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Hey, everyone, Andy here. After Class' development will be put on hold for a while because my aunt just passed away today (5:40PM GMT+8). Not much I can say about it, to be honest; just thought I'd let you guys know instead of not posting any updates.

Coach Gil's route will be uploaded either tomorrow or the day after. I was gonna take a break for a while after I uploaded Coach Gil's route, since I was mentally and physically spent, but things didn't go well for me.

I'll try to make a short updates while I'm gone, but no promises!

Thanks for understanding and sorry for the delay.



Oh no I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need :(

Louie Drew

So Sorry to hear that. Please, just Take Your time whenever you want 🙏🏻


I'm sorry for your loss. Please take as long as you need.


That's ok, do what you could and also sry with your loss.


Sorry with your loss, man. Focus on you, man. Take as much time as needed.


Sorry for your loss man, take all the time you need to recover 🤘


Really sorry to hear that. Please take your time whenever you need it.

North Grizz

My condolences to you and your family, andeh. It's a tough thing to deal with so take as much time as you need. Don't forget all of us on Discord if you just need to write/talk to someone.


Take all the time you need, anyone who has lost someone understands this.


My condolences to you and yours. I hope things will get better for you, take as much time as you need to heal and recover from your loss. I'll be eager to hear from you again.


You have my sincere condolences and I hope that time will heal and take as much time off as you need to, as stated in the previous comments, until you feel better.


My condolences. Take your time and do your best.

Kazma Cono

I'm sorry for your loss you take as much time as you need dude you have my prayers


I’m so sorry for your loss I hope that you and your family will be alright and your aunt can Rest In Peace take all the time you need Andy 🙏🏾


When will the public version be updated?