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Hullo, Andy here. Rex and I have finished doing the edits for Episode Mark 1! Without further ado, here's what we've accomplished within last month in the game. It's not much, but please accept my offerings!

  • Episode Mark 1 has been finished

That's the point of this post, isn't it? Laughs 

  • Added new BG [Tora's Family Inn] in the gallery.

It was supposed to be last update, but I forgot to do it because I was rushing to get it done. 

  • Added new BG [Bublix exterior] placeholder.

Finally, The Bublix we know and love is being revamped. I know I'm excited about it! Keep in mind that this is a placeholder, the final BG might change. 

That's all I have for you guys, once again, I'm sorry for the lack of day 7 update. I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I did with Episode Lars 1!

Link: Dropbox | Password: 0703markpast

Thanks for reading!  




No worries. I thought Mark Ep 1 is going to be short like Lars but it is surprisingly satiating.


The Android version has a lot of bugs😭


Yeah, unfortunately, I've gotten too busy the other day I had to rush it. I'll do it immediately. I'm sorry for the trouble 🥺


Bug that does not affect the game is ok, but this bug causes the game not to continue...😭

Ray SF

OMG, I've just finished Episode Mark and it was mindblowing!!!! I wanna more, now ;)! Good job Andy!!!! I'm loving it so much!


Just some input from me... It seems a little frustrating that for 7 days now in the game, the main character just keeps on rejecting any intimacy, because that is not what I would do at least. The storywriting is a bit linear and considering that we are only getting one new character day a month, it just seems like there is not a lot of progress to be made or options to explore with each of the characters, once you have caught up with the story. Just something to think about. Either give us a bit more content and progress in the different storyline or give us the freedom to be close/intimate with characters when we choose to or maybe even allow multiple romance options in one playthrough. Maybe something like a 'hoe' playthrough where you're happy to have fun with Gil, Mark and Lars if we want!


Hey, first of all, as a writer and the head of development, I appreciate the input, and I'll keep that in mind whenever I write the game, truly. I'll see what we can do and hope to satisfy your demands. tl;dr, it's gonna take a while, please be patient ❤️ -- And now, as a person behind this VN, regarding your input, there are some things I would like to tell you: It's only day 7, you can't expect anyone to bone with you that fast, given that it's gonna be 30 character-days (uh oh, you'll be getting old before this VN is done developing.) Even if they would bone with you, it would just end there. Trust me, boning fast = relationship won't go well. Unless you want the game ends with our MC being a single forever, then no, I can't do that. Well, ultimately, the story will end with the "best", canon ending, and that's the case with all VN's, no? So, yes, all writings you read is, in a way, linear. There's nothing much I can do here, I'm sorry. Considering that we're only getting one new character day a month, to me, that's a LOT of progress. I'm biting off more than I can chew nowadays; *considering* that I live a busy lifestyle. It's 4:34AM as I write this right now and I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep as of now. I'm not saying I'm not allowing you to embrace a "hoe" playthrough, but I'm not saying that you can do it just yet, have you forgotten that "there's not a lot of progress to be made" just yet, and that it's not an endgame content? Oh, in any case! While you're waiting for more content to be released, I have some recommendations for something like that! Check out: Lustful Desires by Hyao Tavern of Spear by Caro Lagoon Lounge by KAIJU-09/Oodaru They are great!


I love you tooooo 🥺❤️ In any case, I hope to deliver this kind of update next time, so please look forward to it!


If we're getting a total of 30 days of story, I now get why the story feels a little slow as of this point. I thought that the game was going to end after day 10 or 14 maybe and in that case, things would be moving slow. But if we're getting 30, the pace is A-okay. Sorry for the criticism, keep up the good work!


It's all good, criticism is what we need to be a better person at doing what we do! Your input gave me a lot of thinking, so I gotta thank you for that! ❤️


Just finished playing Episode Mark. Ooooooh boy. That was... amazing! The plot is getting kinda dark and twisted, and I LOVE it! Although right now I really want to tell Mark to go f-ck himself and date his dad instead XD. Anyway, keep the good work! You're doing a great job, Andy!


Great update Andy. And a long one too. I loved Mark's side of the story.


Man! This episode gave me all goosebumps. I am already making a thousand theories about what happened. Excellent job with the episode.