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Hey everyone, I have been a busy bee (and so has my new artist). I wanted to share with you a few things we have been working on and also talk about some changes that have happened to the game when we moved from Tyranobuilder to Godot. Finally, at the end of this post, I want to share with you the first Godot Alpha Version of OWH for everyone to test out, but more on that later.

2/3rds of a Regime

Firstly, let’s take a look at the artwork for two of our Regime villains (and they are both baddies), The Dictator and General Vera.

My new artist has done absolutely stunning work both matching my old artist’s style as well as bringing these characters to life. General Vera is exuding milf energy and the Dictator is certainly a silver fox that Molly is going to have to watch out for. But be careful he bites.

Next up will be the muscle-bound Doctor Hart and I look forward to seeing him be brough to life.

Expanded Gameplay

Having a look at the new operations room layout, you will notice that a few things have changed. Firstly, Molly is completely customisable on this screen as opposed to being just a part of the background. In later versions of the game, you will be able to customise what she wears whilst hanging out in the safehouse. Also, gone is the hour-by-hour clock time as it was proving too limiting for the number of missions available in the game. Instead, there is a morning/evening system where some missions will only be doable in the morning and some only doable in the evening. I have also done away with the central list of options and replaced them with individual menus for missions, training, hangouts, and cells (interrogation of prisoners).

You will notice a few new icons up the top of the screen:

The familiar agent stats: Power, Cunning, and Allure, have been joined by a fourth stat called Desire. Desire tracks Molly’s current arousal and is spent during missions to make Molly do naughty naughty things. You will also notice that each stat has a current value (left number) and a maximum value (right number). During missions, Molly spends stat points to perform actions related to that stat. Want to take down a strong opponent? You are going to have to spend 1 Power point to do so. Fortunately, these stats are replenished at the start of each mission with the exception of Desire, which carries over from mission to mission.

Next we have Molly’s psychology stats, Confidence, Love, and Corruption. Love and Corruption have remained the same however Confidence has changed slightly. It now increases when Molly is successful in missions, and it show how effective of an agent Molly has become.

The current day and Action Points (AP) have remained unchanged however there are two new resources besides Funds that you will have to work with. The first resource is Intel which is gathered by Molly and is used to unlock new missions. The second resource is Tech, which can be stolen from the Regime and allows Quincy to research new items for Molly to use in the field.

Next, we have a revamp of Quincy’s shop, here you unlock new items with Tech, and purchase them with Funds. The number of items here will increase as the game progresses (for now everything is free for testing purposes).

We also have the training room where Molly can increase her stats and learn new skills. It also may offer an opportunity for EX to get a bit more “hands-on” with his training.

The skill log shows all the skills Molly has acquired during her training. These skills unlock new options for Molly to use during missions, each skill is linked to a specific stat that dictates which resource is used when applying them.

Godot Alpha Version

Fortunately, today I have a new test version for everyone to try out. Please note that this is still very much an alpha version. It involves a new WIP prologue scene, a slightly reworked introduction (and reworked mission for Ginger), and it will also allow you to mess around a bit in the operations room (and there might even be a training mission or two for you to test out). This will be the last free version of OWH and the next release will include the entirety of day one. At this point I am not guaranteeing save game compatibility. Also, there is still some polishing work that needs to be done on the events that are present in the game.

Here is the link to the PC version: OWH v0.12g PC

Here is the link to the Mac version: OWH v0.12g Mac

Hope you enjoyed this update and I look forward to bringing you more updates as the game progresses. I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to all those people who have decided to stick with me.



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