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Hey, everyone. I'm really sorry that I haven't made a post in a while. I knew that it would be a disappointment to hear me say anything aside from "Osana is finished!" so I decided to just stay quiet and work on Osana for a good while.

As a result, I went silent for a long time, and I'm sure a lot of my patrons felt neglected. That's horrible, since I should be paying extra attention to the people who are still sticking with me through these rough times, rather than staying quiet.

You've probably heard about some controversies that occurred recently. I have always tried my best to avoid ever talking about drama / negative stuff, but at this point in time, staying silent would probably be more damaging than speaking up, so I've written a long blog post addressing many concerns, chiefly the question of why the game's development has been taking so long. I hope it's as enlightening as it's meant to be.


Where is Osana, and what is taking so long?

Osana's not finished yet. She should have been finished by now. I owe you an explanation. That's what this blog post is about. I have a lot to say about the situation. How much? Well, this blog post is over 3,300 words long. That should give you an idea.



Heya YandereDev


I know it may not be enough, and I don't know if you're going to read this since it seems like you're avoiding interacting with people online for now, but you definitely still have people who support you.

Kyle Colley

Well there are the few of us here who will always cheer you on. This project that you HAVE completed thus far is incredible, and you should be proud of what you have done. We eagerly await your completed work Yanderedev. Keep at it bud. 😁👍


YanDev, I'm so sorry you're suffering through this. I can't imagine how painful it is to experience this level of harassment on such a large scale for so long. There's no way I could have done it for so long.


You're in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sure it's the same with the rest of your fans. We'll be here and understand if you need to take time away from all the drama crap in the community. (Maybe someone to filter your email wouldn't be a bad idea, actually.) I hope there are things in your life right now that you can get some joy, rest and peace from, even if they're small. Please remember you aren't alone and you have lots of people who love you and want your health and wellbeing above anything else, even if it doesn't always seem it. Please take some time out for yourself if necessary. Hang in there, I believe in you 🙂👍🌸


YanDev! You never deserved any of this. I know that just sounds like I'm sucking up or whatever, but I'm being honest when I say what I say: You are so talented and amazing, and whether your game doesn't get finished, I'll always admire your work.


I suffer from mental illnesses too, so I definitely understand your thoughts. But my experiences will most likely never reach the extremities that yours have. And for that, I am so sorry. I'm in your server too, so just know that when you see a "VanDev!!" It's me, cheering you on. Thank you for your hard work. Hang in there! There's always a light out of that dark tunnel!


I just took a look at one of those videos - big mistake... Please just try to vanish for a few months or years and continue when these misformed bashers are gone. They are bound to vanish eventually. And you should really look into getting better filters and more secure communication. Something like Threema or a Proton Mail might help. (though you probably already tried it)


I'm a new supporter; I hadn't realized your Patreon had dropped so low! I just wanna say: we're here for you man; we support you. And you should really talk to a therapist or something. You are going through some SERIOUS stuff right now, and no human being can undergo all that crap without a ridiculous amount of stress.


Thank you, it really means a lot to me to get new supporters during a rough period. I appreciate you a lot.


Significantly increased my monthly "subscription fee". We will not abandon you during difficult times!


If all of the ~600 supporters pay the same amount, we'll be slightly over 3500$. I encourage everyone to join in.


I was paying attention at the development during the last several years and witnessed how the game began as something clearly unfinished and gradually turned into a real game. I don't want this project to fail. I saw the videos that show the progress of the development and I have no doubts that the dev deserves the salary that he actually asks for. The current ~1700$ is a rather humble amount. Let's turn this into a success story!


Haven't donated (via patreon) anything yet of this year and your last post it helped reminded me everything you have to go through, ended up stumbling across a youtuber that i wished i never saw. Can't imagine the hell you have to go through. So sorry that the vast majority of internet people have to be disrespectful @$$#####s. But your loyal fans are still here for you all giving you our support, your nearly at the finish line with this demo and staying to see this through. All these blacks clouds will eventually pass before you can see all those beautiful stars in the sky. Also if your wondering YES I'm that TouchMyFish from Twitch. 39 months and counting! Finally edited my username/pic.


It's good to see you here, too! Thanks for sticking with me for 39 months!


That is really sweet of you...thank you!

Erik Schwarz

Everything is good as long you are Ok :3


As you most probably already understand you created something VERY controversial. So there will be both people who will love your creation and people who will hate your creation. The people who hate your creation might end up having an impact by scaring off customers, but do not overrate their influence. The people hating your game will not pay for it. The people who love the game will. So concentrate on people who love the game instead. Please do not abandon the project at least until the demo is released. By abandoning the game you will only make the people who hate you happy. It's their main goal, do not help them achieve that goal. Releasing the demo is a very important milestone. After the demo is released it will attract more people who are on your side and will give you a breath of fresh air. And for your enemies the released demo will be like a spit in their face. There is this simple, but straightforward and logically sound saying: "If your enemies are angry then you are doing everything correctly." BTW are you familiar with what happened with the controversial anime games on Steam not a long time ago? Some angry SJWs tried to censor them. This resulted in a big outrage involving thousands of people who still wanted to continue buying the controversial games and eventually the SJWs lost. Steam was convinced not to bend their knees to unjustified censorship by a minority of offended people. There is a lesson to be learned here.


