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I seriously thought this joke would fly a lot better than it actually did. I think on tapas and Webtoons it caused more confusion than anything else XD

(big irony is that someone on Webtoons once asked me if 'Doonsbury' was one of my big influences....which still confuses me to this day. Perhaps you guys see some similarities but aside of the B/W comic strip format and some oddly shaped noses I'm failing to see what that person meant ^^")

 Not a lot of changes went on with this strip. I added the car in the front and changed some of mom's poses. Although she still shouts too much, I actually like how she plows into her husband in the second panel :3

Little fun fact on the side, Sam's mom is ten years younger than her husband. If you rank all the parents of the protagonists, she would be the youngest of them all...followed by Charlene's mom. Who thought that the oldest main characters have the youngest parents :P



Nick Klepac

As for the joke, I thought it was great especially mom's "flashback trauma" yell at the end and the fact that him being drugged is okay based on her rather nice hug in panel 2. Guess she doesn't like his normal BS either.

Nick Klepac

Here is a great reason guys die before women:-D

Julius J. Marold

One strip (I forget whose) had two elderly ladies sitting on a park bench. One says "I wonder why men die before women?" The other answers "maybe they want to". Yup.


Well, they are both rather high strung. So chances are they drive each other nuts. They are a bit like my grandparents. When my grandma was still alive she and her husband tended to rile each other up about all the stuff wrong in society. Once she was alone she was really pleasant to be around and quite upbeat. But as soon as someone near her was upset (which grandpa was a lot), she just chimed in and from there on everything went downhill. I imagine it’s the same with these two. So doped out dad might be good for neither heart :)