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Good [insert appropriate greetings based on your timezone] everyone, Andy here. Last month was rough, but a new month always gives me hope (before I succumb to despair the following week).

I noticed that I got bombed with DMs and replies, but I've haven't got the time to read all of your kind words and wishes, but I thank you deeply for taking your time to check up on me. That means a lot!

tl;dr: Funeral done, I can work on my project now, although might be slightly delayed, won't be longer than a week, I promise.



Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I'm done with funeral homes for now, I don't know about the others, but Chinese funeral ritual is no offense--pretty tiring, and boring. It took 7 days to finish, and we're gonna do some more for several weeks! All I did was sitting around while keeping my distance away from the others since I get sick pretty easily (although I'm not gonna lie, I ate 60% of the peanuts they served...also coffee). 

I'm gonna be honest, I've been slacking off, I could've just work on the VN while I'm there, but bringing a laptop with me was a no go, I tried, trust me. This conversation happened between me and my mom when I insisted:

"Ma, can I bring my laptop? I need to finish my work ASAP, deadline is coming."
"You're gonna work till you die, huh? Have you no respect for the others?"

So I didn't. Granted that I could use my phone to write and copy it later, but I wasn't feeling it. As if it wasn't enough, several days ago, when I went home for a bit, our government decided to turn off our city's electricity several times while I had my PC turned on, and after that, my PC wouldn't boot up. Yikes! (I got it fixed though, so it's all good.)

 ...On a side note, I got Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Switch WHILE we were mourning...I'm a despicable human being. But yes, it helped me pass time. (Can I sell turnips on your island please?) I'll bribe you with this poorly-made custom design.

Also yes, wear your face mask, people.


Oh, yeah, before I left last week, I commissioned 4 new BGs and they are being worked on, so does the CG I asked (read: paid) Wolgen to draw. I'm not sure if it'll be done within this week but I'll force (read: assist) Wolgen whenever possible.

Starting tomorrow, I'll start working on AC full time, so I expect Day 7 (according to the polls) will be finished next week. 

Day 7 It's a lot bigger than I expected, so there's one thing that I can't promise you: I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish Gil's day 7 within this week, but I right now I have 35% completion on his route and 75% on Lars' day 7.

I wonder what's happening here [insert thonk emoji]. I think that's all I can show you without spoiling the fun, lol. 

Right, we all saw Tora in a previous post, right? I sort of wanted to give justice to Tora, but this is not his VN, and I'm not sure if I can even do that to him; especially that there's ongoing Morenatsu project. But I'll give him a lot of screen time, cuz I love him and OG Tora will forever lives in my heart *sob*.

Update: Only for day 7 updates, there will be no set date. You might receive all routes within June, or you might get a new route next month. It depends on how fast I finish it, but here's hoping! (I procrastinate a lot, I'm sorry.)


Hope everyone's staying safe, really... Maybe the pandemic isn't bad enough, they thought; and now we have to deal with racism, fake allies and bullshit that we don't need around this time or ever.  I've donated some of my money, which I got from your pledges to some fundraisers in support of the Minneapolis protesters and the BLM movement. 

I'm not saying that you should donate, but I'm just putting it here so you know that you're already helping them out there, and that you have the option to help. 

I tend not to discuss this since things can go sour really fast, but damn, that really sucks. I'm here to use my platform to spread some love, and I'm just here to drop this: 

I love you, no matter what/who you are. You're an amazing person and keep being yourself and fight for what you think is right. We all have differences, that's obvious, and we should acknowledge and embrace them.


Hmm, is there anything I wanted to say...? I don't think so! Sorry for yet another delay, and thanks for your patience.

As always, thanks for reading, everyone! 

And wash your hands.



As far as I'm aware, the creators of morenatsu said all use of their characters and art is free to use so long as you dont claim it as your own work so you're free to use Tora how ever you want.


I see, thanks for your input, that might be true for non-profit creative works, but I'm not too sure since I have a Patreon page. That counts as commercial work, doesn't it?

Louie Drew

I’m glad that you’re doing fine. It’s Okay, we’re still waiting for the news about update, just don’t be in a rush, whenever you do, your errands and your health is the most important.


The characters designs were released in public domain so they're free to use how ever you see fit. There lots of royalty free music out there people use in twitch streams and the like with no issue so I would imagine using a public domain character design on a patreon funded project is just as fine.


Don't push yourself to hard. I think we can wait little longer for the update.


I don’t really know what to say - so here’s a few hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


That's fine, take your time! Also, I might let you sell turnips on my island :P see you around andeh!


Don’t feel bad about doing what you need to take care of yourself. These are horrible times, and if animal crossing helps keep your spirits up then enjoy it to your hearts content!


Delays are ok, I am just glad to hear you doing better Andeh :)


Thanks! I know you guys can wait a little longer, but that doesn't mean I can slack off :(


Long awaited update!I hope everything goes well with you