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And three more pages on 'Katzen-Jammer' weee!!!

This whole part was written by my husband. In the original this, and the next three pages, were missing and we would've just cut right to them setting up Walter's room.

I'm very happy that he suggested this idea because I think it's not only a silly circumstance. But also it concludes the chapter nicely (although this is not the end yet).

While the first chapter was meant to introduce the characters, this chapter here is mean to show their relationship to each other. Jack's demands, Walter's needs and that they need each other to get sh!t done, so to speak XD

Also, another 'Odd Couple' reference. And I hope I got it right. But...Jack's apartment is also the 12th floor, just like Oscar's. Granted, Oscar is the slob, while Jack is the neat freak. But I'm not intending to retell the Odd Couple...I just like to sprinkle in some ref for good measure ^^. 




Huh, I just realized where our phrase Ho-ruk came from.

T. I. Masterson

Odd Couple references are always welcome. This has been a fun arc.