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Progress Update

This week is going to be a bit of a shorter update as it is my first proper week back at my day job and university is starting backup, so I have had to change my schedule a bit to make more room day to day to work on OWH. Luckily, I have been making a good amount of progress into the coding of Day 2’s content. I have also squashed 2 bugs I caught that required me to edit the Tyranobuilder engine files themselves.

Artwork Progress

My artist has assured me that all the artwork that is needed for the Day 1 update will be completed no later than the end of February. As soon as that artwork is completed, I will be able to add it into the game (which is literally a drag-and-drop procedure as everything is already set up as placeholder). To be fair, I have asked a lot of my artist and there are a lot of CG variations for him to work through (100+ for the first day). As a teaser here is Molly getting her chest thoroughly inspected:

But wait there is more! We have had the first lot of Regime guard/goon draft artwork come through. Oh boy does it look like Molly is going to have “a lot” to handle.

Letting Molly Decide

Speaking of Molly, I wanted to let you guys in on a little secret about how Molly will perform in missions. Usually during missions, EX is always available to offer advice to Molly and to tell her how she should handle the difficult situations that arise during them. However, if you want to (or if EX is otherwise indisposed) you can let Molly decided which of the options are the best course of action. This will make Molly choose how she wants to tackle the obstacle in front of her. Now for the cool part: what Molly decides to do depends on how Molly has been trained and how confident and/or corrupted she is. For example, if she is Corrupted enough, she might decide to get on her knees to pleasure a guard all on her own. If she is Confident enough, she might attempt to fight her way through a pack of goons (for better or for worse). Mechanically, these choices are linked to Molly’s training variables and leads to many different variations on the same mission. Don’t worry, in the long run I will be providing a guide to help players who want to 100% the game.

Next Week

I ended up pushing the clothing option poll until next week as I am still looking for a few more ideas from the community (if you have a clothing option idea, please leave a comment here or on the discord). Next week I will be talking about my new update schedule as well as going over the types of missions Molly can undertake (which I sadly didn’t get around to writing about this week). See you then!




I like that Molly will behave autonomously if need be. Be interesting to see how EX will become indisposed.