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Hey all,

Got some serious work done this week, I was a person possessed!

Update Got the 15 Pages and editing completed!

DL files:

1 gb-ish Mega File containing all of the story pages so far with animations (search for gifs or webms):


The PDF of Chapter 15 - 15.9 is attached to the post below!

Okay, so, production report.

- Got invested massively into TLotK, but it needs a bit more time to cook. I did a test and something has seriously gone wrong with the battle engine and one path in the ki. I ran out of allotted time this week to work on it, but I shall be committing more time this weekend. As I said; I want to get this update out by the beginning of the next month and I think we're on track for it.

- Requited Change went extremely well, I got some growth in for both Ken and Emily this chapter *BA-DUM-TSH!*... sorry. I think the next update shall be the chapter's end.
This has been a long chapter and contains a lot of exposition, but it is required for the upcoming fun and dynamics in the upcoming work. The only thing that slowed my creative flow during this week was deleting a few pages to nerf Emily's bitchiness and thoughtlessness. The way it was going was disregarding all of her growth so far, which is BAD STORYTELLING; I don't mind a character going two steps forwards and one step back, but a truly static or devolving character is no beuno.

I really feel that, even with game production I can still get 15-20 pages out a week. This past week has kind of reaffirmed that notion.  I say it every week, but we're getting there!

P.S. It's a bit of an open secret right now, but as I want to show my appreciation to all of my patrons- I'm letting everyone know again that if they go onto the $1 tier they shall still have access to all of my content going into next month. I feel a serious sense of guilt charging full price when I haven't been getting the same level of content out I was priorly. Prices for content shall be readjusted when I am back to my old self.

Speak to you Friday with more Requited Change!




Interesting update on the bully (name i have forgotten) he has become more of a she even without milk? it will interesting for them to meet with Ken/Katy again. :D


He doesn't have a name! It's a writing tool used to show little value in the character, i.e. they are undeserving of even a name. Some MassManic background here; I came across this the first time with John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men' through the 'Curley's Wife' character. Though in this piece the literary tool was used to show how the roles of ranch women were viewed in the 1930s, in the sense that they had no independent identity other than being a marital extension of their husbands. Oh yeah, much like Ken, the formula is in their system, this'll be explained soon in the next release. Don't wanna spoil too much!


This chapter follows with my theory that Emily's drink created Katy, we know ken had no memory of Katy when they first met, indicating that she did not exist before ken drank Emily's drink. Additionally, the drink was intended to impart female characteristics to the drinker but was given to a male, Ken, which may have resulted in Katy's emergence with the goal of transforming Ken into a female, as that was the point of the drink. for Ken's psychological changes it obviously that katy has a preference for men while ken has one for female, indicating that Katy preference is psychological taking over ken as she is also physically If this theory is true then it would make sense that Katy's goal is to have ken been as distant from Emily as the only one that can fix it all would be Emily as she created this mess, and everything has worked so well for Katy because Lola and ken have been getting along so well that it's made Emily the third wheel in doing so has made her jealous of them, so she start being bitching toward ken as she doesn't want to be a third wheel but end up alone But Emily's character needs redemption toward the action she has caused to ken The only way I see right now is for Emily to make amends is to develop an antidote to the potion/drink, which will neutralize Katy and restore Ken to his original form. And I would like to see if the bully has a katy


I like your in-depth analysis. You've hit on a lot of what I have been weaving throughout the plot so far. I won't confirm or deny anything as of yet as I don't wish to spoil things, so with that I shall say my usual catchphrase of "you'll have to wait and see"! I hope you're enjoying it however!