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(Mr. H) DOING VECTOR CHIBIS TODAY.   Just finished Hubbs.  These will be used for various things, but at the moment we are contemplating more lapel pins with Hubbs and Gabby before Christmas.



Mike K.

The same type and style of pins as the Sam/Sedine ones? ✨💖✨

Mike K.

Hubbs looks both a little embarrassed at the attention and a little annoyed by it. 😝✨


(Mr. H) We hope so. The general pin mfg. was really nice, but they blew the details. A new batch should arrive this week, and if they turned out well, we hope to do Hubbs/Gabby by Christmas. (takes two months to get the pins!!) Once we get the merchandise. together and hit the $400 mark (should be Sept. 5th), we plan to send out BONUS PACKS to everyone on the $5 platform or above who donated for a year or more... every year--so everyone with $5+ will get a bonus pack of extras every 12 months. Each pack, we hope, will have a different set of designs for stickers/pins/keychains. We have enough characters for 9 years of pins! Then everyone will have a full row of In Security characters on their convention clothes.