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Greetings, everyone. I can't believe I have to say this yet again, but the update will be delayed for a bit because I've not been working on my VN. Yes, I know, I play games a lot, but it's during my free time, and it's my fault, I'm sorry.

My sister's engagement ceremony is around the corner, tomorrow, in fact; and thanks to COVID-19, we're not throwing any big party outside, so we're doing a small ceremony at home, instead. 

That's nice because the ceremony will be limited to our close friends and family members, but the downside is that I have to help with the prep... That's the reason I've been so busy lately. Once the ceremony's over, I promise you guys I'll work on the story as fast as I can. 

Once again, I'm sorry about this, and I'll make sure it's here before the 10th.


Another important thing: the development is going slow, and I'm not in any condition to dedicate my full attention to this project at the moment. It hurts me, but that's my reality right now. I've bitten off more than I could chew...

I'm still thinking on what I'm going to do with myself, you know, like mid-life crisis except it's not happening during my mid-life. I've been neglecting my duty as my parents' child, not spending enough time nurturing my relationships with my friends, not paying enough attention to my life partner, and so on.

That's why I've decided to go on hiatus indefinitely starting the start of November 2020. During the hiatus, I won't be charging any of you, so don't worry about pledging without getting any content. That does mean my only source of income will be cut off completely, but it's only fair: no finished product, no money. I can't find myself charging anyone for nothing and that's final.

Do not worry, though; during my absence from the project, I'll give tasks to Wolgen and Vui like usual so there will be a lot of new assets when we're back! And hopefully the future After Class will be a lot more polished than pre-hiatus After Class! Maybe finally, we'll start adding the winner of the big pack by then!

Don't forget about us and please wait for our return!

Sincerely, trashboidevs.

Thanks for reading.



It’s understandable. Take care of what you need to do first as what is important to you first. I do believe we don’t mind waiting until you’re set and ready to continue. All the best !!


Take your time we always will be waiting for you tho 😄👍


It's OK! I'm in a little bit of mid-life crisis myself too... You just gotta take time to think, to change. Hope everything goes well!


Sad, sad news. I would be lying if I said I'm not dissapointed. For me, "After Class" is easily one of the three best Furry Visual Novels out there, It has a wonderful story, amazing characters and beautiful artwork. So reading that it's about to be put on hold... it's a bitch. I was happy to be one of your patreons, and had big expectations about the game. I really wish you the best and I keep my hopes high that someday you will resume your work with After Class. The game, and its followers, deserve a good ending.


Hope everything goes well. We'll wait you here. Don't worry.


The wedding ceremony is always so exciting, especially if it is your sister's wedding! Yes, you can be understood, I think on the contrary it would be terrible if you did not help with the preparation for the ceremony))


Please, don't let the story end like this, just come back!


I'm glad to hear that yet it's breaking my heart. I'm not saying goodbye, I'm just temporarily taking a break. I promise I'll be back soon!


I'm not saying goodbye! I'm taking a break for a moment! I'll be back before you know it with more content for all of us!


Is there any other way we can still support you somhow?


Ok but please don’t leave us hanging with Lars like that lmao😂