One more thing I want to add: Keep in mind that the anger of the people that hate your game can be used for your advantage. There is no such thing as bad advertisement, right? The angry people might scare some customers away, but their noise will also raise awareness that this game exist. So think positively.


Also here is some reading material regarding the SJWs attacking Steam a few years ago: Petition created by the people outraged by the attempted censorship https://www.change.org/p/valve-software-do-not-remove-huniepop-and-other-sexual-content-games-from-steam . Steam's official response to that https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1666776116200553082 . In the end of the day the failed attempt of censorship only improved the situation for the games. Steam doesn't force the game devs to censor nudity anymore. And according to their statement they don't want to censor anything offensive in general unless the material in question is clearly against the law. In theory you could release your demo on Steam as well and Steam will not censor it except in countries where there are laws in conflict with the game.


Yes, I remember! I also remember a lot of people buying "Hatred" after a lot of websites ran articles saying that it was an evil game that shouldn't be supported. Thanks again for your support!!


I think it would be a mistake to release an early access game too early. People want to buy a finished product. They don't want to buy a game that's going to remain in early access for years. I don't think this game is close to being presentable. Atleast not with a price tag.

Jade Annabel

Hey I said on your blog that I didn't have the money to be a patron, but I just learned that a twitch streamer I haven't watched in three months was auto resubbing me, so turns out I DO have some spare cash. I wanted to show my support when so much hate is going around, I fell in love with your game six years ago, and I still love it today. If you ever need some free art, hmu, I'm doing a bunch of college work rn but I'll make time to help out my fave developer <3


YandereDev! YandereDev! I know that you didn't want to hear additional ideas, but here is an idea anyway. You could add some more fuel to the fire if you wanted to like this. You need to add a typical SJW character to the demo. One that looks at the different anime posters in the school and his/her first reaction is: "OMG! This is pornography! This is indecent! This glorifies violence! How do they allow this to be in a school? This is pure evil! This must be censored! This must be banned!" And there absolutely must be a way to... well... violently get rid of that character in some hilarious provocative way. Like manipulating some character obsessed with erotic/violent video games into attacking that SJW character with an axe or a chainsaw or something like that. Or an alternative might be a rumor among the students that there was a rape and murder somewhere in the imaginary background that the player never gets to see. Successfully getting rid of that character in that way should count as some special hidden Easter egg of the game.


Also maybe it's a good time to make another video regarding the development progress. We know that you don't want to be distracted from finalizing the demo, but the audience wants to see some stuff from time to time and we didn't see any progress videos in a while. And there is nothing wrong with asking for help. There are tons of people out there who are ready to support you. You just need to let them know that now is a good time. And watching videos is more interesting then just reading some text.


Even if a video doesn't show any actual progress and explains what is standing in the way of progress instead it's still a progress video and it's still interesting to watch.


Took a look at all that stuff aimed against YanDev that is circulating out there. 90% of it is obviously some silly garbage that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. Taking a look at the remaining 10% made me think: "Oohkay, maaaybe they have some small points here and there." But that stuff just wasn't convincing enough to make me stop supporting YanDev either. I don't mind the slow progress. We need to keep in mind that for the most part the game is made by one single person. And there is only so much one person can do in a certain amount of time. I've seen the progress videos and I think that as one person the YanDev is doing pretty well. He's progress speed actually outpaces what I'd expect from one single person. I don't mind that the game/demo still isn't ready. Yes, it already took many years, but the demo is very close to being ready. And then again, it's a complex 3D game made by one single person, not some simple 2D garbage. It's realistic for something like this to take several years. This isn't comparable to DNF that took 14 years, since DNF was developed by large teams and not one person. I don't mind that the code isn't very clean. Yes, a developer should learn to write clean code over time in order to make it better maintainable and speed up the development process. But since I will be only playing the game it's not my problem to have to deal with any of that. I only care about the game itself and I think that the development is doing pretty well despite all that. I don't mind that some people made a clone of YanSim and supposedly did it in "two weeks". Any person that isn't blind should be able to see that all the complexity of YanSim that was created so far isn't something that can be done again in only two weeks even in a team. The videos of that clone fail to demonstrate a complexity that beats or is even on par with the current YanSim. I guess that's because in the clone that complexity simply isn't there. I don't mind about all that stuff done by the YanDev that can be interpreted as something wrong on the moral level. The morality itself is very ambiguous and very subjective. By default people are free to do whatever they want to. There are a few exceptions where it makes sense to restrict that freedom by means of enforced morals and prohibitions. This is why there are laws. In democratic countries the people elect the lawmakers. As a result the laws reflect the will of the majority of the people. The lack of a law against something is a clear sign that the majority of the people do not want this something to be forbidden. So it's none of our business what YanDev is doing and what kind of choices he is making as long as he doesn't break any laws. And all the minor morally ambiguous stuff he might have done isn't automatically something morally wrong. All of us do morally ambiguous stuff from time to time. That's all I have to say for now. YanDev, MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE!!1


Thank you...it means a lot to me to hear words like that right now, and I hope that there are many other people like you, who have such a reasonable stance towards the situation.