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Progress Update

I can scarcely believe that it is almost the end of January and soon I will be returning to my day job (oof). Fortunately, my time was spent well and almost everything I need for the first non-demo release of One Week Heroine is completed, the only thing left is the artwork. My artist has informed me that all the art needed for the release will be done no later than the end of February. After the “Day One” build of the game is released, we will be working on “Day Two”. Day Two’s timeline turnaround should be a bit faster than “Day One”, but it still requires the creation of three character sprites and several additional sex scenes. When we will really start cooking is the “Day Three” release which should have all the character artwork and modular sex scene artwork completed. After March, I am hoping to have a build release with new content come out each subsequent month until the game is completed in December.

Background Artist

Once we get halfway through the year, I will be looking for a background artist to join the One Week Heroine art team. If you know anyone that you would like to recommend (or if you are someone you would like to recommend) please let me know in the discord or via private message. It is still a ways off, but I thought it would be best to start looking earlier rather than later.

Dossier: Ginger Piper

Note: Spoilers below for the introduction of One Week Heroine, if you haven’t played the Demo, I would suggest doing so before reading. If you don’t want to be spoiled, skip down to the “Next Week” heading.

Born in the West Union in 1998, Ginger Piper has always been good with her hands, she started out her career as a masseuse at a rather dodgy establishment before being talent scouted by one of her clients who happened to be a C.O.P.A. recruitment officer. During training, Ginger set herself apart from the other recruits as a natural in close quarters combat. By the end of her Agent training, she had already surpassed her instructors in the various martial arts they taught.

Ginger exudes confidence and she knows how to get what she wants. Unfortunately for Handler EX, what Ginger tends to want is to inflict violence. She is known for taking risks and putting herself in positions that would be dangerous… for lesser agents. During the introduction of the game, Ginger winds up being captured by the Regime, and it is up to EX and Molly to rescue her. Although, rescuing Ginger before anything bad happens to her will be quite difficult. Will you be able to save her before she is broken by her “interrogation”?

Next Week

Next week I will be showing off more artwork and I will be talking about the different categories of missions that Molly will be going on and give an example of each one. I will also have a poll for some potential clothing options for Molly.

This Week’s Question

The question for this week is about clothing options for next week’s poll. What kind of outfits would you like to see for Molly (or Ginger)? I will pick the top 3 to 5 for members to vote on next week and the winner will be added to the game.



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