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I'm not too skilled with watercolors....yet, that doesn't stop me from playing around with it anyway XD

Ok, I used to be a lot worse. But I also never really pursuit that medium too much. so....go figure XD

It's fun for sketches tho, especially since I found out that my current sketch book can take watercolors without having the paper wrinkle too much. So I did a quick drawing of Sedine for you. I hope you like it ^^ 



Bazile Nicolas

Beautiful angelic Sed, so pure, it's suspicious, but beautiful and well done it seems, you might not consider yourself to be "too skilled with watercolors" yet, but I'm pretty sure you're working enough to make up for it, as this piece shows us. Congrats, you succeeded


Very nice. The talented Winslow Homer started as an illustrator, often for Harper's. He moved on to oil painting before shifting to water colors. Many feel he elevated his art with the challenging medium.