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Sorry for the slow down in content over the last handful of days. If you haven't heard from some of my recent videos, I'm dealing with a bout of anxiety like I've never experienced before so it has been hard to keep up. I've always had slight general anxiety, but it has never shut down my body physically like this.

Hopefully I can still get to the Dreamcatcher showcase stage and album later tonight. More RTK and Queendom soon too!



No worries. Take the time you need and I hope you’ll feel better soon.

Rudy van Immerzeel

First get better. Health is more important than Patreon.


Anxiety is a bitch, we understand if you have to take time for yourself.


Health comes first! Please don't push yourself too hard, it's okay to need breaks.


As seekified says your health comes first mate

Jay Geris

I cannot stress enough that you should feel free to take care of your mental and physical health first.


Health comes first! Please take care of your mental health first. We will be here whenever you feel better take your time! Patreon can wait. I hope you feel better!


anxiety is horrible. don't worry about patreon and do something nice for yourself!


Oh, Take Care of Yourself. Dont worry about this.


Take all the time you need, your mental health is most important