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Hi everyone - I am so, so sorry for the lack of new content here lately. I've just not been able to do anything. Or, at least, not produce anything that's ready for sharing. In 'spare time' I'm currently putting together my marine reptiles book, but progress is slow and there's nothing to share yet. Demands of work means that nothing else is really happening, though a few technical papers are set to appear over recent months. 

I have just completed a new TetZoo article, and it's on Wallking With Dinosaurs: https://tetzoo.com/blog/2021/7/3/reminiscing-about-walking-with-dinosaurs-part-2

Thanks as always for your support, it's crucial and much appreciated.



Darren, I don't know where else to put this and I've lost your email address, apparently. I'm just back from the San Diego Zoo, and they've added a lot since I was last there mumble years ago. There used to be two giant, walk-in, free flight aviaries and now there are three, plus two more somewhat smaller ones. And lots of non-free-flight aviaries all over. Truly, it's the most impressive collection of birds I've seen anywhere, by far. And I didn't even get to the Wild Animal Park; just talking about the main zoo site. Had a talk with the curator, and there's more to come.


Seriously, you need to get over here and do a review. The African acacia forest aviary is now about 4 years old, and the white-fronted bee-eaters are breeding well, and they've managed to reproduce pintailed whydahs using their natural host estrildids. The new hummingbird habitat (really a neotropical aviary that includes hummingbirds) is way cool. They're breeding kagus, and the Guianan cock-of-the-rock have a visible lek. I could go on at length. Oh, yes, they have some mammals and herps too.


Super-interested - but no trans-Atlantic travel for me right now. There are things on the card for 2022 though...