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...not sure if the topic is necessary appropriate...for a cat or the current state of the world ^^"

This was a really, really old joke. I think I wrote it in the beginning of 'in SECURITY' and it was meant to be published before Hubbs and Ellie married each other. However, I kinda forgot that it even existed . So when picking one liners I stumbled over it and edited lil baby Al into it.

That's being said, it kinda reflects the mentality me and my husband has towards cats (or pets in general, I guess). You wanna bond with them, have conversations. This we know who have nasty pets usually treat them just as such, pets. While those who at least greet or casually talk to their fur babies tend to have friendlier animals too. There are probably exemptions but... this is our experience so far :)

Hope you like the comic and a more friendlier interaction between Hubbs and El. Happy Sunday

On a side note, I will publish another Sunday comic this month. I'm sorry I'm a bit slow. We are working on the last finishes of the fourth book and getting in gear for our next project is taking longer than expected. But things are shaping up and I soon should be able to organize myself more efficiently again :)

Thanks for your understanding




Well in a few Years time that cat is going to need to learn how the economy works. Maybe we'll see him all grown up in the future

Serra Britt

Oh I always talk to cats about everything. They are more in the know than we realize, I think XD