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pouty little Sedine ftw XP

I had a bit of a low point with sketches but I kinda forced myself back up, trying to do some more creative motifs. I think this one turned out quite well. I mean, it's her not just smiling and stuff which is....quite cute, imo :)

Hope you like it




your hopes were right. i like it😋

Jesse Miller

Beautiful! I can totally see her doing this in a comic!

Julius J. Marold

Very nice but the best one in my opinion that you ever did of her was "Night Shirt", I use it for my lockdown screen on two of my computers. Bet you thought I was going to say the one of her wearing only an apron and mixing cake batter :o)

Denis Gehlhaar

I love her Expression! When you see your Girlfriend / Wife looking at you like that, better run for your life xD

Nick Klepac

Gulp! Apologize... quick!

Serra Britt

Oh, hecc pouty Sedine is adorable too! Even if it probably means danger ahead XD