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Don't tell anyone we made this tape again...

Hey everyone, Andy here, it's been a while since I posted anything here, that announcement earlier aside, of course. But hey, we're coming back soon! While waiting for the actual update, I got something small for whoever's still here: A brand new Secret Tape!

What? There were secret tapes before this one? Hmm...I don't know what you're talking about, this is the first one!! (I'm joking but please let me lie to myself at least.)

A-anyway! As we mentioned in the video, please give us some ideas for the next secret tapes, it'll help a lot!

Thanks for reading!


File: After Class - Secret Tape #001

Music: "Casa Bossa Nova" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Do you have any evidence?" MusMus (https://musmus.main.jp/) ---- Consider supporting us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/andehP We got a twitter too: https://twitter.com/afcl_tbd



and this is the part he says "APRIL FOOLS"


That was fun. Thanks for the update! ^^


It's been a while since the last update, did Anders always look like that? The chest hair... Also, Talbot. Trying not to simp for him.


This was amazing! I am curious to know what they think of the other "residents" that are moving in.


Very nice though I do have a question if there's already been a bit of a collaborate with some other people? Cause seems a couple VN had a step into this world or are the BGs from a universal access?


Don't know if this has been answered yet... Will Tora be a datable character? From the conversations in the game, I have my guesses...

North Grizz

Nice work on this *cough* first secret tape. I can assume that any previous secret tapes were merely "the product of a deranged imagination". Maybe have the next one as a two-hander with Lars and Parker? :) Hmm, questions. Where did Lars learn to cook so well? Is there any reason why Parker chose to teach in Highwell? What is Lars' favourite genre of literature? Will we ever get to see the whole gang sit down for an evening of board games or something like D&D? (Potential for nice character interaction and revealing a bit about them) Is Gil interested in sports other than basketball? Do the cast agree that the best Phantom Of The Opera was Lon Chaney? If not, will they please see themselves out. Can any of the cast correctly pronounce Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch? Do you now regret asking for questions? Not going full Desert Island DIscs but what would be the cast's luxury item if they were on a desert island? A boat/floatplane/airship/submarine/balloon to get off is not allowed, Mark. (Hopefully they can be answered without spoilers)


Is there a reason why you chose to put torahiko in the game? Are there other morenatsu characters planned to be put in the game ? (please put juuichi in the game)

Healer Main

It was a shock to see Coach try and get guys to keep their clothes ON. He seems to have matured. ;)


Well, this was a surprise. I wasn't expecting a secret tape to be released this soon. x3 Either way, for the next (either, "second" or "third") Secret Tape, can the expression sets also be showcased? Like imagine seeing Lars doing funny faces on-camera other than his usual stern face. Also, is there a chance for us to see Walter's perspective on the day he arrived on Highwell? (Right before Day 1, actually) And since a character from Morenatsu has been showcased in this VN, is there also a chance for a character from Lagoon Lounge to be shown in the VN as well?


I really liked the tape! All characters good looking with their new sprites :D I was wondering where Tora was. Will he be in the next secret tape?


Secret tapes are a lot of fun:] Please, keep making them! And some smol and stupid questions: what mysteries hides courts?:D Will there take place any action in the nearest updates? What is Lars' favourite kind of music? Does Lars get teared up from sad books or movies? And do you guys have any phobias? (Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first languagggggge)


I’m not that good at questions. How many npc’s will have sprites like Talbot, Mr. Thornton and Liz?


Major updates aside, maybe the crew could talk more about their personalities, likes/dislikes, that kind of stuff. Who knows you might get some great ideas along the way :D


Oh yeah, if on the next secret tape. Would you want to feature some fan-related content? I got permission from my friend who's voicing as Parker Stone~ Heheh you can have mine as well. It's up to ya