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Triple sketch upload because my social media game is weaker than ever XD

As you know, we took off last week and I should've had lots of time on my hand to do posting and stuff...I ended up drawing throughout that time because, hey, it's a lot of time to get stuff done...guess my time management is even weaker than my social media game ^^"

Anyway, remember the Sedine drink (purple bunny) I posted last month? I thought I should do the other girls (including Mino for good measure) as well. So here are their cutsy drink chibis: Blue dolphin, pink flamingo and orange kitten.

I....don't know if any drinks with these names exist, I just wanted to draw them as chibis in some sort of a liquor glass with a color themed fruit...I guess if I ever work these out for proper illustrations I would research the drinks and types of glasses better.

But meanwhile, it's just a cute little practice (although I hate myself for not using a brush pen to do the outlines. Sedine was done with a brush pen and now she looks out of line. Ark!)

Shoutout to Mike K. who sent me an awesome package for Christmas (my apology for not posting the unboxing yet. ;A;) which included, aside of some other neat things, a sheet of white tones. These tones are not too efficient  when used for comics, unfortunately (due to the dots not being opaque enough to really do a lot of effects :() But for illustrations like this they were very suitable. They don't white things out but create a nice veil effect. I used them to knock back the colors behind the glass and I'm currently brainstorming a few more motifs with laces to use those tones on it as well. It's a rather pretty effect, imo :3

I hope you like them ^^



Mike K.

If these don’t exist as drinks, you’ve just invented ‘em ... ✨🍹🤗🍹✨

Serra Britt

These are just so adorable, truly!

Michael Minnott

You'll have to add drink coasters with this artwork to your selection of merch.

Nick Klepac

Very cute. I agree with Micheal, these would make great drink coasters.


True. although...while drinking itself is fun first....mixing and trying out drinks becomes painful rather quick XD


Thank you ^^ I will think about it. Currently I have some pins and buttons in the making. If they'll sell, I may extend the assortment to more stuff :)