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Hey everyone, Andy here. It's been a hectic week and I barely able to made it in time! But thanks to some sleepless nights, I managed to do things... at least a little.

Mark's day 5 actually uploaded about 8 hours ago, but I kinda got too tired and didn't make a Patreon post, so I apologize for not delivering it earlier.

Since 0.4.10ish, playing a new file is not that important, but I want everyone to start a new file from the first day up to 5th day, or you might break the game.

There are a lot of dead-end in this route because I haven't wrote the additional routes, but if you've been gaining points  (13 by the time you reached day 5) and started a new file, you should be fine.

And there's one error at the end of the route, it showed Parker's line instead of Mark. So it'll be fixed in the polished version. 

Here's what changed in 0.5.30:

  • Added Mark's Day 5
  • Added 2 new music
  • Added new place (no BG image currently)
  • Some things that are still experimental

Honestly the route didn't turn out as what I'd hoped, but at the same time the stress had gotten into me; so I might do a lot of changes (or at least add something) to the polished ver. of 0.5.30.


Also we've reached the $700 goal, so we'll rush the character sprites part and hopefully we'll have all character sprites by October.

And once it reached $1000, we'll be commissioning a background artists so we can get rid of the placeholder images.

Link: Google Drive 

Thanks for reading!



quote [Honestly the route didn't turn out as what I'd hoped]: i like for mark : like/don't like walter (mark is complicate) and like these "secrets". maybe do a bigger focus on these details: "complicate". think Darius in "Extracirrular activities"