers flat against her vulva. “Bet you’ve been horny all night thinking about me fucking you, about me covering you in my cum.”

Kendall whines. She cannot deny it, and she doesn’t look to deny it, either. While she hasn’t been looking forward to James’ return, she also has not been dreading it, either. Instead, she has thought about it almost constantly since he left, accepting it as an inevitability and a reality. Neither good nor bad at this point, James’ intervention in her life simply is. The taste of his seed lingers at the back of her tongue and, held by him, she looks forward to tasting it again.

Releasing her pussy, he wipes his damp fingers along her breasts before slapping one. “Well, the fuck you waiting for? Go open the door for me!”

Kendall scrambles, digging through her purse and producing her keys before rushing to the front door. “Yes, daddy!”

Inside, Kendall is quick to discard her purse and fetches James a beer. Yesterday, on the way home, she had stopped to buy more. Jackson had only made mention of the beer once, and a sharp glare had silenced him quickly. At the time, Kendall had felt embarrassed by Jackson’s interest, afraid that he might be associating her with the alcohol considering her mother’s past with the substance. Now, she is only glad that he didn’t draw other, more accurate assumptions.

Returning to the living room, she finds James seated and waiting with his feet out. Handing him his beer, she kneels at his feet and sets to work, removing his boots and sniffing his socks afterward. She starts with his right foot, peeling off the sock and giving his bare flesh a sniff before rubbing and licking him. His flavor is more pronounced than usual, his sweat still fresh and sticking to her nose and chin as she tastes him.

James watches her, quietly drinking, intoxicated by the power he has over her. Kendall closes her eyes to avoid his gaze, though she can still feel it on her. She tastes his toes and wiggles her tongue between them, sucking and slurping them as he likes and offering no complaint. At the back of her head, she still entertains the idea that maybe, if she does well enough, he might fuck her for good behavior.

Her suckling grows hungry and sloppy as she goes on. The smell of James’ feet, now associated with her own pleasure, has her nipples aching and her pussy dripping. Watching her slow decay, James stuffs his big toe into her mouth to draw her attention. Kendall, staring him in the eyes, moans while tonguing his toe like it is his cock. “You like sucking my toes, don’t you, Kendall?”

Kendall purrs around him before releasing him with a wet pop. Kissing his foot thoughtfully, she takes to rubbing his foot again as she answers. The taste of his dirty feet lingers in her mouth. “I don’t know if I like it,” she says. “I don’t dislike it, though.” She smiles fondly at his foot. “It’s definitely growing on me now that I am used to the taste. Why?”

James burps. “You just seem really into it is all.” James shoves his foot back into her face, and she laughs before taking to licking him. It is the most normal conversation the two have had in months, maybe even in a year, and it is about sucking his feet. Kendall wonders what sort of demeneted wonderland she has become the Alice of.

Finishing with his right foot, Kendall sets it aside and pulls his left foot onto her lap. Delicately, and with feminine affection, she removes his boot, undoing the laces first before pulling it gingerly from his foot. Like last time, she pauses to sniff his sock before removing it and breathing deeply of his bare flesh.

James undoes his pants while watching her, pulling his cock out and stroking himself hard. Kendall, catching sight of that, holds her breath while licking him. A long moan escapes her when she breathes again, and she imagines herself in his place, stroking him, sucking him, tasting him, riding him. His dick looks massive, even in his big, bear-like hands, and all she can think about is how big he feels when he buries himself deep inside of her.

James grins. “See something you like?”

Kendall whines with her lips to his feet. She is afraid to speak, to betray her desires to him. James is already so arrogant, and she wants nothing to do with feeding that arrogance. Staring at his dick, however, she cannot help but feel that he deserves her praise. He might be horrible, but he is also horribly well-endowed, and she knows from experience the kind of good he can do with his fat dick.

“You’re getting waxed later today, right?”

“Yes, daddy,” she hisses, wiggling her tongue between his toes. She hopes that good behavior will at least get her a mouthful or faceful of cum. If she can’t be fucked, then she at least wants to end the day smelling like him. Forget what Jackson might think, she is already drunk.

