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Hello everyone, Andy here. I've fucked up and forgot to turn off January's payment so you'll be charged this month. I really apologize for  the inconvenience and I'll refund each of you once it's finished processing the payment.

While we're here, we have finished some stuff for AC, and here are some of them!

Gil beach set

Tora beach set

Beach house BG

Inn room BG

And Talbot gets a cloaca.

There are more, but best to keep it hidden for now, hehe.

Thanks for reading everyone, and I'm sorry again. 



Don't worry about it :)


Apologize accepted! We are all good Andeh, no worry :3


Apology accepted 100%. Wouldn't have subscribed if I couldn't spare the money in my budget ;) There is literally no harm done. Please don't worry too much over it. Enjoy the start of 2021 <3


Oh....Talbot is so sexy...


When does Mr. Parker get facial expressions?😋


I wonder is Talbot will be a separate path if that's even possible...