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Hello friends, Andy here. It's been brought to my attention that some people have been double charged yet again, although this time is a little bit different.

I'd like to make it clear that I'm a very fair person when it comes to business, and I won't do anything that will put either of us in a bad position. So I'll explain this as thoroughly as possible.

Taken from the support site, I charge my patrons up front.

when pledging to a charge up front creator you are charged immediately when you confirm your membership, and then on the 1st of each month following. Your payment unlocks access for the current month.

Please keep in mind that Patreon charges everyone on the 1st @ 12:00AM PDT

I'll use this as an example:

These patrons, unfortunately, won't be eligible for refunds, because they pledged at 6AM-7AM my time, and that is GMT+7.

So if you take Patreon's server time (PDT) and timezone into account, you had access to my June, July, August posts. Although you won't have access to my September posts because technically you were pledging in August instead of September.

Hence, I can't refund you guys if you guys pledged before the 1st (12:00AM PDT)

However, you're eligible for a refund if you were this guy and you were charged twice by the system.

Because, Sept, 1, 2020 - 2:06PM GMT+7 equals Sept, 1, 2020 - 12:06AM PDT


I'm really sorry that I can't refund you. I wish I could, so everyone can be happy. The reason is because I transfer all of the funds I've gotten right before they start collecting funds, and after it's done processing for the following month. That means I transfer my funds twice in the same day, in this case: first time for the new pledges in August, and one more time for September once it's finished processing.

That's one of the reasons I can't refund you, the other one being technical.


I can, however, remind you to NOT pledge to any creators before the 1st, server time, when they are starting to collect funds from patrons. 

I've told a lot of my patrons/friends that I don't encourage pledging to my page before the 1st of each month following. It saves us both creators and patrons from any future conflict caused by double-charged misunderstandings.

Once again, I'm sorry about this, I hope you guys understand I have my reasons and rights to not refund you when it's not the system's fault but the patron's mistake.


Thanks for reading!



everything in life is an experience, it happened to me but I was not sad, for me what matters is to help Andy everything is fine for me!