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And more WIPs of the bake sale arc, with a couple cameos of old characters. Didn't expect the adult kiddy model to reappear (how was he named again? Damien?). 

Apparently this strip was encountered by some readers with critic that (verbal) child abuse is not nice. With which I agree. But....Sedine didn't know better. She thought the son was the father....and not a son to begin with. What do you think? was she too cruel or just....being herself? ^^

The halloween kids....who thought they would come back so soon? But, hey, Cyberman kid needs a new mask. So now they have to hustle XD

The two year old cake was a bit confusing for some. I think it was just a bait and switch, in other words, the test cake was a fresh cake....while they sold him an old cake....golly, you can't trust these kids nowadays!

And finally the tear jerkers, a new set of characters.

I kinda thought this strip could be misinterpreted and offensive but...strangely enough people saw it exactly what we wanted it to look like....tear squeezing (I can't write the j-word because Patreon blocks it XD) in order to guilt trip customers into buying.

This idea was actually inspired by a local business that pulls the 'support our vets'-card randomly in order to bait customers. Granted, a lot of businesses support vets and don't shy away from telling their audience/customers to do so. Nothing wrong with that. But that particularly business I'm talking about does it....in a really weird and fake way. I can't even put my finger on it why it sounds so phony when they do it. But...yeah, in my inner eyes I see them telling me 'You heartless person don't care for our vets....probably kick kittens for fun too, huh?' each and every time I hear their radio ad XD

So, yeah, that's were this joke came from :)



Nick Klepac

Yup, agree, typically Sedine. Which is okay! People are just too sensitive.

Nick Klepac

Agree with the vet comment. Sometimes folks take it too far. It is okay to support vets and show respect, but most vets with their good work ethics are doing fine and don't really need help. I am a disable Vietnam vet and all I got when we returned is the liberals in California spitting on us and throwing eggs and tomatoes, in the airport. Big change from those days and it is great to see that the military and their sacrifice is being acknowledged. So if you go give, do the research and give to good organizations that actual support them.