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Salutations, everyone, Andy here. We have finally finished polishing Lars day 7. Since there's nothing really new compared to the unpolished version, I'll copy-paste some of the text from the previous post.


The Big Pack winners will be announced after Gil day 7 is released, so there's still time to join if you're interested! Just let Rex, Jake or Valk know on Discord if you want to be in, and I'll give you the role. (Just ask the higher up in Discord general chat, and we'll answer your queries.)  


There are several things in this update to keep in mind:

  • Only Lars day 7 is available, I tried my best to finish Lars and Gil at the same time, but I don't have the energy to do so. To make up with this, I'll roll another update soonish (talk about days or a week or two) containing Gil day 7
  • You might find a locked CG for Gil, as of now, you can't unlock it by any means (unless you change the script, which is a NG from me, but do what you want).
  • We've done our best to finish 8 new BG and 2 new CGs, but apparently, 31 days wasn't enough for us. We only did 2 new BGs and 1 CG done (and that was Gil day 7's CG). So, you'll only see Lars day 7 CG sketch, we're sorry about that.
  • I feel like Lars day 7 isn't finished, I tried to add some more but I couldn't do that. So I'll keep looking around and see why it feels unfinished to me. You might expect a slightly different story when you read the polished version.
  • Day 7 is where we start implementing expression sets, and we'll do it for previous days as we progress.

NEW: Prologue Skip screen has been edited, it's still not functional in this update, but it's close to completion. Although, keep in mind that you'll see a lot of LOCKED CGs; I assure you, these are nothing but placeholders, so don't even bother to unlock these. For your reference:

  • Anders: 1 CG
  • Gil: 1 CG (Unlockable in the next update)
  • Lars: 2 CGs
  • Mark: None
  • Parker: None

(I can't show you Lars' screen because it has one spoiler CG)

NEW: I forgot to put that I've updated the patron list in the game, but trust me, I did.

NEW: We have a new BG from Vui, it's the one you see as the picture of this post.


This is also worth noting: 

you'll see a certain familiar character appearing in this game, I'm not sure what to do with him since he's from another VN, but I had some discussion with several patrons saying that he belongs to a public domain... So confusing, but I'll look into it some more. 

NEW: He'll receive a character sheet in the near future, so there's that!


Link: Dropbox | Password: beachtiger0701 

think that's all I have to say for now, hope you guys are staying safe!

Thanks for reading! 





Healer Main

Hey Andy, would you mind sharing any tips on CG2 for Lars? I've replayed days 6 and 7 nearly 10 times with every combination (no spoilers) of who I want to talk to, what I want to drink, etc. and have still only unlocked the one. Thanks!