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Hey, everyone! I've got some fantastic news regarding the status of Osana's development - she's done! I've written a blog post about it!

I'm going to take a few days to make some graphical improvements to the game, and then I will release the official demo! It's a very exciting time!

Thank you again for supporting the development of Yandere Simulator!


She's Done

Phew! It took a lot more time than I expected, but I've finished testing every one of Osana's features and confirming that everything works the way it's supposed to. I fixed every bug I was able to find, fixed every exploit I noticed, and fixed anything I saw that looked janky.


Dean Herbert

grats! keep that momentum going!


Congrats! Can’t wait to play the demo!

Katie Watkins



Omg congrats yandev! ❤️




Congratulations man!




😍Excited for the demo! Congratulations🎉


Dopeness 😎


Happy to hear!


That's so awesome! Congratulations!!!


You didn't want to hear additional ideas, but there might be one valuable source of ideas available to you soon: Once the demo is released you will surely get negative criticism. Some of it will be trolling as usual and some of it will be constructive negative criticism. Please make sure to use negative constructive criticism to your advantage instead of being offended by it. Elon Musk is actually strongly encouraging all the starting entrepreneurs to ACTIVELY LOOK for negative criticism instead of hiding from it and considers is to be extremely valuable. It's especially valuable if it originates from people who you can trust since you can be sure that they are not just trolling or trying to trip you up. Some people might find the GUI counter-intuitive, some people might dislike some details in the gameplay, etc. It's difficult to see these flaws on your own if you are the one who created the game since you will have a different state of the mind in comparison to the other people who never played the game before and have to learn to deal with it. The point is that negative criticism will help you to clearly see the differences between the product you created and the product the people actually wanted. Being able to see these differences will help you to iron them out.


Why am I saying this now? Because now is the time where your game stops being a mere development sandbox and starts to be close to the intended finished product. Until now everybody could just say: "Meh! Of course the game has it's flaws. And there is no point to tell that to the developer. After all it's still just a mess right in the middle of it's development." But now when the game will look and work just as intended it will be a good time for the people to start criticizing it.


Also if I were you I'd start looking for ways how to publish the demo on Steam if are not doing that already. Having the demo on that platform will both make the game visible to a broad audience AND make is easy to talk to that audience in order to collect all the useful criticism.


Yeah, I agree. Since the beginning, the plan has been "make a kickass demo, listen to feedback and improve it based on what people say about it, then launch a crowdfunding campaign." Peoples' feedback will be more valuable than ever once Osana is released.


Dang you sure know a lot. I like what you're saying though! :D


Woah already!? I mean I know it's been a while I just didn't expect the demo immediately after Osana so soon. I dunno. I'll just say it was a notice I didn't expect to see today lol.



hui ning wu

Congrats Yan Dev! I know you can make it!

Raymond Fürst

Hooray. Congratulations YandereDev.