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  •  Title screen has been modified slightly to reflect day 7 update. 

 Does it look familiar to you? I bet so. 


  • Added new tips and changed how the Episode icons look.

Finally, some useful tips, and episodes that I haven't written will not light up; I'm done misleading people thinking that they could play Episode Parker and Episode Mark. But it also helps now: because people will click on it. Please don't ask me how to unlock Lars' CG because it's there.

  • NEW: Three new BGs have been added.

Has the pandemic make you craving for beaches? Fear not, the new BGs will satiate your hunger for beaches.

  • Modified CG screen and locked button.

I don't know anything funny to say about this; but let's pretend this is funny. And the new screen is nice, no?

Right, make sure you check the Others tab often, I'll randomly add development sketches, fan art and stuff.

Our newest/first fan art is by Mr.bear -- Go check it out, it's nice

  • Without spoiling too much, Lars day 7 has been finished!

  • Gil day 7 is being worked on, we have around 500+ lines written for him, it won't take too long (hopefully) for us to finish.

Jolt me up daddy

  • We've implemented expression sets for day 7, and will start adding it for the future updates...and of course, previous days also.

It's hard work, please understand.

  • You'll see a certain familiar character appearing in this game, I'm not sure what to do with him since he's from another VN, but I had some discussion with several patrons saying that he belongs to a public domain... So confusing, but I'll look into it some more.

  • NEW: Prologue Skip screen has been edited, it's still not functional in this update, but it's close to completion. Although, keep in mind that you'll see a lot of LOCKED CGs; I assure you, these are nothing but placeholders, so don't even bother to unlock these. For your reference:
Anders: 1 CG
Gil: 1 CG (Unlockable in the next update)
Lars: 2 CGs
Mark: None
Parker: None

(I can't show you Lars' screen because it has one spoiler CG)

NEW: I forgot to put that I've updated the patron list in the game, but trust me, I did.


Thanks for reading!




Love you ♥


I have so much hype about the next update. And the fanart of Mr. Bear... I saw some of his art, so I need to see it right now!!!


Did the public ver will update too?


i'm really loving lars' and Gilbert's route can't wait for the update❤


Hey Andy just wanted to say that I hope that you and your family are doing ok after seeing your last post and I hope that you guys can take it easy and will be ok please try and stay strong ok and looking forward to when the game gets updated again I love this game and it’s characters are so great you and your team keep up the great work and stay safe out there and you and your family stay strong as well sending hugs your way buddy! 🤗🤗🤗🙂


How to update my last version?


Dadeh Andeh thank you and woof you!


Yes, a pandemic makes us just crave beaches and all that. Great that BGs are added) Keep it up!


Yes The New Bgs Is Nice😘


The music this day was so nostalgic