“Too bad. You’re being so good right now that if you were already waxed, then I would’a fucked you silly. Oh well.”

Kendall frowns against him. “But, I shaved!” She sounds indignant speaking to him, and is afraid of earning his ire. James takes it in good humor, though, and laughs before forcefully stuffing his toes back into her mouth. Kendall understands immediately and returns to sucking.

“Shaving ain’t good enough, Kendall, and you know that. Then again…” He removes his foot from her mouth, from her hands, and beckons her toward him. Crawling like a bitch in heat, she falls into his hands as he takes her by the hair and drags her up to his crotch. Pinned to his shaft, Kendall pants against him, kissing him and licking him out of the side of her mouth while his rigid warmth burns its way into her head. “There are other ways to fuck you, if you’re willing to earn it.”

Drunk on him and unable to think clearly with his musky scent filling her head, Kendall can only whine against him. She still hates James, but her attraction to his dick has her feelings confused. Though she had entertained the notion that he might still fuck her if she was well-behaved, deep down Kendall knows James well enough to understand him. Cruelty motivates everything he does, and all he cares about is the power he can exert over her, nothing else. Pleasure is secondary, a part of the reward but not the reward itself. Having her wax herself is better than sex to him.

Held to his dick now, staring up into his cold eyes, she can only wonder what the price she will have to pay is. A thousand thoughts try to form simultaneously, each worse than the last but none so bad that she would refuse him. Kissing him and holding him by the thighs, Kendall tells herself that she can’t refuse him anyway and decides to at least degrade herself willingly rather than being made to degrade herself against her will. Licking him, she mewls, “Yes, daddy. Anything for you and for your dick.”

“Anything?” James laughs and smacks her across the cheek. Then, lifting his hips, he says, “Then take off my pants, slut, and I’ll tell you exactly what you have to do.”

Kendall moves quickly, hooking her fingers in his jeans and his briefs and yanking them off with one smooth movement. His full, naked body now rests on her couch, his fat balls heavy and hairy between his legs. His enormous shaft has fallen back to rest on his big, bloated belly, and Kendall takes him carefully in her hands and showers him with kisses around his root and testicles.

The smell of James went from being inoffensive to delicious, and soon she is licking the sweat from his pubic hair as she waits for his command. James watches her, enjoying her desperation for a moment longer before he takes her by the hair. “Now, just to be clear: you said you’d do anything for me to fuck you.”

Kendall, kissing his balls, purrs. “Mmhmm.”

“And you did mean anything?”

Now whining, Kendall says, “Oh, God, James, I just need you to fuck me so badly!”

James’ grin grows so large that it threatens to split his face. “Well, then, I have just the thing. Show me how good a girl you are and eat my ass.” James lifts his balls as he says it, and then pushes her face first into the shadowy cleft of his ass without waiting for her response.

Hands on his thighs, Kendall hesitates as the sour stench of his asshole surrounds her. She chokes on it as he forces her deeper, wondering how she had not realized that this would be his intent. When contemplating the price, she had assumed he would merely indulge himself in some form of emotional taboo. He would force her to fuck him in the bed she shared with Jackson or take her outside to fuck her in the yard, both of which were prices she would be willing to pay. This, however, was entirely unexpected.

But his big hand is strong, and she feels weak in his grasp. Her nose touches his ass cheeks first and, as the promise of being fucked hard by eleven wrist-thick inches fills her head, Kendall extends her tongue tentatively to taste him before giving herself over completely to his whims. Afterall, she has proven to herself time and again that she is powerless against him. His command is all it requires to degrade her, and in participating in her own degradation, she at least has some control over it.

She tries to stare him in the eyes but can hardly see him past his fat balls and thick shaft. She does feel his legs tense around her, however, as she tastes his putrid hole. This most private, most unsanitary of acts arouses and disgusts her in equal measure as her stomach turns. The taste alone is enough to make her want to wretch, but the promise he made in return calms her. Almost anything, she decides, is worth getting fucked by James, even this.

