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Hey patrons,

Did someone say 'Emily' and 'sabotage'? No?

Just uploading the update so far for Requited Change.

Been a bit of a strange introductory week returning full-time to both comic and game development so I may have been a little ambitious with my goals.

Don't worry though -  I intend to keep my promise that this update shall be at least 15 pages long. I want to become a person of my word again and not let that standard slip as it has done so in the past, so I'll be completing the next six pages or so over the weekend with another RC release this upcoming week at another 15 pages.
Reclamation of my old self is a slow process, but I am definitely getting there.

UPDATE: Got 11 pages done in total, plus I edited some prior pages in the update to tidy them up. I'm both disappointed in myself and not. I got a ton of work done this past week, but am still kicking myself for not reaching that 15-page goal for you comic enthusiasts. This next week I'll be dedicating a bit more time to RC rather than game development to make it up, as most of my time went on the game last week.
This week has been a test in balancing the workload and I think I found some level of equilibrium.
Had to get more booba change in there before the next work week began, gotta give people hope to continue. ;)

, I did manage to get the mega PDF file available, this has the entirety of RC contained within it and should be attached to the bottom of the post (181 MB in size).

A higher-quality pdf can be downloaded from MEGA here (1.2 gb in size):

It is a better quality, thus a larger file size, there is a limit to how big a file size you can attach to the bottom of the post, so this is a workaround.

Hope you all had a great weekend, I'll be back Friday with more RC and maybe a TLotK early update!

P.S. A very considerate patron has turned a vast amount of my comic work into pdf files so I'll get them ready and uploaded when I update RC again, their name shall be credited. Talk to you soon! UPDATE: I shall add these in the future! Thanks dutchblizzard for your help!




Ah, it's painful waiting every week to see just a little bit more boob growth haha! Glad you are finding a good balance (between comics, games, work in general etc.) Mass, hoping everything keeps improving for you!


I know, I know! I really appreciate the seemingly bottomless patience patrons have shown during my recovery process. I know it’s in me to attain a greater level of productivity and things are improving as I go on. Thanks for the kind words, we’re getting there!


Loving the story and please do take care of your health we will be here also I really dont like emily here Emily kind of ruins every chance here or atleast attempts to ruin every chance for Ken to be with Lola despite the fact that this is everything he wanted. Ah a pity but I still hope Ken or rather now Katy will get together with Lola


Don't worry, I'm accounting for it. I wanted to add depth to Emily's character rather than go full Flanderization with her. She wants to help Ken, partner up with him, and help him beat Katy, BUT she is jealous and impetuously acts upon her jealousy. Remember that Emily is not great at socializing, she is a genius when it comes to biology and chemistry, but not SOCIAL chemistry. XD She is learning though, I think I stated this before, but I feel as though Emily is a deuteragonist to Ken. She is a developing character just as Ken is (in more ways than one)!