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Good timezone, everyone, Andy here! Bet ya didn't expect me here today.

I've gotten a lot of error reports regarding variables not being defined, even though I did define them. 

After trying to figure out what caused it for hours, I managed to find it, which is a good thing...but also a bad thing. Apparently, reloading a save (regardless of update) and rolling-back immediately causes new defined (default) variables to get deleted forever. The only way to "fix" this is to prevent rolling-back after loading a save, which I didn't do in previous updates.

The good thing is: this update will get rid of 90% of the "not defined" error. 

The bad thing is: I found out the issue; but due to lack of information, and that the only report I could find was from 2018 (it wasn't solved but closed); the fix was limited.

I'm sorry about this decision; but if somehow, I managed to find the root of the issue, I'll allow rolling-back after loading. 


But another good thing! This might be the last time you have to start a new file when there's a new update!

Anyway! Here's what's new in 0.8.41:

  • Anders route (unfinished) polishing

We all know that Anders is the least popular of the gang, but he deserves love too, don't ya think?

  • Updates within the game

Weee, the bullet point is misleading. I don't mean that you can update the game within the game... I just mean that there's a news section where you can check the newest news regarding the project--regardless of your game version. It's still an experimental feature, though. It might not work at all and you'll see RenPy's patreon news instead. I'll keep checking.

See that small button? That's the thing.

And here's why it's still experimental (it doesn't even work for most):

  • New [hidden] assets

That means there's no patch files, you gotta redownload the whole thing again. And oh! Since you can't rollback after loading your save. The game will notify you when to save (letting you know that the day is ending.)

The link should be the same as the old one. Putting it here so you guys will read it: Start a new save file.

Link: Dropbox | Changelog | How to download from itch.io | Password: 0840gilsus

(Files might not appear until they have been uploaded successfully)

Thanks for reading!




Anders is least popular?! I love that bull!


I love me some Anders boo. So lets put some respeCT... On his mf name.

North Grizz

Yay! More Anders! He's definitely not last in my personal rankings.

James Marquardt

I have limited time to explore route changes. I have kept having to start from scratch. I forwent Anders& Mark, to make more time for the older generation of friends. I dont have many answers as too What Went Down. I reexplored Gils route& started on Lars. But, if this update'll fix the Update, data loss. Ill gladly start from the beginning again. Lol. At least untill the next HouseCleaning Update~~

James Marquardt

I cant fully retrieve the download. It cuts off& dosent even leave a redord that i started on it??


I really like this Logan character. He strikes me as one of those characters who has trouble expressing emotions. Not a bad person, just can be mistaken for cold when he has trouble expressing himself.


Ok. My Antivirus doesn't allow me to play this new version with the fixes. It gives me a warning about the executable file. Anybody with the same problem? Is there a problem with the executable files or is a problem with my antivirus? I'm talking about the Windows version.


It should be a false warning. There’s nothing wrong with the .exe files, at least on my end.


Thanks for the reply Andy. I will see how to fix the problem without disabling the antivirus.