James, as if surprised by this, only lets her taste him before pulling her back. Still holding her by the hair, he stares at her with lust-glossed eyes. Arousal, real arousal, shows in his stare as he takes his cock by the root and brings it around across her cheek. It hurts, but it also serves to inform her of the leaking rigidity that her obedience has brought him to. James has never in his life been this hard, and Kendall smiles knowing that she has done that.

“You did it,” James says breathlessly, slapping her again with his cock before offering it to her open mouth. She sucks him eagerly, glad to have his precum replacing the taste on her tongue. Kendall sucks him obediently, staring him in the eyes now, willing to do worse to get the fuck she was promised. “You actually fucking did it,” he wheezes. “Fuck, you’re one nasty cunt.”

Bobbing her head on him as ribbons of saliva run down her chin, Kendall purrs. “Mmhmm.” Braced against his thighs, Kendall bobs her head on him, savoring his flavor and his thick precum as it washes away the sour of his asshole. Her eyes are fixed on his, though, speaking her obedience and willingness to degrade herself for his pleasure. At this point, she is certain that he is going to fuck her.

James, able to see this in her, laughs. “You did it for the dick, didn’t you?”

Mewling, Kendall nods her head on him. James laughs again.

“You want me to fuck you?”

Kendall groans. Moving her hands, she seizes him by the shaft and strokes him into her mouth. All she wants in the world is to be fucked right then. Her pussy has already soaked through her shorts, and she is absolutely certain she could take him to her womb with one smooth stroke. She just wants to be given the chance.

“Prove it to me,” James says. Pulling her from his dick, he holds his saliva-slick crown to her cheek with one hand while keeping her steady with the other wrapped in her hair. “Beg me for it, Kendall. Beg me to fuck you.”

Groaning and panting, kissing him as she drools on him, Kendall holds him steady by the shaft. “Oh, God damn it, James! God damn it!” Moving his cock, she smacks herself across the face with it in a show of desperation. As she does, she pants like a wild animal while pleading with him. “Fuck me, James! Fuck me hard with your huge fucking cock! Fuck your slut! Fuck me,” she says, pausing to let the tension grow. “Fuck me like the cuck never could!”

Kendall smiles as James smiles and, kissing his shaft, is allowed to suck him again. She kisses and slurps his crown, convinced that she has finally earned a deep-dicking, but James’ cruelty has depths she has never understood and, with his dick in her mouth, James holds her tight by the hair as he laughs. “Fine, that was pretty good, I gotta give it to you.” Then, steadying with both hands, he stares her in the eyes as his grin goes cold. “But, I never did tell you where I would fuck you or how.”

James enters her wet throat roughly and is lucky to feel her stretch around him. Frothy saliva forms a ring around his shaft as Kendall stares up at him with tearful eyes. He holds her in place as she chokes around him, ropes of saliva dribbling into his pubic hair. He can only fit a few inches before she chokes and even those force her to struggle for breath. Kendall pushes against his waist at first, surprised by the abuse, but as she came to understand his intent, she settled around him.

Staring into her eyes, James can see the fear and excitement. He moves her slowly along his shaft, giving her room to steal a quick breath before forcing her back down. Kendall holds him by the waist, not pushing but not pulling, either. She lets him thrust into her throat and rides it out like the good slut he has taught her to be. At this point, she figures she will be abused either way. This way, at least, she doesn’t lose the fight.

She breathes around him in quick gulps. It is hard, with her throat so stuffed, but she draws deep nosefuls of his musty scent, which are enough to keep her awake, though the lack of oxygen helps to dampen the pain. She is more frightened, however, by the stabs of arousal that are spreading through her with each inch of his thick cock. Even as she chokes on him with her throat, Kendall swears that she can somehow feel him in her loins, stabbing her deep and forcing pleasure upon her.

Soon, her fright turns to delight as she comes on James. Mewling and whining, she claws gently at his hips as her eyes roll back with pleasure. James, noticing, lets out a laugh as Kendall’s throat tightens around him. “Fuck, are you fucking coming,” he asks, and Kendall manages to gurgle a response around him as he holds her in place. Grinning from ear-to-ear, James guffaws. “Of course you fucking are, you nasty bitch. For fuck’s sake, don’t you have any shame?” He punctuates his question with a gentle smack across her cheek.

