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Hey, everyone, Andy Peng here! Since I get really sick lately, I'm gonna make this short.

Sorta copied from the previous post:
Since 0.4.10ish, playing a new file is not that important, but I want everyone to start a new file from the first day up to 5th day, or you might break the game.

Here's what changed in 0.5.30:

  • Added Mark's Day 5
  • Added 2 new music
  • Added new place (no BG image currently)
  • Some things that are still experimental

Also we've reached the $700 goal, so we'll rush the character sprites part and hopefully we'll have all character sprites by October.

And once it reached $1000, we'll be commissioning a background artists so we can get rid of the placeholder images.

Link: Google Drive

Thanks for reading! 



TY but be careful to you : take care of yourself


I forgot say this... Walter say : didn't have take breakfast only a coffee. But it's not a coffee but it's a tea ?


Oh no. Wishing you a speedy recovery.