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I've established the tradition of writing a "Transparency" report at the beginning of each year. In these reports, I describe how I spent the money that I received through Patreon. So far, there has been a transparency report for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Now that we're at the beginning of a new year, I suppose it would be appropriate to write a new transparency report!

Several years ago, it was decided that, no matter how much money I make through Patreon, my personal monthly salary would be capped at $3,500, and any money past $3,500 would be stored as a surplus so that it can be used to compensate volunteers. Last year, this surplus was at $26,027.16.

Here is how much money was raised over the course of 2019: 

  • January - $3,657.68
  • February - $3,126.72
  • March - $2,997.51
  • April - $2,947.31
  • May - $2,648.02
  • June - $2,411.19
  • July - $2,483.16
  • August - $2,623.87
  • September - $2,451.59
  • October - $2,514.78
  • November - $2,617.50
  • December - $2,371.41

That's a total of $32,850.74. Because there was only one month of the year when I received more than $3.5k in a single month, only $157.68 went into the surplus for paying volunteers, bringing the total to $26,184.84.

In 2018, seven volunteers received compensation. However, in 2019, there were very few assets I needed from volunteers; the majority of the work that needed to be done was on me, not on others. As a result, there were only 4 people who required payment:

  • Sheltor - $200 (3D Modelling and 3D Animations)
  • Hayden - $148 (Voice Acting)
  • Brittany Lauda - $425 (Voice Acting) 
  • Dibur - $1,100 (Music)

That's $1,873 in total. Subtract that from $26,184.84, and the surplus is currently at $24,311.84.

As I mentioned in my most recent video, Osana is basically complete, and I'm currently testing each of her features so that she's ready to be released. Sometime in the first quarter of this year, Yandere Simulator will graduate from being a "debug sandbox" to having an actual "official demo". After that, I'll launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money to pay a team of professionals to finish the game.

A detailed roadmap can be seen here: https://funkyimg.com/i/2WCDt.jpg

If you have any questions about anything I mentioned in this blog post, you're welcome to ask in the comments below!

Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator!



Good work yandere dev !Wish you the best of luck !


Amazing job YanDev, we're here for you. I wish you the best!


Hey there YandereDev, I saw the other day on Twitter that you seemed a bit troubled. Just wanted to let you know that I'm a fan who's happy to support you. People only carp from the sidelines when they can't achieve anything themselves, you've a level above them. :)


Im very sorry for all the shit you are going through. Cant wait for the game to be finished.