Throat full of thick cock, Kendall can only breathe around him and stare. The orgasm, combined with the lack of air, has her dizzy and obedient, and James’ cold eyes have her hungry. She can feel his orgasm approaching in the way he throbs and fills her throat. He is fatter than usual, and she is sure that he will be spewing within a few more strokes.

Taking charge of his pleasure, Kendall holds him by the shaft and forces him deeper into her throat. James stares at her, wide-eyed, overcome by arousal and by pleasure as she stares him in the eyes and gags herself on his dick. Swelling further, he plugs her throat completely before firing, filling her belly directly with hot semen before lifting her head to allow her breath.

James’ thick cum coats her throat on the way out. Kendall swallows the first load to fill her mouth and then allows him to fist the rest into her face and onto her outstretched tongue. She eats greedily of him, stealing breaths around all of his semen but otherwise not caring about the pain. His sperm is hot as it slides down her throat but it settles nicely in her belly.

She sucks him clean afterward. James, still holding her by the hair, watches her while panting. The pleasure has been a lot and, at his weight, James had struggles to keep pace with a slut as eager as her. Her lips are a tight vice around his crown as she sucks the remaining sperm from him. The entire time, she stares him in the eyes. “Fuck, you really do got them dick sucking lips.”

Kendall blushes and smiles, licking her lips for his pleasure before swallowing the rest of his seed. She remembers him saying that the day before, and she remembers all the times he said it while they were dating. It is different to hear him say it now that she is his slut. She came twice with his dick down her throat, once on her own and once with him. Holding him by the root, she is surprised to find how much eleven inches can change a person’s perspective. Holding him steady, she takes him into her throat to show him that her entire body is made for his dick, too.

James groans while watches her, and she continues to stare, unblinking. “Damn, your throats tight and wet like your pussy.”

Forcing her deeper, James watching Kendall take him again. He is losing steel rapidly and, limp and pliant, she manages to take him to half his length before stopping. James holds her there, staring her in the eyes as she caresses his thighs. When released, she sits up to kiss his crown and hold him to her cheek. Her devotion is absolute, and that alone is a triumph for James.

“You like that, don’t you? You liked when I fucked your throat.” James laughs while gently tapping his spent cock against her cheek. Kendall giggles against him. “Here I was thinking I was clever, and you went and came choking on my cock. You really are a nasty, shameless size queen slut, aren’t you?”

Kissing his shaft and breathing in his scent, Kendall nods.

“Fuck,” he says, “Two years. I wasted two years on you, and this is all you were good for.” Pulling her forward, he forces her into his pubic hair again to breathe him in. Kendall does so and then, held in place, begins kissing his root and tasting his balls. “You’re just a thoughtless cock addict hungry for my dick. Well, don’t worry, Kendall, I’ll keep you fed.”

Pinned to his crotch, Kendall breathes a moan. “God, daddy, yes you will.”

James smacks his dick down on her forehead one last time before sending her to get him another beer. Dizzy, she struggles to remember the layout of their simple, single-story house, and when she returns James is dressed. He takes her by the hair after taking the beer from her. Pulling her to the couch, he seats her where he was and holds her to his covered crotch.

“Kiss me.”

“Yes, daddy,” she whispers, and she kisses and licks his crotch. Her pants are wet from climax and soaking into the cushion. Kendall doesn’t care. All she can do is stare up at James’ big belly, hoping to steal a peek at his cold blue stare.

“You are my slut.”

“Yes, daddy.” She smiles. “I am definitely your slut.”

James grins. “Did you enjoy getting fucked?”

Throat raw as the sperm slides down her belly, Kendall coughs. “I loved it,” she whispers, nuzzling him through his pants. James laughs and tosses her sideways onto the couch. She follows him to the door, waiting as he downs his beer and then taking the bottle from him. James smacks her on the ass on the way out.

“Get your shit taken care of tonight so I can fuck you tomorrow.”

“Yes, daddy,” Kendall says, waving at him, her breasts shaking and her nipples hard. Thinking about him fucking her for real, Kendall nearly comes on the spot.


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