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Good timezone, friends! Andy here, writing this while producing robust axes in Cookie Run Kingdom and waiting for the asset I need for Anders Day 8.

I apologize for the late update, again. We actually tried finishing it early, but there is always this one little thing (three, actually) that had us late.

  • The first thing was a miscommunication between me and my co-writer, so we had to rework a lot of the scenario in Anders day 8. But we managed to finish it before the 10th.
  • There's also a character bio mismatch between the one I had and the one my co-writer got, but we managed to solve it the same day.
  • Fast forward to today, I asked my co-writer to ask if the asset for Day 8 is ready, apparently there was another miscommunication between me and Wolgen, he thought the deadline was on 24th while I said the latest is on 15th, so... yep! Here we are.

Holy crap, now that I think about it, it's all my fault...

But I can lament on this later, for now. I'll write a monthly report for all of us...and also push a public update in a bit. Here goes!

  • Anders Day 8 [Patreon] | Mark's Day 8 [Public]

Ahhh, Anders. Our invisible, endearing bull (that is also our 6th main character). He's the one that seems out-of-place, have a lot of people wonder if he's just a filler character. Ahem, as always, these updates are the main reason that Monthly Reports exist!

I want to know.

  • News scene is fully functional (hopefully)

It won't show anything if it's your first time getting this build, you have to wait at least a day for it to show up. Any upcoming news will be shown even if you have an older build (no lower than 0.8.41) every 24 hours.

  • Numerous adjustments to Anders route.

There's a lot of new changes in Anders route. While it doesn't quite change the overall story, it does add a few more important point that Rex has missed in the past. 

And it's overall more fun to read...and the characters have expressions(!!!) Give it a go. More vague details of what has been changed can be seen in-game -> changelog.

  • A New BG has been added.

We're supposed to have two from Vui, but he told us that there's something urgent came up and he couldn't work on the BG for a while, unfortunately.

I hope he's okay.

  • A new character added.

Featuring one of our Big Pack pledgers: North Grizz. There's not much I can say about him without spoiling the story much...so, see it for yourself in-game!

Actually, I have one thing to say: HE

  • Special Episode: Lars [Patreon Only]

The poll has been concluded, and we have our winner!

It's kinda obvious, but anyway! It's already on the works, and here's the progress done, approximately:

Completion [Scheduled]: Dec. 25th, 2021


Current known error:

Anders Day 6: anders_liv_da error | Cause: asset doesn't exist.


I think that's all I have in mind at the moment. Here, have a complimentary concept art and one "I'm sorry I posted this late again" art.

Link: Anders Day 8 Polished Update | Reserved spot for future link

Thanks for reading!




can't rush awesome quality, hopefully things aren't too bad on your end on the upcoming months


As always mate, don't rush it, it comes when it comes, I think mostly of us prefer quality over quantity. Besides Healthcare and mental health comes first ALWAYS. I personally believe that a delay its better than a burnt out artist 😊😊😊. Big hugs Mate.


Omg u too play Cookie Kingdom!? I'm getting addicted xD


However, despite a lot of incomprehension with the co-author, a lot has been done and added by you. Fabulous! I like the new character ...


41, just started around 2 weeks ago and I still need to upgrade my sonic cookie aaaaaa


Wow I'm about 3 weeks I'm struggling to pass to 38, are you eating exp or something? Also I kinda give up about upgrading him xD


Well, yes, you can not always find an ideal understanding with your work companion and this is generally normal ... Still, do not blame yourself so much)