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Hey everyone, old, returning, and new patrons, thanks for the support!

I've been working hard on 'The Last and the Kitsune' and 'Requited Change' this week, I can't recall whether I told everyone when the next release for RC is, but it shall be Friday. I've been mixing both game development and comic creation to keep things fresh and exciting for me.

RC shall be roughly 15 pages long, if I have to eat into my weekend to get out what I want I shall. I've been trying to get 5/6 panels per page to decrease page count and keep the pace flowing, so in reality it'll feel more like 20 due to the volume of content.

Vidya Gaems:

TLotK is progressing rather well, the dungeons have been built on and expanded a little more. The plan is to make the TFs a little more difficult to attain in said dungeons, so you need to go out of your way to get them. Saving your daughter has had a change too, requiring you to fulfill certain criteria before being able to rescue her. We're getting to an important crossroads where interactions with your daughters influence their eligibility to *redacted*, so be wary of how you treat them!

I'll let you all know when TLotK's next big release shall be, I'm still getting used to juggling Game Developing against the comics again, so teething issues shall be present, bear with me. I am hoping to get it out prior to July, but I'll keep you all posted

In other news... I've contacted HLF and am yet to hear whether I have permission/their blessing for 'Magical Camp - Cutie Escape' but I am yet to hear from them.

Hope your week is going well! I'll speak to you all Friday!



I was secretly hoping for RC today but Friday makes sense especially with the comeback of TLoTK. You plan to make TFs more difficult. Mission Accepted. :D I shall hunt them down *salute*. I try to be nice to both daughters and do whatever i can to not lose them (not gonna lie my first time playing during THAT event my mind went i dont fully trust this one but when i realised what the other choice was i have never reloaded a save faster :D). One is my sweet child... the other one is more mischievous but i love the twins :D


That was why I thought I'd better get the message out as I remember stating that I was working on RC Mon - Wed, but mixed the work up a bit for my own sanity. Treat them daughters well you hear? Or don't. I wonder what will happen?


I swear that every time I read TLoTK, my mind says Tears of the Kingdom. It just keeps on happening.


I've had the same problem, I'm thinking of suing Nintendo for copyright breach at this juncture tbh.