Eotyrannus - start of the end (Patreon)
Hi everyone. Once again -- so, so, so sorry for silence and lack of action here. The lack of new material doesn't reflect lack of background effort. Outside of the day job, I've been doing a fair bit of publicity stuff for Dinopedia (due out September 2021), have been dealing with the final proofs of the dinosauroid paper (due out soon), have been putting together a new palaeoart-themed book I'm editing with Steve White, have been organising TetZooMCon 2021 (happening Sept 3rd) AND have been working - when possible - on the Eotyrannus monograph. I even took time off work at the end of July to get the monograph finished, but it didn't give me the time I needed and hence it's still unfinished. But I'm getting there.... it is currently my main 'spare time' project and I absolutely MUST get it done.
At the time of writing, about 4 figures (of c 35) are due to be finished -- I'm nearly there! It will be a MAJOR achievement when I get it published, but there's still a long way to go: (1) finish figures, (2) finish reformatting manuscript to take account of newly modified figures, (3) SUBMIT, (4) endure final round of peer-review and make required changes (I really, really, really hope they will be minor) and (5) make final style changes requested by journal (again, I hope they'll be minor). The monograph will appear in PeerJ. You might recall that I've already succeeded in raising the money for publication via a GoFundMe drive.
So this explains my lack of other stuff here... there's so much going on, this is a really exciting year in which some major projects of mine WILL see completion. Thanks as always for your support and apologies again that I'm not producing much fun stuff here.