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Hi! I'm still regularly updating the game. You can check yanderedev.wordpress.com for the latest news.  My most recent blog post contains some very optimistic info!

However, what I've been asked to talk about today is something entirely different. I don't usually make posts to address rumors, but I think it's worth it to nip this one in the bud.

Recently, someone posted to twitter that Yandere Simulator's source code has been "leaked". Is that claim true? Well, no, not really.

For years, it has been possible to use free programs like dnSpy to look at a game's code. People have been using dnSpy to look at Yandere Simulator's code for years. Multiple times in the past, people have made the game's code publicly available through GitHub repositories. This isn't a shocking development.

When I create a build of Yandere Simulator, the game's source code is compiled. When you use a program like dnSpy to view the game's scripts, you are viewing decompiled code. People do not have access to the game's actual source code, just decompiled code.

If I actually had a problem with people viewing the game's code, I would have used a process called "obfuscation" to hide the code so that  nobody could ever decompile it. I didn't obfuscate the code, because I  have nothing to hide.

To prevent people from modding the game to gain full access to all upcoming Osana content before Osana is ready, there are plenty of scripts and functions that  are not included in the builds that I release to the public. So, not only are people viewing decompiled code, they're also completely unaware of how much code is not even included in the public builds of the game.

Aside from that, though...it's not like someone can just drag-and-drop the scripts into Unity  and instantly begin making a Yandere Simulator clone. Having a bunch of decompiled scripts means nothing. Without the scenes, assets, prefabs, references, plugins, etc, you can't actually do anything significant with that code.

By the way, the current state of the game's code doesn't represent what the final code will look like, so it's kind of pointless to judge the  current code at this point in time. The code is constantly changing on a daily basis as I make frequent optimizations and improvements.

"YandereDev's code was LEAKED! He's FINISHED!" is a fun and entertaining narrative. "People have been putting decompiled scripts onto the Internet for years, this is not a big deal" is a boring narrative.

People will always choose the more entertaining narrative...even when it's completely false.



Yandere-Dev, you're a bad ass.

Evan Downing

This game development stuff is very interesting! It's also refreshing to know that your 6 years of work won't be affected.


I guess I'll wait for the next update post then.... Look I get it, it's good to clear the air. But it's also good to see information to be excited or hopeful about. A lot of clear the air posts bring to light negative press that some people don't even need to know or care about. Anyone with any form of game knowledge would know that the code leaked was nothing to worry about. So why bother having to clear the air if it would make no difference not doing so?

Hentai Agent

Yea. People that do this are usually just trying to sour your milk.


People seriously just read the headlines and that's it!


I felt like this was a rare instance when clearing the air would make a significant difference. Also, as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, if you're looking for stuff to be excited and hopeful about, please check my blog yanderedev.wordpress.com


I think any long standing game project have a lot of stuff to learn from, so being too secretive kills fun. So as kids like to look into the code I think you could explain some tricks, to them.


Source code is also incredibly hard to read and understand. While not common, commercial games have released their source code to the public. Source diving to learn how a single specific thing is done is one thing, but in practice someone else's source code is about as useful to a programmer as someone else's novel is to a writer.


I saw Yandere Simulator trending on Twitter over this. People really are gullible. At this point I could say "YandereDev hates puppies and ice cream" and they'd believe it just to have an excuse to attack you.


I'm always excited to read anything from you, tbh xD not saying this is as exciting as a vid or new update, but just knowing you're hard at work is exciting. People just want to try to rain on your project because of how far you've come, they're jealous and wish they had the dedication to their craft that you do!


Not really otherwise Open Source movement would not exist.

Erik Schwarz

YandereDev's code was LEAKED! is uploading all 6 months on Youtube and I always wonder who clicks on something like that


If I'm annoyed by youtube videos claiming "Yanderesim code leaked" or "Yanderedev cannot program", I cannot imagine how you feel. My bf was actually furious over a specific youtuber(who wore a dinosaur head/mask), who either lied or really didn't know anything about code and programming.