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Late...again. I'm so sorry ;A;

This scene was another headache for me...just like with the previous one, it's Ellie's reaction. A dude preventing a woman from leaving a place could be questionable. And, although Hubbs Thinks she's a he, her reaction to his action might be still a bit weird for a woman on a date :P

Which explain some of the changes in her expressions. In the original she looked more shocked. I changed that into a more annoyed but puzzled expression. I think that suited her well in that scene :)



Nick Klepac

I think you did great with the expressions.


Great expressive faces. Hubbs thinks he is keeping "Al" in the game, so the grab is OK. Hubbs says the right things for the wrong reason. Meanwhile, we see Ellie's feminine hands and wonder when Hubbs will wake up. Always such eye-pleasing variety in perspective.


Thank you :3 We’ll get into him and how he views his new ‘pal’ soon. I hope that clarifies the confusion for the readers a bit (not for Hubbs, unfortunately xD)