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Greetings, everyone, Andy here. I've finally finished writing the unpolished version of Lars' day 7. 

It took longer than I thought because the amount of side-work I had to do was a LOT! (Imagine doing image manipulation on SAI instead of Photoshop because it decided to end my subscription at the end of May.)

Oh, yeah, remember the raffle? We've decided to do the thing after we're done with Lars and Gil day 7. We won't start adding your characters and stuff, but we'll roll the winners so you can just jump into action once we decide to draw your character. 

Just let Rex, Jake or Valk know on Discord if you want to be in, and I'll give you the role. There will be only 5 winners.


There are several things in this update to keep in mind:

  • Only Lars day 7 is available, I tried my best to finish Lars and Gil at the same time, but I don't have the energy to do so. To make up with this, I'll roll another update soonish (talk about days or a week or two) containing Gil day 7
  • You might find a locked CG for Gil, as of now, you can't unlock it by any means (unless you change the script, which is a NG from me, but do what you want).
  • We've done our best to finish 8 new BG and 2 new CGs, but apparently, 31 days wasn't enough for us. We only did 2 new BGs and 1 CG done (and that was Gil day 7's CG). So, you'll only see Lars day 7 CG sketch, we're sorry about that.
  • I feel like Lars day 7 isn't finished, I tried to add some more but I couldn't do that. So I'll keep looking around and see why it feels unfinished to me. You might expect a slightly different story when you read the polished version.
  • Day 7 is where we start implementing expression sets, and we'll do it for previous days as we progress.


I think that's all I wanna mention, I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I write it (although my writing experience is mixed, particularly for day 7, but you don't hear that from me.)

Link: Dropbox | Password: tigerramune0701

Thanks for reading!



North Grizz

I was watching a programme about silent movies before heading to bed. I will now be playing After Class instead :)


Don't you have an Android version?


Android version is only available for Polished update (which is several days from now)


As always, this update was great. Day 7 for Lars. I've replayed multiple to see what other routes are there. I keep getting the same one. But so far so good. I'm glad that the MC is slowly remembering his past. His story is really interesting as well, since everyone seem to know a little something about the MC. Awesome Job Andy and the rest of the crew. Great update! Stay Safe! Cant wait for the next update.