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Hello everyone! This is Rex Mundane, the co-dev, posting on andeh's behalf for an important update.

We're sure that most of you know why you got charged this month per our discord announcement. However, there was an oversight on our part; we forgot to announce it here as well. So for those not in the know, I'll explain the situation.

To summarize, andeh is in dire financial straits at this time. We used the money we saved up for the hiatus to handle commissions for background and character art updates, so work has been done on this project in the meantime. Unfortunately, we were forced to re-open this Patreon a month early to prevent his house from being foreclosed.

For those of you who didn't have fair warning about this, we sincerely apologize. We don't mean to treat this like a GoFundMe, it was an honest mistake. The idea was to have those who read the announcement consent to pledge this month well in advance if they chose to do so; otherwise, they could withdraw their pledge as they saw fit.

If you had no intention to pay us this month, please contact me or andeh on discord so that we can issue your refund as soon as possible. Information about our next proper update will be made available to you soon. Take care, and don't let us take your money if you're not okay with that!!


Zenith the fourth eagis

I honestly don't minedgiving money away so long as it supports the creators I've been subscribed before the hiatus and normally don't speak to people but I hope Andeh situation gets better lol i had auto correct on my phone so it said anderson and i had no idea lol luckley i changed it to andeh


Your announcement was quite clear when you posted this way earlier in the month. So I feel this is more on people not taking the time to read and ask questions rather then you guys. Sorry some people are giving you guys a hard time about this, but I fail to see the issue as it's not like you guys changed the pledge amounts into hundreds. I pledge to support people I think that are worth it, I make sure I know what I entered into when making any sort of contract to the best of my abilities.


Nice to know


Bad news, but I hope the situation gets better. Best wishes. I continue to support you and look forward to good news. Just take my money! :)